Lately, I've been using Visual Studio Code to create TypeScript projects.

When working with TypeScript, I always create a file with ".ts" extension and allow the TypeScript Compiler to create a ".js" and a ".map" file. It's rare that I ever open the js or map files, let alone modify them. In fact, it's a fool's errand to modify these files because they will be overwritten the next time the ".js" file changes.

So it is generally easier to work with a TypeScript project if I don't even see these files.

Visual Studio Code allows me to hide files in a project. To do so, select File | Preferences | Workplace Settings.

This creates a ".vscode" folder in the root of my project and adds a file named "settings.json" to this folder. In settings.json, add the following code:

"files.exclude": {
"**/*.js": true,
"**/*.map": true

Of course, you can add any file mask to this "files.exclude" extension to hide specific files or folders.

File matching patterns are described in this Help topic.

Save this file and the specified files will remain on disc but will not clutter the left pane of Visual Studio Code.