.Net (93)  ● .NET Core (12)  ● Accessibility (2)  ● Active Directory (2)  ● ADX (20)  ● Agile (19)  ● AI (70)  ● Ajax (1)  ● ALM (26)  ● AngularJS (17)  ● Apps (28)  ● Architecture (31)  ● ASP.NET (50)  ● Azure (373)  ● Azure Active Directory (3)  ● Azure Functions (19)  ● Azure Media Services (19)  ● Azure Mobile Services (10)  ● Azure Search (6)  ● Back To Basics (26)  ● Books (423)  ● Bots (9)  ● Business (9)  ● C# (33)  ● Channel9 (6)  ● Cloud Computing (65)  ● Cognitive Services (34)  ● Community (241)  ● Containers (12)  ● Continuous Integration (5)  ● Copilot (15)  ● Data Science (33)  ● Data Visualization (9)  ● Database (92)  ● Databricks (5)  ● DevOps (40)  ● DevRadio (21)  ● Diversity (4)  ● Docker (4)  ● F# (5)  ● Family (5)  ● Games (8)  ● GCast (208)  ● git (2)  ● GitHub (15)  ● Give Camp (7)  ● Gratitudes (139)  ● Grok Talk (3)  ● Hackathons (10)  ● Hardware (3)  ● HTML5 (14)  ● Humor (4)  ● IAAS (6)  ● Infrastructure (6)  ● Interviews (459)  ● IoT (23)  ● Java (36)  ● JavaScript (69)  ● jQuery (12)  ● Key Vault (5)  ● LINQ (2)  ● Live Mesh (1)  ● Live Services (1)  ● Logic Apps (3)  ● Machine Learning (1)  ● MEF (15)  ● Metro (1)  ● Microsoft (47)  ● Microsoft Bot Framework (10)  ● Microsoft Office (20)  ● Microsoft Partners (5)  ● MinIO (9)  ● Mixed Reality (2)  ● Mobility (34)  ● Monitoring (21)  ● Movies (1)  ● Music (142)  ● MVC (18)  ● Networks (1)  ● node (5)  ● OOP (8)  ● OSS (13)  ● Personal (220)  ● Phone (16)  ● Photos (6)  ● Podcasts (9)  ● Power Automate (6)  ● Power Platform (2)  ● PowerShell (8)  ● ProjectOxford (21)  ● Public Speaking (114)  ● Python (1)  ● robotics (4)  ● Ruby (2)  ● Screencast (183)  ● Security (77)  ● SharePoint (5)  ● Silverlight (6)  ● Soft skills (98)  ● Sogeti (3)  ● Sports (3)  ● SQL Server (48)  ● SSRS (2)  ● Startups (26)  ● Students (23)  ● Teams (8)  ● Tech (34)  ● Technology and Friends (814)  ● Testing (32)  ● TFS (3)  ● Theatre (52)  ● Tools (4)  ● Travel (33)  ● User Stories (1)  ● Velocity (5)  ● Video (977)  ● Visual Studio (37)  ● VSTS (14)  ● WCF (3)  ● Web (90)  ● Windows (18)  ● Windows10 (9)  ● Windows8 (25)  ● Workflow (9)  ● Xamarin (5)  ●

.Net (93)

GCast 181: Using the .NET SDK to Create and Manage .NET Projects
Text-to-Speech Using the AI Speech Service
GCast 177: Getting Started with NET Aspire
Jeff Fritz on .NET Conf
Reflections on My Introduction to .NET on Its 20th Anniversary
Joe Kunk on SQL+.NET
GCast 110: Renaming Projects and Folders in a Visual Studio Solution
J Tower on the .NET CLI
Walt Ritscher on Try .NET
Phil Japikse on .NET Core Support Cycle
Episode 580: Jason Bock on .NET Core 3
Passing a binary file to a web service from a .NET app
Jon Galloway on the .NET Foundation
J Tower on .NET Standard
Mike Benkovich on Visual Studio 2019
Jeremy Miller on Automated Testing in .NET Core
Jon Skeet on Versioning
John Azariah on Quantum Computing
Using C# to FTP a File
Gael Fraiteur on PostSharp 5.0
Nick Landry on .NET Framework and .NET Core
Ed Charbeneau on Expressions in .NET
Rocking with Elvis: The C# Null Coalescing Operator
Alex Turner on .NET Async
Patrick Delancy on .NET Memory Management
Calling an External Assembly from SSRS
Samidip Basu on Windows 8
Scott Hanselman on Visual Studio 2012
Pete Brown on .NET Gadgeteer
Getting Started With Coded UI Tests
Gael Fraiteur on Aspect-Oriented Programming
Jeff Fritz on QUnit-Metro
Mark Defalco on Project Detroit
Gael Fraiteur user group tour
More Free Stuff from Microsoft
Encrypting and Decrypting application config sections
Kathleen Dollard at GANG: .NET Framework Core Features
Moving Config Sections to External Files
GANG10: Godfrey Nolan on Executable Requirements or BDD in .NET
GANG10: Bill Wagner on Async
Seth Juarez at GANG: Machine Learning
Dustin Campbell on Roslyn
Passing Parameters to SQL Server
Mads Torgersen on CSharp 5
Creating a SharePoint Full Trust Proxy
Stephen Walther on the Ajax toolkit
Seth Juarez on Kinect Development
Justin Etheridge on LINQ
Pickering, Marinos, and Minerich on F#
Kevin Pilch-Bisson on Asynchronous Programming in the next versions of C# and VB
Josh Holmes on WebMatrix
John Hopkins and Jason Follas on the Ann Arbor Day of .Net
Debbie Must on Deployment
Unit Testing Private Methods
TimeOuts in ADO.Net
Stephen Toub on Parallel Computing
Writing a Windows Service in .Net
Stephen Toub talks Parallel Computing in Southfield October 30
Chris Woodruff on RIA Services
HopeMongers helps people help the needy of the world
David Truxall on Debugging
Sogeti Grok Talk online: Debugging with WinDbg
Nathan Blevins on Microsoft Robotics Studio
Phil Japikse on HopeMongers.org
Extensions Methods in C#
Automatically PING a URL
Why MEF?
Use Microsoft SkyDrive to share files
Central Ohio Day of .Net recap
Speaking at Central Ohio Day of .Net
Randy Pagels on Visual Studio Team System
The Basics of Caching and Microsoft Velocity
Phil Japikse on Application Deployment
Speaking at Day of .Net Oct 18
MEF and Velocity slides
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - September 2008 and Beyond
Speaking in Toledo next week
MVC Tutorial 3: Using an ID to specify an individual model object
MVC Tutorial 2: Adding custom models, views and controllers
Visual Studio cannot shut down because a modal dialog is open
MVC Tutorial 1: The ASP.Net MVC Sample app demystified
Overview of Microsoft ASP.Net MVC
Dave's Data Dude series
Data Dude tutorial 5 - Using the Data Compare tool
Data Dude tutorial 4 - Writing Database Unit Tests
Data Dude tutorial 3 - Using Schema Compare tool to deploy database changes
Data Dude tutorial 2 - Using Schema Compare tool to update a database project
Data Dude tutorial 1 - Creating a database project
The Goodness of Data Dude
Microsoft Distributed Cache, aka "Velocity"
Managed Extensibility Framework
Launch recap
'Heroes Happen Here' comes to Detroit

.NET Core (12)

GCast 181: Using the .NET SDK to Create and Manage .NET Projects
Text-to-Speech Using the AI Speech Service
GCast 177: Getting Started with NET Aspire
GCast 157: Using the Application Insights .NET SDK
J. Tower on Migrating Legacy ASP.NET Applications
Mark Downie on DasBlog
Jeff Fritz on .NET Conf
Managing Key Vault Secrets from a .NET Console App
Dave Pine on NET 5 and the Docs team
Jeff Fritz on Migrating from Web Forms to Blazor
Phil Japikse on .NET Core Support Cycle
Jeremy Likness on Blazor

Accessibility (2)

Shane Jones on Writing an App for the Vision Impaired
Chris DeMars on Accessibility

Active Directory (2)

GCast 146: Granting YouTube Permissions to Other Users
GCast 143: Invite External Users to Azure Active Directory

ADX (20)

Henning Rauch and Vincent Philippe Lauzon on Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer Articles and Videos
GCast 123: Ingesting Into an ADX Table From an Azure Storage Blob
GCast 122: Azure Data Explorer Materialized Views
Ingesting Data from Azure Storage Blobs into an ADX Table
ADX User-Defined Scalar Functions
GCast 121: Analyzing Geographic Data with KQL
Working with ADX Materialized Views
GCast 120: Analyzing Time Series Data with KQL
Geo Functions in KQL
Analyzing ADX Time Series Data with KQL
GCast 119: Kusto Query Language Basics
Kusto Query Language Basics
Using ADX Commands to Manage ADX Tables
GCast 118: Managing Azure Data Explorer Tables with ADX Commands
Creating an Azure Data Explorer Table
Creating an ADX Database
Creating an Azure Data Explorer Cluster
The Advantages of Azure Data Explorer
GCast 117: Getting Started with Azure Data Explorer

Agile (19)

John Petersen on How Scrum was Stolen
How and Why to Write a Status Report
The Agile Manifesto
My Journey to Agile
"Agile Retrospectives" by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen
Chris Klug on Software Development Up-Front Planning
Angela Dugan on Project Retrospectives
Doc Norton on Software Project Metrics
Peter Leeson on Organizational Change
Introducing Team Foundation Service - a hosted ALM solution
"Continuous Integration in .NET" by Marcin Kawalerowicz and Craig Berntson
"Clean Code" by Robert C. Martin
Todd Kaufman on Limitations of Agile
GANG10: Godfrey Nolan on Executable Requirements or BDD in .NET
Steve Bohlen on Agile Methods
Phil Japikse on Agile
"Lean Software Development – An Agile Toolkit" by Tom and Mary Poppendieck
Kirstin Juhl on Lean Manufacturing vs Lean Software Development
Advantages of agile sprints

AI (70)

GCast 188: Creating a Copilot Agent with Copilot Studio
GCast 187: Creating Azure AI Services
GCast 186: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft OneDrive
Jennifer Marsman on Generative AI and the Office of the CTO
GCast 185: Using Copilot Pages
Michelle Frost on Sociotechnical approaches to AI
GCast 184: Using M365 Copilot with Excel
Esteban Garcia on Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot
GCast 183: Using Copilot for M365 with Microsoft OneDrive
GCast 182: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio Custom Classification Model
Prasanna Pendse on Getting AI into Production
Rob Bogue on Getting the Most Out of RAG with Copilot for M365
GCast 180: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Outlook EmailsEnter a post title
Speech-to-Text Using the AI Speech Service
Text-to-Speech Using the AI Speech Service
GCast 179: Using Copilot for M365 and MS Graph
Creating an Azure AI Speech Service
Michelle Sandford on Responsible AI
GCast 176: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio
Raj Krishnan on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
GCast 175: Getting Started with Azure OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Studio
Chris Nicholas on Enterprise Acceleration of AI
GCast 174: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Teams
Scott Kramer and Randy Dojutrek on The impact of AI on Tech Jobs
GCast 173: Creating an AI Solution with Copilot Studio
GCast 171: Making GitHub Copilot Use Your Coding Standards
Jordan Thayer on the AI Landscape
GCast 170: Getting Started with GitHub Copilot
Cameron Turner on Predictive and Generative AI
Preparing for the Microsoft AI-102 Exam
D'Arcy Lussier on Microsoft's OpenAI Journey and Strategy
Nisaini Rexach on AI in Education
Mike Richter on Taking AI Apps to Production on Azure
Creating an Azure Machine Learning Workspace
A Brief Overview of Responsible AI
Understanding the Types of Artificial Intelligence
Nikki Conley on Video Indexer
GCast 149: Having Fun with ChatGPT
GCast 148: Working with ChatGPT
Chander Dhall on AI in Azure, Google, and AWS
Michael Mishal on Reinforcement Learning
Jeff Blankenburg on AI Assistants in the Future
Nick Kwiatkowski on Dialogflow CX
Sam Nasr on Cognitive Services
Ovetta Sampson on Mindful and Ethical AI
GCast 109: Using the Video Indexer AI Tool
Matthew Renze on the AI Developers Toolkit
Kevin Ashley on AI for Design Art and Games
Alexandria Storm on Natural Language Processing and Inclusion
Irma Mesa on Cafecito
Damian Brady on MLOps
Martin Kearn on Document Recognition and Knowledge Extraction
GCast 65: AI, Whale Sharks, and WildBook
GCast 63: Sentiment Analysis JavaScript Demo
GCast 62: Sentiment Analysis Cognitive Service
A Sample JavaScript App Using the Bing Spell Check API
Calling the Bing Spell Check Service
Creating a Bing Spell Check Service
GCast 59: Cognitive Services Text Recognition service
John Alexander on ML.NET
Calling Cognitive Services OCR Service from a .NET Application
Using the Cognitive Services OCR Service
Getting Started with the Cognitive Services Computer Vision API
Jennifer Marsman on AI for Earth
GCast 32: Handwriting OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 31: OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 30: Creating Applications with the Analyze Image Cognitive Services API
Introducing Cognitive Services and Computer Vision
GCast 28: Natural Language Processing with LUIS
Silviu Niculita on Chatbots

Ajax (1)

Using the Google Directions API

ALM (26)

Valerie Gurka on Documentation in Software Engineering
Hillel Wayne on TLA+
GCast 163: Getting Started with GitHub
Oren Eini on Building Projects that Endure
Some Excellent Code Review Articles
What are Code Reviews, Why Should We Spend Time on Them, and How Can We Improve Them?
GCast 74: Continuous Deployment with Azure DevOps
GCast 73: Build an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline
GCast 72: Creating an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
GCast 71: Integrating Visual Studio Solution with Azure DevOps Repo
Integrating VSTS, Azure Web Apps, Visual Studio, and ASP.NET
Configuring Automatic Deployment from VSTS to an Azure Web App
Creating an ASP.NET Web Project and Storing code in a VSTS Git Repository
Creating a Team Project in Azure
Peter Leeson on Quality
Kasia Mrowca on Feature Gluttony
Mike Benkovich on Visual Studio Team Services
My Common Git Commands
Doc Norton on Software Project Metrics
G-Cast 6: Deploying to an Azure Web App from a Local Git Repository
Creating a New GitHub Repository
Introducing Team Foundation Service - a hosted ALM solution
GANG10: Godfrey Nolan on Executable Requirements or BDD in .NET
Todd Anglin on HTML5
Debbie Must on Deployment
Tim Wingfield on Kanban

AngularJS (17)

GCast 50: Angular pt 9: Incremental Search
GCast 49: Angular pt 8: HTTP
GCast 48: Angular pt 7: Routing
GCast 47: Angular pt 6: Services
GCast 46: Angular pt 5: Master Detail Components
GCast 44: Angular pt 3: The Hero Editor
GCast 43: Angular pt 2: The Application Shell
GCast 42: Angular pt 1: Getting Started
Miguel Castro on Building AngularJS Component-Based Applications
Jonathan Mills on Angular CLI
Video: AngularJ presentation at Northwest Chicago JavaScript meetup
AngularJS and TypeScript presentation at GeekFest
George Saadeh on Angular 2
AngularJS 1.x, Part 4: The ng-repeat directive
AngularJS 1.x, Part 3: 2-Way Data Binding
AngularJS 1.x, Part 2: Controllers
AngularJS 1.x, Part 1: Introducing Angular

Apps (28)

Creating a Web App as an Azure App Service
Richard Taylor on the Microsoft Revenue Recognition System
Apps of the Week
App of the Week - Roots of Life
App of the Week - Parent Pathway
App of the Week - The Onion
App of the Week - Glorious Maximus
App of the Week - Chili's
App of the Week - Simple Music Player
Lance McCarthy on App Studio
App of the Week - Anti-telemarketer Soundboard
Apps of the Week - Spinach Top
App of the Week - Hidden Garden
My First DevRadio: An interview with Paul DeCarlo
App of the Week - Tweetium
App of the Week - Spelling Champion
App of the Week - Are We There Yet?
App of the Week - Apps from a Southfield Hackathon
App of the Week - College Fight Songs
App of the Week: Leap2
App of the Week - Where is Santa?
App of the Week: Leap2
App of the Week: Thumbs Up Wine Finder
App of the Week: 3 books with readers
Download Apps to Help MIGANG Win Prizes
App of the Week - A Taste For Slow Cooker
App of the Week: Road Runner Jump
App of the Week: Word Guesser

Architecture (31)

Ben Kotvis on Modernizing Enterprise Applications
Rocky Lhotka on Designing Distributed Systems
John Burns on Platform Engineering
Steve Smith on Clean Architecture
Increasing Developer Velocity
Oren Eini on Building Projects that Endure
Andy Huang on Application Resiliency
Jimmy Bogard on Vertical Slice Architecture and MediatR
The Azure Well-Architected Framework Provides Guidance for Building, Deploying, and Maintaining a Robust Cloud App
Barry Stahl on Patterns for Reliable Systems
Gavin Bauman on SonarQube
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud Adoption Framework
Chris Klug on Software Development Up-Front Planning
Kevin Gates on Cloud Architecture
Eric Boyd on Microservices
Robert Martin on Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming
Kevin Grossnicklaus on API Design
SQL vs NoSQL: Which is better?
Francis Cheung on Prism
Francis Cheung on Prism
Dino Esposito on Do's and Don't's of Software Projects
Jimmy Bogard on Composite UIs
Craig Berntson on Software Gardening
Steve Smith at GANG: Common Design Patterns
'Software Estimation' by Steve McConnell
Cameron Skinner on Visual Studio 2010 Architecture Tools
Cameron Skinner in Michigan
"Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#" by Robert C Martin and Micah Martin
Mike Wood and James Bender on NPlus1
Simple Architectures for Complex Enterprises
NPlus1 Architecture Summit is coming

ASP.NET (50)

GCast 177: Getting Started with NET Aspire
J. Tower on Migrating Legacy ASP.NET Applications
Using the .NET CLI to Create an ASP.NET MVC Application
GCast 154: Creating an ASP.NET MVC Application from the Command Line
Ed Charbeneau on Blazor Testing
Jeff Fritz on Migrating from Web Forms to Blazor
Jeremy Likness on Blazor
Kevin Griffin on Whats New in SignalR
Jon Skeet on Versioning
Restart an ASP.NET Site with FTP and a Batch File
Jay Harris on Web Development Tools
Scott Addie on Migrating to ASP.NET Core
Abi Iyer and Jen Anderson on Azure support for Red Hat Linux
Jeff Fritz on the Current State of Web Forms
Raffaele Rialdi on Security in ASP.NET Core
Shahed Chowdhuri on ASP.NET Core
Kevin Griffin on Improving ASP.NET Performance
Interview with Jeff Fritz about ASP.NET 5
Ondrej Balas on OWIN
Mads Kristensen on Web Essentials
A Free Web Camp is coming to a city near you
Jeff Fritz on ASP.NET 5
Nik Molnar on Glimpse
Ward Bell on Breeze
Chris Love on Modern Web in the Enterprise
Tiberiu Covaci on Debugging ASP.NET Applications
John Papa on Single Page Applications
Jeff Fritz on MVC vs Web Forms
Mark Dunn on ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Views
Jay Harris on MVC View Engines
Scott Hanselman on Visual Studio 2012
aspConf Demos and Slides
Troy Hunt on ASP.NET Security
Scott Hunter on ASP.NET 4.5
Shaun Walker and Joe Brinkman on DNN and Razor
J Wynia on Spark View Engine
Jeff McWherter and Ben Hall on Testing
Sai Naik on the benefits of SharePoint
Controllers in ASP.NET MVC
Views in ASP.NET MVC
Routing URLs in ASP.NET MVC
Formatting an HTML page in DasBlog
MVC Tutorial 3: Using an ID to specify an individual model object
MVC Tutorial 2: Adding custom models, views and controllers
MVC Tutorial 1: The ASP.Net MVC Sample app demystified
Overview of Microsoft ASP.Net MVC
Sorting a GridView bound to a generic List
Ajax controls and page events
Prompting user to save changes when navigating away from a page

Azure (373)

GCast 187: Creating Azure AI Services
Justine Cocchi on Building Applications using Azure Cosmos DB
Speech-to-Text Using the AI Speech Service
Text-to-Speech Using the AI Speech Service
Creating an Azure AI Speech Service
GCast 175: Getting Started with Azure OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Studio
GCast 162: Managing Azure Subscriptions
GCast 160: Azure Monitor Diagnostic Settings
GCast 159: Building and Editing an Azure Application Insights Dashboard
GCast 158: Azure Application Insights Alerts
Mike Richter on Taking AI Apps to Production on Azure
Juan Llovet de Casso on Microsoft Fabric
GCast 157: Using the Application Insights .NET SDK
GCast 156: Configuring Azure Monitoring for App Services, Functions, and VMs
Creating an Azure Machine Learning Workspace
GCast 155: Overview of Azure Monitor and Application Insights
Azure Monitoring Articles
Azure Application Insights Log Archiving and Retention
Building an Application Insights Dashboard
Creating an Azure Monitor Alert Action Group
Creating an Azure Monitor Alert Rule
Azure Monitor Alerts Overview
GCast 153: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 3: Publishing the Container Offer
Enabling Diagnostic on an Azure SQL Managed Instance
Adding Application Insights Logging to an ASP.NET app using the .NET SDK
Creating an Azure Application Insights Service in the Azure Portal
Creating An Azure Web App
Enabling Azure Application Insights on an Azure Virtual Machine
Enabling Azure Application Insights for an App Service
GCast 152: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 2: Creating a CNAB Bundle
Andy Huang on Application Resiliency
GCast 151: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 2: Deploying the Containers
GCast 150: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 1: Creating and running containers locally
Tommy Falgout on the Azure Marketplace and Transactable Containers
Eldert Grootenboer on Azure Service Bus
GCast 147: Creating and Deploying an Azure Spring App
Haider Ghany on Azure Data Centers
GCast 145: Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
GCast 144: Managing Azure Active Directory Groups
Deploying a Spring Application to Azure Spring Apps
Adding an Azure Spring App to an Azure Spring App Service
GCast 143: Invite External Users to Azure Active Directory
Creating an Azure Spring Apps Service
GCast 142: Security Defaults in Azure Active Directory
GCast 141: Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
Adding Users to an Azure Active Directory Group
GCast 140: Using the Microsoft Graph API
Creating an Azure Active Directory Group
Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
Invite External Azure Active Directory User
GCast 139: Creating a JWT Bearer Token with Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory Security Defaults
Implementing Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
Himanshu Rao on Reliability, Performance, and Scalability in the Cloud
GCast 138: Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an Application Registration
GCast 137: Registering an Application with Azure Active Directory
GCast 136: Creating an Azure Active Directory User
Azure Identity Management with Microsoft Graph
Connecting an Azure Application Gateway to App Services
Creating a Web App as an Azure App Service
Registering an Azure Account Subscription
Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
GCast 135: Deploying a Web App to Azure from VS Code
Using the MS Graph API
Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an App Registration
Creating a JWT Bearer Token
Generating a Client Secret for an Azure Application
Creating a new Active Directory User
GCast 133: Configuring an Azure App Service Identity Provider
GCast 132: Managing Azure Key Vault Secrets from a .NET App
Brian Gorman on Messaging, Queueing, and Eventing in Azure
GCast 130: Creating an Azure Key Vault
Creating an Azure Application Insights Service
Configuring an Identity Provider in an Azure App Service
Deploying a Web App to Azure from Visual Studio Code
Managing Key Vault Secrets from a .NET Console App
Registering an Application in Azure AD
Creating an Azure Key Vault Secret in the Portal
Creating an Azure Key Vault
The Azure Well-Architected Framework Provides Guidance for Building, Deploying, and Maintaining a Robust Cloud App
Henning Rauch and Vincent Philippe Lauzon on Azure Data Explorer
Douglas Starnes on Python and Azure
Shannon Kuehn on Workload Identity Federation
Azure Data Explorer Articles and Videos
Mihai Tataran on the Microsoft Azure Well Architected Framework
Ingesting Data from Azure Storage Blobs into an ADX Table
ADX User-Defined Scalar Functions
ADX User-Defined Tabular Data Functions
GCast 121: Analyzing Geographic Data with KQL
Working with ADX Materialized Views
GCast 120: Analyzing Time Series Data with KQL
Geo Functions in KQL
Analyzing ADX Time Series Data with KQL
GCast 119: Kusto Query Language Basics
Kusto Query Language Basics
Using ADX Commands to Manage ADX Tables
GCast 118: Managing Azure Data Explorer Tables with ADX Commands
Creating an Azure Data Explorer Table
Creating an ADX Database
Creating an Azure Data Explorer Cluster
The Advantages of Azure Data Explorer
GCast 117: Getting Started with Azure Data Explorer
GCast 116: Azure Active Directory B2C Token Generation With No User Interaction
Sam Nasr on Cognitive Services
GCast 115: Registering an Azure Account Subscription
GCast 114: Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
Eric Potter on Kusto Query Language
Shahed Chowdhuri on Azure Arc
Becky Gaudet on the Azure Commercial Marketplace
Joel Cochran on Azure Synapse
Azure Media Services articles and videos
GCast 109: Using the Video Indexer AI Tool
Dani Diaz on IoT and Azure Percept
Ted Neward on Technology Culture
Dave Hoerster on Azure Active Directory B2C
GCast 106: Audio Transcription and Captioning with Azure Media Services
Christos Matskas on Microsoft Identity Platform
GCast 105: Analyzing a Video with Azure Media Services
GCast 104: Sharing a Video Online with Azure Media Services
GCast 103: Encode a Video with Azure Media Services
Live Streaming with Azure Media Services
GCast 102: Video Files and Azure Media Services
Adding Captions and Subtitles to to an Azure Media Services Video Embedded in a Web Page
Audio Transcription with Azure Media Services
GCast 101: Azure Resource Groups
Analyzing Audio and Video with Azure Media Services
Adding an Adaptive Azure Media Services Video to a Web Page
Generate a Streaming URL with Azure Media Services
Encoding Videos and other Media with Azure Media Services
Uploading a File to Azure Media Services
An Introduction to Azure Media Services
Mike Benkovich on GitHub Actions and Visual Studio
GCast 98: Using the Azure Storage Explorer
Using Azure Resource Groups
Kyle Bunting and Joel Hulen on Data Engineering in Azure
Creating and using a MinIO Gateway for Azure
Omkar Naik on Microsoft Cloud for Health Care
Rik Hepworth on Azure Governance
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud Adoption Framework
GCast 95: Creating a MinIO Agent for Azure Blob Storage
Peter de Tender on Azure Certification
Donovan Brown on App Innovations
GCast 87: Logging to Azure Application Insights from a Java Spring Boot Application
Jaidev Kunjur on Azure Integration Tools
GCast 77: Connecting Azure Synapse to External Data
GCast 75: Creating an Azure SQL Server Logical Server
GCast 74: Continuous Deployment with Azure DevOps
Azure Integration Accounts and Logic Apps
Creating an Azure Logic App
GCast 73: Build an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline
Migrating a Power Automate Flow to an Azure Logic App
Comparing Azure Logic Apps with Microsoft Power Automate
GCast 71: Integrating Visual Studio Solution with Azure DevOps Repo
Tibi Covaci on Migrating to the Cloud
GCast 66: Creating a Repo in Azure DevOps
Raj Krishnan on Azure Data Explorer
GCast 63: Sentiment Analysis JavaScript Demo
GCast 62: Sentiment Analysis Cognitive Service
Creating an Azure SQL Data Warehouse
A Sample JavaScript App Using the Bing Spell Check API
Calling the Bing Spell Check Service
Creating a Bing Spell Check Service
Ruth Yakubu on Machine Learning tools in Azure
GCast 58: Creating and Deploying Azure Resources with ARM Templates
Databricks Articles
GCast 57: Azure Data Factory GitHub Deployment
Calling the "Recognize Text" Cognitive Service from a .NET Application
Converting Images to Text with the "Recognize Text" API
GCast 56: Azure Web App Deployment Slots
Databricks pt 3: Creating an Azure Databricks Notebook
Databricks pt 2: Creating an Azure Databricks Cluster
Databricks pt 1: Creating an Azure Databricks Service
GCast 55: GitHub Deployment to an Azure Web App
Linking an Azure Data Factory to a GitHub Repository
Laurent Bugnion on Migrating Data to Azure
Creating an Azure Data Factory and Pipeline
GCast 54: Azure Storage Replication
Getting Started with Azure Data Lake Storage
GCast 53: Creating a Data Warehouse in Azure
Calling Cognitive Services OCR Service from a .NET Application
Calling Cognitive Service OCR service from JavaScript
Elton Stoneman on Docker
Using the Cognitive Services OCR Service
GCast 51: Creating an Azure Container Instance
Getting Started with the Cognitive Services Computer Vision API
Eric Boyd on Microservices
David Makogon on Streaming Data
Guaranteed High Availability in Azure
Frank Gill on Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
Brent Stineman on the Evolution of Serverless
Azure Search REST API
Adding Devices to an Azure IoT Hub
Creating an Azure IoT Hub
GCast 38: Azure Search
The Power of The Internet of Things
Using the Azure Search REST API
GCast 37: Managing Blobs with the Azure Storage Explorer
Importing and Indexing Table Data in Azure Search
Creating an Azure Search Service
GCast 36: Managing Tables with the Azure Storage Explorer
Introducing Cognitive Services and Computer Vision
Elizabeth Graham on Azure Logic Apps
GCast 28: Natural Language Processing with LUIS
Alex Mang on Azure Durable Functions
GCast 27: QnAMaker
GCast 26: Creating a Chatbot in the Azure Portal
How to Create a Proxy for an Azure Function
GCast 24: Azure Function CosmosDB Binding
Configure Continuous Deployment of Azure Functions
Parallel Durable Azure Functions
Brady Gaster on Marketing Azure
Azure Durable Functions
GCast 23: Azure Logic Apps
CosmosDB binding in Azure Functions
Create a Function App in Visual Studio
Testing an Azure Function in the Azure Portal
GCast 22: Creating an Azure Function Proxy
Creating an Azure Function in the Azure Portal
Creating an Azure Function App in the Azure Portal
Azure Functions provide a simple, flexible way to deploy and execute code
GCast 21: Azure Functions Continuous Deployment
Creating an Azure CosmosDB account
GCast 20: Creating an Azure Function in Visual Studio
Rajasa Savant on Serverless Azure
Creating an Azure Function in the Azure Portal
GCast 18: Azure Data Factory
GCast 17: Azure CosmosDB with Other APIs
GCast 16: Azure CosmosDB with SQL API
GCast 15: Creating an Azure Web App
Calling a Microsoft Chatbot from a web page
Creating an Azure Storage Account
Installing Node Packages for Azure Functions
GCast 13: Azure Media Services - Closed Captioning
Using Azure Storage
GCast 12: Azure Media Services: Live Streaming
GCast 11: Azure Media Services - Uploading, Encoding, and Sharing a Video
Changing the Replication Type of an Azure Storage Account
Adding Closed Captions to a Video with Azure Media Services
Using Azure Media Services to Live Stream Video
Uploading, Encoding, and Sharing a Video with Azure Media Services
GCast 9: Azure Linux Virtual Machines
"How Cloud Computing Empowers a Data Scientist" at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
GCast 8: Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Storage Tiers explained
GCast 7: Azure MySQL Database
GCast 6: Azure SQL Database
GCast 5: Azure Databricks
GCast 4: Azure Notebooks
A Brief Intro to MySQL
Cloud Computing and Data Science at Chicago AI & Data Science Conference
GCast 3: Creating and Deploying a Predictive Web Services with Azure ML Studio
GCast 2: Azure Machine Learning Studio
GCast 1: A Lap Around Cloud and Azure
Adding a Disk to an Azure Virtual Machine
Creating an Azure Virtual Machine
Azure ML Studio Can Accelerate Building Machine Learning Solutions
Guillermo Bellman on Azure Service Fabric
The Azure Cloud Shell Empowers You to run Scripts in Your Browser
Radu Vunvulea on Surviving in the IoT World
DevRadio: Startup Stories: Fighting information overload with automated summarizations from Agolo
Anne Bougie on Azure Storage Options
Heather Downing on Alexa, Web API, and Azure
Jaidev Kunjur on Enterprise Integration
DevRadio:Microsoft Azure IP Advantage
Vibhu Bhutani on IoT Projects
Bryan Soltis on Azure Search
Big Data Tools in Azure
Jakub Jedryszek on the Azure Portal
Azure and the Modern Data Center
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Sally Buberman and Ignacio Lopez from Wormhole
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Victor Cintron, CEO of DimDrop
Raj Krishnan on the Azure Billing API
Startup CTOs on Azure
2016 Global Azure Boot Camp – Chicago Edition
Jeff Wilcox on What's New In Azure
Paul DeCarlo and Jeremy Foster on IoT Labs
Channel 9 interview about Azure Mobile Apps
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Oisin Kim, CEO of Webdoctor
Matt Winkler on Azure Data Lake
"Fundamentals of Azure" by Michael Collier and Robin Shahan
Andrew Duthie on Sensors and IoT
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Will Mallouk, CEO of Pixel Squad
GCast 10: Creating an Azure Web App
GCast 9: Creating an Azure Virtual Machine
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with Richard Conway from Elasta Games
Creating an Azure Storage Account
Chris Risner on ASPNET on Linux and Mac
G-Cast 8: Creating an Azure Storage Account
Look at Me: I’m Learning Machine Learning!
Channel 9 interview with Seth Juarez
DevRadio: Community Corner: An Interview with Andy Abott from BookedOut
MS Dev Show
G-Cast 7: Azure Storage Replication
Jason Young on IoT, Microsoft Band, and PowerPoint
Azure Storage Replication Options Explained
G-Cast 6: Deploying to an Azure Web App from a Local Git Repository
G-Cast 4: Azure Mobile Services, Part 4 – Adding your own table to a service
G-Cast 3: Azure Mobile Services, Part 3 – Implementing Single Sign-On
More Videos of Azure IAAS / PowerShell Labs
G-Cast 2: Azure Mobile Services, Part 2 – Creating the Sample Table and Client
G-Cast 1: Azure Mobile Services, Part 1 – Creating a Mobile Service
New Video Series: Hands-On Labs to Learn Azure IAAS Automation with Powershell
Featured Guest on Azure Podcast
Jennifer Marsman on Mind Reading and Machine Learning
Alex Mang on Application Insights
My Sessions from IT Camp Now Online
Andy Cross on Big Data in Azure
Microsoft Azure Without Microsoft
Kris Wagner on Hot Parties in Azure
Dave Voyles on Azure Media Services
Backing Up an Azure Web App
Creating an Azure Storage Account
Creating a Web Site from the Azure Management Portal
Josh Holmes on Nitrogen
Azure Mobile Services Articles and Videos
Azure Mobile Services Labs Now Available
Chris Risner on Azure Mobile Services Offline Data
Pipe Dreams and Hack10
Charlie Chapman and Azhar Salahuddin on Azure Notification Hubs
Tim Benroeck on Advanced Azure Web Sites
Azure Mobile Service, Part 9: Exploring a .NET Mobile Service
Azure Mobile Service, Part 8: Creating and Publishing a .NET Mobile Service
Azure Mobile Service, Part 7: Push Notifications
Azure Mobile Service, Part 6: Single-Sign-On
Azure Mobile Service, Part 5: Permissions
Azure Mobile Service, Part 4: Exploring the Sample Client Universal App
Azure Mobile Service, Part 3: “Create an App” wizard
Azure Mobile Service, Part 2: Creating a New Mobile Service
Azure Mobile Services, Part 1: Overview
Quickly Scaling Services with Azure
Adam Grocholski on Azure Command-Line Tools
Microsoft’s BizSpark program offers free software and Azure hours to startups
Michael Collier on How to Think About Azure
Adam Jones on Data in Azure
Build 2014 - Day 2 Keynote
David Chappell on Barriers to the Public Cloud
Magnus Martensson on Global Windows Azure Boot Camp
Eric Boyd on Scaling Windows Azure
Hoop Somuah on Azure Services for Halo
Brady Gaster on Azure Web Sites
Rachel Appel on Azure Mobile Services
Creating Azure Virtual Machines
Creating Azure Virtual Machines
Creating Windows Azure Web Sites
Josh Harrison on Azure Access Control service
Mark Bostleman on an Azure Proof of Concept
"Azure In Action" by Brian Prince and Chris Hay
Jeff Nuckolls on Infrastructure as a Service
Michael Collier on New Azure Features
Azure Storage video now online
Day of Azure video: Azure Q&A Experts Panel
Day of Azure video: Dennis Burton on node.js and Azure
Day of Azure video: Eric Boyd on BI In The Cloud
aspConf Demos and Slides
Day of Azure video: Jason Follas on Geospatial Data With Azure
Day of Azure video: Michael Collier on WP7 and Azure
Day of Azure Video: Mark Stanislav on Cloud Disaster Recovery
Day of Azure video: Brian Prince on Architectural Patterns For The Cloud
Day of Azure video: Michael Collier on The Hybrid Windows Azure Application
Day of Azure video: Joe Kunk on "Windows Azure Data Marketplace"
Day of Azure video: John Ferringer on "Office 365"
Day of Azure video: Jennifer Marsman presents "Writing Your First Azure App"
Day of Azure video: Jennifer Marsman presents "Azure 101"
Day of Azure 2012 Keynote Video: Brent Stineman presents "When? Where? Why? Cloud?"
Brent Stineman on Azure as a Financial Institution
Clemens Vasters on Azure Service Bus
Detroit Day of Azure is coming!
Glenn Block on node.js
Brian Prince presents A Lap Around Windows Azure at MIGANG
Brent Stineman on Azure Design Patterns
Mike Wood on Moving to the Cloud
Josef Finsel on Azure Table Storage
Jennifer Marsman on Windows Azure

Azure Active Directory (3)

GCast 145: Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
GCast 144: Managing Azure Active Directory Groups
GCast 143: Invite External Users to Azure Active Directory

Azure Functions (19)

GCast 59: Cognitive Services Text Recognition service
Brent Stineman on the Evolution of Serverless
Alex Mang on Azure Durable Functions
How to Create a Proxy for an Azure Function
GCast 24: Azure Function CosmosDB Binding
Configure Continuous Deployment of Azure Functions
Parallel Durable Azure Functions
Azure Durable Functions
CosmosDB binding in Azure Functions
Create a Function App in Visual Studio
Testing an Azure Function in the Azure Portal
GCast 22: Creating an Azure Function Proxy
Creating an Azure Function in the Azure Portal
Creating an Azure Function App in the Azure Portal
Azure Functions provide a simple, flexible way to deploy and execute code
GCast 21: Azure Functions Continuous Deployment
GCast 20: Creating an Azure Function in Visual Studio
Rajasa Savant on Serverless Azure
Creating an Azure Function in the Azure Portal

Azure Media Services (19)

Azure Media Services articles and videos
GCast 107: Live Streaming with Azure Media Services
GCast 106: Audio Transcription and Captioning with Azure Media Services
GCast 105: Analyzing a Video with Azure Media Services
GCast 104: Sharing a Video Online with Azure Media Services
GCast 103: Encode a Video with Azure Media Services
Live Streaming with Azure Media Services
GCast 102: Video Files and Azure Media Services
Adding Captions and Subtitles to to an Azure Media Services Video Embedded in a Web Page
Audio Transcription with Azure Media Services
Analyzing Audio and Video with Azure Media Services
Adding an Adaptive Azure Media Services Video to a Web Page
Generate a Streaming URL with Azure Media Services
Encoding Videos and other Media with Azure Media Services
Uploading a File to Azure Media Services
An Introduction to Azure Media Services
GCast 13: Azure Media Services - Closed Captioning
GCast 12: Azure Media Services: Live Streaming
Adding Closed Captions to a Video with Azure Media Services

Azure Mobile Services (10)

Azure Mobile Services Articles and Videos
Azure Mobile Services Labs Now Available
Chris Risner on Azure Mobile Services Offline Data
Azure Mobile Service, Part 6: Single-Sign-On
Azure Mobile Service, Part 5: Permissions
Azure Mobile Service, Part 4: Exploring the Sample Client Universal App
Azure Mobile Service, Part 3: “Create an App” wizard
Azure Mobile Service, Part 2: Creating a New Mobile Service
Azure Mobile Services, Part 1: Overview
Rachel Appel on Azure Mobile Services

Azure Search (6)

GCast 169: Indexers and Indexes in Azure AI Search
Azure Search REST API
GCast 38: Azure Search
Using the Azure Search REST API
Importing and Indexing Table Data in Azure Search
Creating an Azure Search Service

Back To Basics (26)

Videos: Getting Started with Java and Spring
OOP Interview questions
C# Conditional Operator
Creating a New GitHub Repository
A CSS Primer
Reading a Connection String from a CONFIG file
Writing a Windows Service in .Net
Yield Return and Yield Break in C#
Object Initializers in C#
Automatic Properties in C#
Extensions Methods in C#
SQL 101
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Intro to OOP, Part 3: OOP Concepts
Intro To OOP, Part 2: Understanding Objects
Intro To OOP, Part 1: What is OOP?
Chris Woodruff and Bill Miller on the West Michigan .Net University
West Michigan .Net University is coming
SQL 101 - Part 6: Inserts, Updates and Deletes
SQL 101 - Part 5: Joins
SQL 101 - Part 4: Aggregating data
'SQL 101' at West Michigan .Net University
SQL 101 - Part 3: Selecting data from a table
SQL 101 - Part 2: Relationships
SQL 101 - Part 1: What is a Database?
Back To Basics

Books (423)

"The Known World" by Edward P. Jones
"Measure What Matters" by John Doerr
"The Shipping News" by E. Annie Proulx
"The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara
"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl
"So Big" by Edna Ferber
"The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch
"Night Watch" by Jayne Anne Phillips
"Paddington Takes the Test" by Michael Bond
"The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt
"Angle of Repose" by Wallace Stegner
"A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole
"The Optimist's Daughter" by Eudora Welty
"Paddington Goes to Town" by Michael Bond
"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon
"All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr
"Gilead" by Marilynne Robinson
"The Overstory" by Richard Powers
"Killers of the Flower Moon" by David Grann
"Rabbit at Rest" by John Updike
"The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" by Junot Diaz
"Martin Dressler" by Steven Millhauser
"The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton
"House Made of Dawn" by N. Scott Momaday
"Rabbit is Rich" by John Updike
"Our Iceberg is Melting" by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber
"Ironweed" by William Kennedy
"Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte
"The Dutch House" by Ann Patchett
"Rabbit Redux" by John Updike
"Advise and Consent" by Allen Drury
"Last Chance Texaco" by Rickie Lee Jones
"Lonesome Dove" by Larry McMurtry
"We've Got to Try" by Beto O'Rourke
"The Candy House" by Jennifer Egan
"Beneath a Scarlet Sky" by Mark Sullivan
"A Visit from the Goon Squad" by Jennifer Egan
"Andersonville" by MacKinlay Kantor
"Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver
"David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens
"Interpreter of Maladies" by Jhumpa Lahiri
"Paddington On Top" by Michael Bond
"Being Henry" by Henry Winkler
"Prequel" by Rachel Maddow
"Made to Stick" by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
"The Fraud" by Zadie Smith
"Paddington Takes the Air" by Michael Bond
"Olive, Again" by Elizabeth Strout
"His Name is George Floyd" by Robert Samuels and Toluse Olorunnipa
"American Prometheus" by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
"Olive Kitteridge" by Elizabeth Strout
"Trust" by Hernan Diaz
"Empire Falls" by Richard Russo
"Crooked Kingdom" by Leigh Bardugo
"Native Guard" by Natasha Trethewey
"The Night Watchman" by Louise Erdrich
"The Netanyahus" by Joshua Cohen
"SuperFreakonomics" by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
"How to Avoid a Climate Disaster" by Bill Gates
"Let Me Be Frank With You" by Richard Ford
"Freakonomics" by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
"The Memo" by Minda Harts
"Six of Crows" by Leigh Bardugo
"A Bell for Adano" by John Hersey
"The Lay of the Land" by Richard Ford
"Hiroshima" by John Hersey
"Ruin and Rising" by Leigh Bardugo
"Independence Day" by Richard Ford
"The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" by Michael Chabon
"Siege and Storm" by Leigh Bardugo
"Tinkers" by Paul Harding
"A Fable" by William Faulkner
"Shadow and Bone" by Leigh Bardugo
"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson
"A Memory of Light" by Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan
"Never Far from Home" by Bruce Jackson
"Towers of Midnight" by Brandon Sanderson
"The Storyteller's Secret" by Sejal Badani
"Vitruvian Quality" by Peter Leeson
"Big Fish" by Daniel Wallace
"Building a Second Brain" by Tiago Forte
"The Gathering Storm" by Brandon Sanderson
"Knife of Dreams" by Robert Jordan
"Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard" by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
"Crossroads of Twilight" by Robert Jordan
"Less" by Andrew Sean Greer
"The Sympathizer" by Viet Than Nguyen
"Winter's Heart" by Robert Jordan
"The Lost World" by Michael Crichton
"The Path of Daggers" by Robert Jordan
"Memorial Drive" by Natasha Trethewey
"Paddington at Work" by Michael Bond
"Thrall" by Natasha Trethewey
"A Crown of Swords" by Robert Jordan
"Doctor Dolittle's Post Office" by Hugh Lofting
"The Sandman: Book of Dreams" edited by Neil Gaiman and Ed Kramer
"Lord of Chaos" by Robert Jordan
"Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton
"The Final Cut" by Michael Dobbs
"The Fires of Heaven" by Robert Jordan
"Paddington Marches On" by Michael Bond
"Paddington At Large" by Michael Bond
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
"The Shadow Rising" by Robert Jordan
"Paddington Abroad" by Michael Bond
"To Play the King" by Michael Dobbs
"Paddington Helps Out" by Michael Bond
"House of Cards" by Michael Dobbs
"The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle" by Hugh Lofting
"Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"Labyrinth" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"Cryoburn" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"The Story of Doctor Dolittle" by Hugh Lofting
"The Dragon Reborn" by Robert Jordan
"More About Paddington" by Michael Bond
"Agile Retrospectives" by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen
"A Bear Called Paddington" by Michael Bond
"The Great Hunt" by Robert Jordan
"Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by Greg McKeown
"The Eye of the World" by Robert Jordan
"The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch" by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
"Harlem Shuffle" by Colson Whitehead
"The Flowers of Vashnoi" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"Captain Vorpatril's Alliance" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"American Gods" by Neil Gaiman
"House of Cards" by William Cohan
"A Walking Tour of the Shambles" by Neil Gaiman and Gene Wolfe
"Smoke and Mirrors" by Neil Gaiman
"Diplomatic Immunity" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"Girl at War" by Sara Nović
"An Acceptable Time" by Madeleine L'Engle
"A Civil Campaign" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"Sharp Objects" by Gillian Flynn
"The Nickel Boys" by Colson Whitehead
"The Underground Railroad" by Colson Whitehead
"Invitation To the Dance" by Hilary Spurling
"As I Lay Dying" by William Faulkner
"Little Men" by Louisa May Alcott
"Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott
"The Wings of the Dove" by Henry James
"Mindset" by Carol Dweck
"You Look Like a Thing and I Love You" by Janelle Shane
100 Novels for All Time
"Neuromancer" by William Gibson
"The Narnia Code: C. S. Lewis and the Secret of the Seven Heavens" by Michael Ward
"Relativity" by Albert Einstein
"Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut
"The Last Battle" by C.S. Lewis
"The Silver Chair" by C.S. Lewis
"The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" by C.S. Lewis
"Prince Caspian" by C.S. Lewis
"The Horse and his Boy" by C.S. Lewis
"The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis
"The Magician's Nephew" by C.S. Lewis
"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck
"The Sleeper and the Spindle" by Neil Gaiman
"Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy
"Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov
"Catch-22" by Joseph Heller
"Nomadland" by Jessica Bruder
"Greenlights" by Matthew McConaughey
"On the Road" by Jack Kerouac
"Pale Fire" by Vladimir Nabokov
"Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell
"The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway
Kevin Ashley on AI for Design Art and Games
"Fragile Things" by Neil Gaiman
"Me, the Mob, and the Music" by Tommy James
"Portnoy’s Complaint" by Philip Roth
"Ready Player Two" by Ernest Cline
"The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner
"The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James
"Across That Bridge" by John Lewis
"Big Little Lies" by Liane Moriarty
"Dune The Graphic Novel Book 1" by Brian Herbert, Kevin Anderson, Raul Allen, and Patricia Martin
"Washington: A Life" by Ron Chernow
"Dune" by Frank Herbert
"Norse Mythology" by Neil Gaiman
"Many Waters" by Madeleine L'Engle
"Do You Feel Like I Do?" by Peter Frampton
"A Dance to the Music of Time" by Anthony Powell
"Getting Things Done" by David Allen
"A Swiftly Tilting Planet" by Madeleine L'Engle
"A Wind in the Door" by Madeleine L'Engle
"Beloved" by Toni Morrison
"The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
"Komarr" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"Anansi Boys" by Neil Gaiman
"Eternity's Wheel" by Neil Gaiman, Michael Reaves, and Mallory Reaves
"The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins
"Under the Net" by Iris Murdoch
"The Silver Dream" by Neil Gaiman, Michael Reaves, and Mallory Reaves
"Go Set a Watchman" by Harper Lee
"Interworld" by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves
"At Swim-Two-Birds" by Flann O'Brien
"The Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson
"The Death of the Heart" by Elizabeth Bowen
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest" by Ken Kesey
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"Alexander Hamilton" by Ron Chernow
"The Sportswriter" by Richard Ford
"Falconer" by John Cheever
"Hearing Secret Harmonies" by Anthony Powell
"Temporary Kings" by Anthony Powell
"Books Do Furnish a Room" by Anthony Powell
"The Military Philosophers" by Anthony Powell
"The Soldier's Art" by Anthony Powell
"The Valley of Bones" by Anthony Powell
"The Kindly Ones" by Anthony Powell
"Casanova's Chinese Restaurant" by Anthony Powell
"At Lady Molly's" by Anthony Powell
"The Acceptance World" by Anthony Powell
"Buyer's Market" by Anthony Powell
"A Question of Upbringing" by Anthony Powell
"Dog Soldiers" by Robert Stone
"The Bridge of San Luis Rey" by Thornton Wilder
"Money" by Martin Amis
"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" by John Le Carré
"Sandman: The Dream Hunters" by Neil Gaiman and Yoshitaka Amano
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding
"All the King's Men" by Robert Penn Warren
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Blind Assassin" by Margaret Atwood
"The Graveyard Book" by Neil Gaiman
"Midnight's Children" by Salman Rushdie
"Entreleadership" by Dave Ramsey
"Play It As It Lays" by Joan Didion
"Loving" by Henry Green
"Goodbye to Berlin" by Christopher Isherwood
"Mr. Norris Changes Trains" by Christopher Isherwood
"Native Son" by Richard Wright
"The Golden Notebook" by Doris Lessing
"The Man Who Folded Himself" by David Gerrold
"Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon
"The Corrections" by Jonathan Franzen
"A House for Mr. Biswas" by V.S. Naipaul
"M is for Magic" by Neil Gaiman
"The Recognitions" by William Gaddis
"The Painted Bird" by Jerzy Kosinski
"The Man Who Loved Children" by Christina Stead
"Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace
"The Heart is A Lonely Hunter" by Carson McCullers
"To The Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf
"Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys
"An American Tragedy" by Theodore Dreiser
"The Day of the Locust" by Nathanael West
"Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
"White Noise" by Don DeLillo
"Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston
"Light in August" by William Faulkner
"White Teeth" by Zadie Smith
"Herzog" by Saul Bellow
"Ubik" by Philip K. Dick
"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce
"A Handful of Dust" by Evelyn Waugh
"Mrs. Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf
"Deliverance" by James Dickey
"The French Lieutenant's Woman" by John Fowles
"Possession" by A.S. Byatt
"Housekeeping" by Marilynne Robinson
"Revolutionary Road" by Richard Yates
"Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro
"Arrow of God" by Chinua Achebe
The Sheltering Sky" by Paul Bowles
"Claudius the God" by Robert Graves
"No Longer at Ease" by Chinua Achebe
"Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe
"The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene
"Lucky Jim" by Kingsley Amis
"The Crying of Lot 49" by Thomas Pynchon
"The Moviegoer" by Walker Percy
"Call It Sleep" by Henry Roth
"The Assistant" by Bernard Malamud
"Ragtime" by E.L. Doctorow
"Under the Volcano" by Malcolm Lowry
"Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" by Judy Blume
"I, Claudius" by Robert Graves
"Red Harvest" by Dashiell Hammett
"The Heart of the Matter" by Graham Greene
"I Am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai
"Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs
"Odd and the Frost Giants" by Neil Gaiman
"The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" by Muriel Spark
"American Pastoral" by Philip Roth
"A Passage to India" by E.M. Forster
"Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison
"Atonement" by Ian McEwan
"Go Tell It on The Mountain" by James Baldwin
"Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story" by Martin Luther King, Jr.
"A Death in the Family" by James Agee
"The Confessions of Nat Turner" by William Styron
"Hi, Bob" by Bob Newhart
"The Big Sleep" by Raymond Chandler
"Starship Troopers" by Robert A. Heinlein
My Thoughts on NPR’s Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
"The Adventures of Augie March" by Saul Bellow
"The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson
"Appointment in Samarra" by John O'Hara
"The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien
"Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Jules Verne
"Brideshead Revisited" by Evelyn Waugh
"Fear: Trump in the White House" by Bob Woodward
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" by Philip K. Dick
"Frankenstein" by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
"I, Robot" by Isaac Asimov
"Second Foundation" by Isaac Asimov
"The War of the Worlds" by H.'G. Wells
"The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury
"Foundation and Empire" by Isaac Asimov
"Animal Farm" by George Orwell
"The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien
"The Return of the King" by J.R.R. Tolkien
"The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien
"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
"Foundation" by Isaac Asimov
"1984" by George Orwell
"A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess
"Watchmen" by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
"The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger
"The Ocean at the End of the Lane" by Neil Gaiman
"The Last Enchantment" by Mary Stewart
Brandon Satrom on Ed Gets His Power Back
"Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis" by J.D. Vance
"Fahrenheit 451"
"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair
"A Darkness at Sethanon" by Raymond E. Feist
"Silverthorn" by Raymond Feist
"Magician: Master" by Raymond Feist
"The Hollow Hills" by Mary Stewart
"Magician: Apprentice" by Raymond Feist
"A Spell for Chameleon" by Piers Anthony
"A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle
"Gardens of the Moon" by Steven Erikson
"The Crystal Cave" by Mary Stewart
"Consider Phlebas" by Iain M. Banks
"Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline
"Memory" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"Hit Refresh" by Satya Nadella
"The Book of the New Sun" by Gene Wolfe
"The Wishsong of Shannara" by Terry Brooks
“The Elfstones of Shannara” by Terry Brooks
"Mirror Dance" by Lois McMaster Bujold
“Brothers In Arms” by Lois McMaster Bujold
“Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon
“Homeland” by R.A. Salvatore
"Borders of Infinity" by Lois McMaster Bujold
“The Last Unicorn” by Peter S. Beagle
“Perdido Street Station” by China Miéville
“Ethan of Athos” by Lois McMaster Bujold
“Cetaganda” by Lois McMaster Bujold
"The Vor Game" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"The Sword of Shannara" by Terry Brooks
"The Warrior's Apprentice" by Lois McMaster Bujold
"The Leadership Journey" by Jim Holmes
“The Eyre Affair” by Jjasper Forde
“The Belgariad” by David Eddings
“The Dispossessed” by Ursula K. LeGuin
“Assassin’s Quest” by Robin Hobb
“Royal Assassin” by Robin Hobb
“Furies of Calderon” by Jim Butcher
“The Princess Bride” by William Goldman
“Kushiel’s Dart” by Jacqueline Carey
“Assassin's Apprentice” by Robin Hobb
“Jesus on Death Row” by Mark Osler
“Sunshine” by Robin McKinley
“Stardust” by Neil Gaiman
“The Illustrated Man” by Ray Bradbury
“Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Ray Bradbury
“Barrayar” continues Cordelia’s story
Neil Gaiman’s Sandman set a standard for dark fantasy comics
“Shards of Honor” by Lois McMaster Bujold
“Falling Free” by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Conquering Sword of Conan
“A Cure for Gravity” by Joe Jackson
“Anathem” by Neal Stephenson
“Apprenticeship Patterns” by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye
“The Stand” by Stephen King
“The Once and Future King” by T.H. White
“The Bloody Crown of Conan”by Robert E. Howard
“The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian” by Robert E. Howard
"Fundamentals of Azure" by Michael Collier and Robin Shahan
“A Fire Upon the Deep” by Vernor Vinge
"Orchestrated Knowledge" by Peter Leeson
“Doomsday Book” by Connie Willis
“Honoring the Code: Conversations with Great Game Designers” by Matt Barton
“The Diamond Age” by Neal Stephenson
"Lucifer's Hammer" by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
“Neverwhere” by Neil Gaiman
“Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell” by Susanna Clarke
"Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett
“The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever” by Stephen R. Donaldson
"Real World Windows 8 Development" by Samidip Basu
"The Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley
"The Thrawn Trilogy" by Timothy Zahn
"Windows Store App Development" by Pete Brown
Brownfield Application Development in .NET
"Working Effectively with Legacy Code" by Michael Feathers
"Continuous Integration in .NET" by Marcin Kawalerowicz and Craig Berntson
"Clean Code" by Robert C. Martin
"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne
I, Steve edited by George Beahm
"Azure In Action" by Brian Prince and Chris Hay
JavaScript: The Good Parts
.NET Performance Testing and Optimization
Building Technical User Communities
Restful Web Services Cookbook
Effective C#, 2nd Edition by Bill Wagner
'Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery' by Richard York
'Software Estimation' by Steve McConnell
The Elements of Style
"Programming F#" by Chris Smith
LINQ Unleashed for C# by Paul Kimmel
'Outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell
"Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#" by Robert C Martin and Micah Martin
Windows Server 2008 R2 Administration Instant Reference by Hester and Henley
Simple Architectures for Complex Enterprises
Professional ASP.Net MVC 1.0 by Conery, Hanselman, Haack and Guthrie
"Lean Software Development – An Agile Toolkit" by Tom and Mary Poppendieck
"Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug
"Beyond Bullet Points" by Cliff Atkinson
"Eats, Shoots & Leaves" by Lynne Truss
"The Visual Display of Quantitative Information" by Edward R. Tufte

Bots (9)

Microsoft Bot Framework Articles, Videos, and Sample Code
GCast 27: QnAMaker
GCast 26: Creating a Chatbot in the Azure Portal
Saving Microsoft Bot State to Azure Storage
Saving State Data with the Microsoft Bot Framework
Microsoft Bot Framework: Adding A New Dialog
Microsoft Bot Framework Template Explained
Creating and Testing a Bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework
When and Why Chatbots?

Business (9)

Ashton and Ryan Clark on TicketFalcon
"Vitruvian Quality" by Peter Leeson
Drew Brown on The New Technology Employment Contract
Irma Mesa on Cafecito
Heather Wilde on Anticipatory Design
Peter Leeson on Quality
DevRadio:Microsoft Azure IP Advantage
"Orchestrated Knowledge" by Peter Leeson
Kendall Miller on Creating Commercial Software

C# (33)

Jason Bock on C# Source Generators
Brian Korzynski on Machine Learning Challenges for a C# Developer
Jeff Fritz on Migrating from Web Forms to Blazor
Case-Insensitive String Replacement in C#
Calling the "Recognize Text" Cognitive Service from a .NET Application
Jon Skeet on Versioning
Jim Wooley on Static Analyzers and Roslyn
Bill Wagner on Nullable Reference Types
Embedding quotes within a C# string
Using C# to FTP a File
Using HTML Agility Pack to Parse a Web Page
Using the Newtonsoft library to change variable names of serialized objects
Dustin Campbell on Creating Roslyn & What's Coming Next
Josh Varty and Amadeusz Wieczorek on Alive Visual Studio Plug-Inivis
Ed Charbeneau on Expressions in .NET
Mark Rendle on C# 6
Rocking with Elvis: The C# Null Coalescing Operator
C# Conditional Operator
Alex Turner on .NET Async
Encrypting and Decrypting application config sections
GANG10: Bill Wagner on Async
FizzBuzz Kata
Passing Parameters to SQL Server
Mads Torgersen on CSharp 5
Chris Eargle on Fluent Interfaces
Kevin Pilch-Bisson on Asynchronous Programming in the next versions of C# and VB
Bill Wagner C# 4.0 Presentation at GANG
Declaring variables with var
Bill Wagner on Dynamic Features of C# 4.0
Yield Return and Yield Break in C#
Object Initializers in C#
Automatic Properties in C#
Extensions Methods in C#

Channel9 (6)

Azure and the Modern Data Center
Seth Juarez on Channel 9
Channel 9 interview with Seth Juarez
More Videos of Azure IAAS / PowerShell Labs
New Video Series: Hands-On Labs to Learn Azure IAAS Automation with Powershell
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: (Part 1) Women Building the Future

Cloud Computing (65)

Ben Kotvis on Modernizing Enterprise Applications
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud for the Public Sector
Nic Jackson on Hashicorp Vault
Ashton and Ryan Clark on TicketFalcon
Andy Huang on Application Resiliency
Haider Ghany on Azure Data Centers
Himanshu Rao on Reliability, Performance, and Scalability in the Cloud
Sara Benhamron on Sustainability in Azure
Chander Dhall on AI in Azure, Google, and AWS
The Azure Well-Architected Framework Provides Guidance for Building, Deploying, and Maintaining a Robust Cloud App
Dasith Wijesiriwardena on OpenTelemetry
Shannon Kuehn on Workload Identity Federation
Mary Grygleski on Event Streaming and Processing with Apache Pulsar
SAAS vs PAAS vs IAAS vs On-Premises
GCast 118: Managing Azure Data Explorer Tables with ADX Commands
Shahed Chowdhuri on Azure Arc
Becky Gaudet on the Azure Commercial Marketplace
Dave Hoerster on Azure Active Directory B2C
Jason Farrell on Kubernetes
Mike Benkovich on GitHub Actions and Visual Studio
Using Azure Resource Groups
MinIO articles and videos
Managing MinIO with the Amazon S3 SDK
Creating and using a MinIO Gateway for Azure
Omkar Naik on Microsoft Cloud for Health Care
Getting Started with MinIO Server
Rik Hepworth on Azure Governance
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud Adoption Framework
GCast 95: Creating a MinIO Agent for Azure Blob Storage
GCast 94: Creating a MinIO Server
Peter de Tender on Azure Certification
Donovan Brown on App Innovations
Mete Atamel on Serverless Containers
Nik Molnar on Visual Studio Codespaces
Jaidev Kunjur on Azure Integration Tools
GCast 77: Connecting Azure Synapse to External Data
GCast 72: Creating an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
Tibi Covaci on Migrating to the Cloud
GCast 53: Creating a Data Warehouse in Azure
David Makogon on Streaming Data
Frank Gill on Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
Brent Stineman on the Evolution of Serverless
The Power of The Internet of Things
"How Cloud Computing Empowers a Data Scientist" at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
GCast 7: Azure MySQL Database
GCast 6: Azure SQL Database
Cloud Computing and Data Science at Chicago AI & Data Science Conference
GCast 1: A Lap Around Cloud and Azure
Guillermo Bellman on Azure Service Fabric
Radu Vunvulea on Surviving in the IoT World
Ben Armstrong on Containers and Virtualization
Heather Downing on Alexa, Web API, and Azure
Vibhu Bhutani on IoT Projects
Big Data Tools in Azure
Glenn Block on Serverless Computing
Bridget Kromhout on CloudFoundry
Detecting Sentiment with Microsoft Cognitive Services
AWS Aurora service provides fast MySQL functionality
Michael Lanzetta on Deep Learning Toolkit
Project Oxford Lets You Analyze Pictures and Voice
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with Richard Conway from Elasta Games
David Chappell on Barriers to the Public Cloud
Peter Ritchie on Distributed Computing
Mike Wood on Moving to the Cloud
Cloud Camp Detroit

Cognitive Services (34)

GCast 187: Creating Azure AI Services
Nikki Conley on Video Indexer
Cognitive Services Articles and Videos
Sam Nasr on Cognitive Services
GCast 109: Using the Video Indexer AI Tool
Martin Kearn on Document Recognition and Knowledge Extraction
GCast 63: Sentiment Analysis JavaScript Demo
GCast 62: Sentiment Analysis Cognitive Service
A Sample JavaScript App Using the Bing Spell Check API
GCast 61: Text Recognition C# Demo
Calling the Bing Spell Check Service
Creating a Bing Spell Check Service
GCast 60: Text Recognition Cognitive Service with Binary Images
GCast 59: Cognitive Services Text Recognition service
Calling the "Recognize Text" Cognitive Service from a .NET Application
Passing a binary file to a web service from a .NET app
Converting Images to Text with the "Recognize Text" API
Calling Cognitive Services OCR Service from a .NET Application
Calling Cognitive Service OCR service from JavaScript
Using the Cognitive Services OCR Service
Getting Started with the Cognitive Services Computer Vision API
GCast 32: Handwriting OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 31: OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 30: Creating Applications with the Analyze Image Cognitive Services API
Introducing Cognitive Services and Computer Vision
GCast 28: Natural Language Processing with LUIS
Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan on SmartArm
"Building and Training your own Custom Image Recognition AI" presentation at NDC-Oslo
Cognitive Services Optical Character Recognition
Using the Cognitive Services Emotion API
Using Cognitive Services to Generate a Thumbnail Image
Generating a Cognitive Services API Key
Cognitive Services Make It Easy to Use Machine Learning in Your Application
Talking about Cognitive Services on the Eat Sleep Code podcast

Community (241)

GOTO Conference Brings Experts to Chicago Software Community
STEAM Event Teaches Students About Robotics and Copilot
Beer City Code Offers a Chance to Connect and Learn
M365 Chicago Community Days 2024
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
Jeff Fritz on .NET Conf
CodeMash 2022
Ted Neward on Technology Culture
Javier Lozano on Virtual Conferences
Christina Aldan and Jeff Strauss on Dev Around the Sun
Brent Stineman on Remote Recording
Courtney Eaton and Gabrielle Sempf on KidzMash
Lorena Mesa on the Python Software Foundation
Mercedes Bernard on Dev Together
Jon Galloway on the .NET Foundation
Melanie Adcock on TechMonthChicago
Cassandra Faris on Personal Branding
CodeMash 2019
GANGConf Keeps it going in Detroit
Heather Downing and Spencer Schneidenback on the HelloWorld Show
"How Cloud Computing Empowers a Data Scientist" at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
"Own Your Own Career" presentation at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
Romanian Rhapsody 2018
Fabian Fernandez on .NETConf Global
Keith Casey on The Tech Events Network
My South American Expedition 2017
I was interviewed for the “Developer on Fire” podcast
A Return to Stockholm and DevSum 2017
Bob Waltenspiel and Dave Phillips on IT In The D
Returning to Romania for IT Camp
Achievement Unlocked: My Iowa User Group Tour
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - April 2017 and Beyond
A Pinned List of Tech Events
Central Region Community events
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - February 2017 and Beyond
Want to speak at a conference? Submit to these!
A Microsoft practice in a non-Microsoft company
The Inaugural TechBash brings developers to another Kalahari
Shawn Wildermuth on the "Hello World" Road Trip
AngularJS and TypeScript presentation at GeekFest
My Upcoming Presentations - August 2026 and Beyond
Central Region community events
Azure and the Modern Data Center
MadHacks Spring Fever 2016
2016 Global Azure Boot Camp – Chicago Edition
Southeast Michigan JavaScript meetup is now on Channel 9
Basia Fusinska on Conference Speakers and Presentations
CodeMash 2016
GR DevNight organizers transform a user group
Detroit Dev Day 2015
Bomb Jokes, Free Speech, and Consequences of Posting without Thinking
Chicagoland Influencers Summit brings together local tech leaders
DevSpace 2015
MS Dev Show
2015 That Conference recap
Interacting with JavaScript developers at Midwest JS
Codestock 2015
My Sessions from IT Camp Now Online
Swedish Rhapsody 2015
Transylvanian Rhapsody 2015
Chicago Coder Conference mixes .NET with its Java
Fired Up About Ignite
An Era Comes to an End as INETA Closes Shop
Chicago Code Camp recap
Esther Lee and Fernanda Saraiva on MVP Virtual Conference
US MVP Open Days
Kalamazoo X 2015 recap
A Free Web Camp is coming to a city near you
Chicago Coder Conference .NET track
CodeMash 2015 Recap
St. Louis Days of .NET Recap
Laura Eagin and LeeAnn Drees on Girl Develop It
Bill Wagner and Tony Surma on Humanitarian Toolbox
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 2: IT Camp
Pittsburgh TechFest 2014 recap
Rockford Developers on Building a Tech Community
Refactor Your Dev Skills at Dev Days 2014
For Jim Weirich, 1956-2014
TechReady Recap
Magnus Martensson on Global Windows Azure Boot Camp
Javier Lozano on GeekShare
Download Apps to Help MIGANG Win Prizes
Download Apps to help CNUG Win Prizes
Windows 8 Hackathon coming to Michigan
2013 Southwest Fox Recap
DevConnections 2013 Recap
Bar Camp Tampa Bay 2013 Recap
Gene Powell, Jamie Wright, and Don Miller on Seed CoWorking
2013 MVP Award
Holly Bertoncini on Telerik Influencer Programs
Tech Ed 2013 Recap
Shawn Weisfeld on UserGroup.tv
Stan Schultes on Bar Camps, Economic Summits, and SparkGrowth
2013 Microsoft Global MVP Summit Recap
Sogeti and Meatballs with a Side of Technology
2013 CodeMash Recap
Kent Fehribach and Matt Ruma on Growing a User Group
1DevDay 2012 recap
Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell on The .NET Rocks Road Trip
Please give your feedback on this proposed conference
Bringing Good Speakers from Far Away
Local Speakers Can Enhance Your Local Event
DotNETRocks Invades Michigan
Ian Felton on Marching Mountains
Tampa Code Camp retrospective: Picking up the Thrown Gauntlet
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - September 2012 and Beyond
DotNETRocks Coming to Michigan Oct 9!
Randy Pagels on What's New In Visual Studio 2010
That Conference recap
Mike Wood at GANG: Continuum (of the Windows Azure Variety)
Driving Attendance at a Community Event
Day of Azure video: Azure Q&A Experts Panel
Day of Azure video: Dennis Burton on node.js and Azure
aspConf Demos and Slides
Day of Azure video: Jason Follas on Geospatial Data With Azure
Day of Azure video: Michael Collier on WP7 and Azure
Day of Azure Video: Mark Stanislav on Cloud Disaster Recovery
Day of Azure video: Brian Prince on Architectural Patterns For The Cloud
Gael Fraiteur at GANG: An Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming with PostSharp
Renewed as a Microsoft MVP
Gael Fraiteur user group tour
2012 Tech Ed North America recap
Anticipating my first Tech Ed
2012 INETA Community Leadership Summit
Glenn Block at GANG: Node.js, Web API, Oh My!
Joe Guadagno on INETA
2012 Kalamazoo X Recap
Orlando Code Camp Recap
Detroit Day of Azure is coming!
Rich Dudley on Event Sponsorship
Building Technical User Communities
Suzanna Moran on Women In Technology
Data Visualization slides
Featured bio at Detroit Dev Digest
Paul Litwin and Suzanna Moran on Geeks Giving Back
Looking back on another year of GANG
Community and Consulting: Is there time for both?
Videos shown at GANG10
Hear me on Community Megaphone podcast
A User Group Celebrates 10 Years
Richard Campbell takes over the heartland
Richard Campbell Heartland Tour
Get off your butt and volunteer for a Give Camp! Now!!!
Upcoming speaking schedule - August 2011 and Beyond
Lansing Day of .Net recap
Brian Prince presents A Lap Around Windows Azure at MIGANG
My INETA Approval Criteria
Codestock 2011 Recap
Chicago Code Camp recap
Kalamazoo X 2011
Telerik Insiders program
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - April 2011 and Beyond
G Andrew Duthie on Community Megaphone
Heather Kostes and Nicolle Moser on the MVP Program
2011 User Group Goals
Community Panel Discussion
Gary Short talks Refactoring at GANG
Richard Campbell on Developers in Developing Nations
A banner year for our GANG
Mike and Cicelie Neel on Geek Relationships
Community Megaphone podcast
Lexington is Da Bomb!
Sarah Dutkiewicz on Social Media
DevLink 2010
Len Smith JavaScript presentation at GANG
Putting on a Great Conference
Steve Andrews on GeekGive
Codestock slideshow
Hey, guess what? I'm an MVP!
Codestock 2010 Recap
Drinking from the Fire Hose
2010 Central Ohio Day of .Net
Chris Marinos F# presentation at GANG
John Hopkins and Jason Follas on the Ann Arbor Day of .Net
Michael Eaton on Kalamazoo X
Kalamazoo X 2010 recap
Dave Bost on The Thirsty Developer
Jim Holmes on CodeMash 2010
Slides and demos from MEF presentation
Mike Wood and James Bender on NPlus1
Motor City Codeslingers
Doc List on Open Spaces
MEF in the Buckeye state
Ohio user group tour
Goals for GANG in 2010
CodeMash - Day 2
CodeMash - Day 1
CodeMash - Day 0
January Speaking Schedule
Reflections on 2009
Pair Programming event
Why CodeMash Rocks
Chris Woodruff on Grand Rapids Give Camp
Grand Rapids Give Camp exceeds expectations
Stephen Toub talks Parallel Computing in Southfield October 30
Chris Hay on US and UK developer communities
My favorite podcasts
DevLink and Link Wray
Dennis Burton on Lansing Day of .Net
DevLink 2009 recap
John Kellar on DevLink 2009
Looking forward to DevLink 2009
Organizer looks to expand on successful 2009 Give Camp
Michael Eaton on the Ann Arbor Give Camp
Contribupendence Day, Part Deux
Mike Neel on CodeStock 2009
Look for me at CodeStock
Jeff Blankenburg on Stir Trek
Lansing Give Camp success
McWherters and Harrises on the Lansing Give Camp
Kalamazoo X recap
So What Is A Give Camp Anyway?
Central Ohio Day of .Net recap
Learn Soft Skills at the Kalamazoo X Conference
West Michigan .Net University recap
Upcoming speaking schedule - March 2009 and Beyond
West Michigan .Net University is coming
Michael Eaton on Michigan Give Camps
Jim Holmes on CodeMash
Matt Pizzimenti on a2geeks.org
Mark Hindsbo on Microsoft and the Developer Community
Celebrating my NVP-ness
Tim Adams interviewing me interviewing him
Mike Wood talks about building community
Alan Stevens discusses open spaces technology
CodeMash photos
CodeMash wrapup
CodeMash - Day 1
CodeMash inspired my community involvement
Day of .Net recap
My Dinner with the Agile Summer Campers
'The Great Pork Chop Incident of Carrolton, KY', or 'How I learned to stop worrying and love the bus'
DevLink 2008: Open Spaces and more
Contribupendence Day - Reprise
Happy Contribupendence Day
Ann Arbor Give Camp July 11-13
Lansing Day Of .Net
West Michigan Day of .Net 2008
Day of .Net
Code To Live

Containers (12)

Brendan Burns on Creating Kubernetes
Eric Leonard on Kubernetes and Platform Engineering
Transactable Containers Videos
Alex Mattoni on Cycle.io
GCast 129: Using the Microsoft Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code
GCast 128: Maintaining State with Docker Volumes
GCast 127: Building and Running a Docker Container
Using the Microsoft Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code
GCast 126: Getting Started with Docker
Managing Volumes with Docker
Building and Running a Docker Container
The Basics of Images, Containers, and Docker

Continuous Integration (5)

Gavin Bauman on SonarQube
Mike Benkovich on GitHub Actions and Visual Studio
GCast 55: GitHub Deployment to an Azure Web App
Jay Harris on Continuous Integration
Craig Berntson on Continuous Integration

Copilot (15)

GCast 188: Creating a Copilot Agent with Copilot Studio
GCast 186: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft OneDrive
GCast 185: Using Copilot Pages
GCast 184: Using M365 Copilot with Excel
Esteban Garcia on Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot
GCast 183: Using Copilot for M365 with Microsoft OneDrive
Rob Bogue on Getting the Most Out of RAG with Copilot for M365
GCast 180: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Outlook EmailsEnter a post title
GCast 179: Using Copilot for M365 and MS Graph
GCast 175: Getting Started with Azure OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Studio
GCast 174: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Teams
GCast 173: Creating an AI Solution with Copilot Studio
GCast 172: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
GCast 171: Making GitHub Copilot Use Your Coding Standards
GCast 170: Getting Started with GitHub Copilot

Data Science (33)

Andrew Brust on the History of Big Data
Scott Hermes on Microsoft Fabric
Israel Ekpo on Vector Databases
Brian Korzynski on Machine Learning Challenges for a C# Developer
Adi Polak on LakeFS
GCast 117: Getting Started with Azure Data Explorer
Dani Diaz on IoT and Azure Percept
Kyle Bunting and Joel Hulen on Data Engineering in Azure
Gary Short on The Mathematics of COVID19 & the Hero You've Never Heard Of
Sven Aelterman on Data in Education
GCast 77: Connecting Azure Synapse to External Data
Jes Schultz on Data Engineering
Ruth Yakubu on Machine Learning tools in Azure
Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan on SmartArm
"Building and Training your own Custom Image Recognition AI" presentation at NDC-Oslo
"How Cloud Computing Empowers a Data Scientist" at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
GCast 5: Azure Databricks
GCast 4: Azure Notebooks
Cloud Computing and Data Science at Chicago AI & Data Science Conference
GCast 3: Creating and Deploying a Predictive Web Services with Azure ML Studio
GCast 2: Azure Machine Learning Studio
Handling Missing Data in a Pandas DataFrame
Replacing Values in Azure ML Studio Data
Azure ML Studio Can Accelerate Building Machine Learning Solutions
Kevin Ashley on AI and basketball
University of Toronto Students Analyze Data for Fun and Prizes
Kevin Leung on Building Bots
Jim Christopher on Data Science
Generating a Cognitive Services API Key
Cognitive Services Make It Easy to Use Machine Learning in Your Application
Matthew Renze on Data Science
Ed Charbeneau on Machine Learning and the Full Stack Developer
Gary Short on A Chicken Counting Algorithm

Data Visualization (9)

Martine Dowden on the D3
GCast 33: An Introduction to Power BI
A Brief Introduction to Power BI
University of Toronto Students Analyze Data for Fun and Prizes
Data Visualization slides
Data Visualization slides
Upcoming speaking schedule - August 2011 and Beyond
I was Deep-Fried
Data Visualization Articles

Database (92)

Jerry Nixon on Data API Builder
Justine Cocchi on Building Applications using Azure Cosmos DB
Andrew Brust on the History of Big Data
Israel Ekpo on Vector Databases
Juan Llovet de Casso on Microsoft Fabric
Ryan Booz on PostgreSQL
Matt Groves on Fluent Migrator
Mike Shelton on Data Lakehouses
Buck Woody on Database Security
Caito Scherr on Apache Flink
Adi Polak on LakeFS
Henning Rauch and Vincent Philippe Lauzon on Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer Articles and Videos
Ingesting Data from Azure Storage Blobs into an ADX Table
ADX User-Defined Scalar Functions
ADX User-Defined Tabular Data Functions
GCast 121: Analyzing Geographic Data with KQL
Working with ADX Materialized Views
Brent Ozar on What Every Developer Needs to Know About Databases
GCast 120: Analyzing Time Series Data with KQL
Geo Functions in KQL
Analyzing ADX Time Series Data with KQL
GCast 119: Kusto Query Language Basics
Kusto Query Language Basics
Using ADX Commands to Manage ADX Tables
GCast 118: Managing Azure Data Explorer Tables with ADX Commands
Creating an Azure Data Explorer Table
Creating an ADX Database
Creating an Azure Data Explorer Cluster
The Advantages of Azure Data Explorer
GCast 117: Getting Started with Azure Data Explorer
Guy Royse on Probabilistic Data Structures
Matt Groves on Couchbase 7
Joe Kunk on SQL+.NET
Joel Cochran on Azure Synapse
Julie Lerman on Entity Framework Core 5
GCast 98: Using the Azure Storage Explorer
Kyle Bunting and Joel Hulen on Data Engineering in Azure
MinIO articles and videos
Managing MinIO with the Amazon S3 SDK
Using the MinIO Java SDK
Creating and using a MinIO Gateway for Azure
Getting Started with MinIO Server
GCast 97: Accessing MinIO with the AWS S3 SDK
GCast 96: Using the MinIO Java Client SDK
GCast 95: Creating a MinIO Agent for Azure Blob Storage
GCast 94: Creating a MinIO Server
Sven Aelterman on Data in Education
GCast 77: Connecting Azure Synapse to External Data
GCast 76: Creating an Azure Synapse database
Jes Schultz on Data Engineering
Jim Wooley on Entity Framework Performance
Raj Krishnan on Azure Data Explorer
Creating an Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Databricks Articles
Laurent Bugnion on Migrating Data to Azure
Creating an Azure Data Factory and Pipeline
GCast 54: Azure Storage Replication
Getting Started with Azure Data Lake Storage
GCast 53: Creating a Data Warehouse in Azure
David Makogon on Streaming Data
Frank Gill on Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
GCast 37: Managing Blobs with the Azure Storage Explorer
GCast 33: An Introduction to Power BI
A Brief Introduction to Power BI
Creating an Azure CosmosDB account
GCast 18: Azure Data Factory
GCast 17: Azure CosmosDB with Other APIs
GCast 16: Azure CosmosDB with SQL API
Using Azure Storage
GCast 7: Azure MySQL Database
GCast 6: Azure SQL Database
Tobiasz Koprowski on Securing SQL Server
A Brief Intro to MySQL
University of Toronto Students Analyze Data for Fun and Prizes
Oren Eini on RavenDB
Anne Bougie on Azure Storage Options
Big Data Tools in Azure
Matt Groves on Couchbase
Jes Borland on SQL Server 2016
AWS Aurora service provides fast MySQL functionality
Michael Lanzetta on Deep Learning Toolkit
Matt Winkler on Azure Data Lake
Look at Me: I’m Learning Machine Learning!
Azure Storage Replication Options Explained
G-Cast 2: Azure Mobile Services, Part 2 – Creating the Sample Table and Client
SQL vs NoSQL: Which is better?
Andy Cross on Big Data in Azure
Andrew Brust on Excel BI Tools
Adam Jones on Data in Azure
Rich Dudley on Cleaning Data
David Makogon on Polyglot Persistence

Databricks (5)

Joel Cochran on Azure Synapse
Databricks Articles
Databricks pt 3: Creating an Azure Databricks Notebook
Databricks pt 2: Creating an Azure Databricks Cluster
Databricks pt 1: Creating an Azure Databricks Service

DevOps (40)

Rhia Dixon on Code Reviews
GCast 168: GitHub Action Triggers
GCast 167: GitHub Actions
GCast 166: GitHub Codespaces [GCast 166]
GCast 165: GitHub projects [GCast 165]
Eric Leonard on Kubernetes and Platform Engineering
Increasing Developer Velocity
Alex Mattoni on Cycle.io
Some Excellent Code Review Articles
A Lap Around DevSecOps
Mike Benkovich on Infrastructure as Code
What are Code Reviews, Why Should We Spend Time on Them, and How Can We Improve Them?
Hattan Shobokshi on Getting the Most Out of Bash Scripts
Damian Brady on MLOps
Donovan Brown on App Innovations
Tibi Covaci on Creating a GitHub Action
Mete Atamel on Serverless Containers
GCast 74: Continuous Deployment with Azure DevOps
GCast 73: Build an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline
GCast 72: Creating an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
GCast 71: Integrating Visual Studio Solution with Azure DevOps Repo
GCast 70: Deleting an Azure DevOps Project
GCast 69: Azure DevOps Branch Policies
GCast 68: Azure DevOps Work Items
GCast 69: Azure DevOps Branch Policies
J Tower on the .NET CLI
GCast 67: Azure Repos, Branches, and Pull Requests
GCast 66: Creating a Repo in Azure DevOps
GCast 58: Creating and Deploying Azure Resources with ARM Templates
Hattan Shobokshi on TerraForm
Robert Greene on DevOps
Dan Rey on What's New In Windows 10
GCast 10: Using Chocolatey
Erwin Derksen on Office Click To Run
Chocolatey Package Manager and How I Use It
Resetting a Windows 10 PC
Rob Reynolds on Chocolatey
Donovan Brown on DevOps
GCast 9: Creating an Azure Virtual Machine
Matt Stratton on Chef

DevRadio (21)

DevRadio: Startup Stories: Fighting information overload with automated summarizations from Agolo
DevRadio:Microsoft Azure IP Advantage
DevRadio Startup Stories: Interview with Lab4U
DevRadio Startup Stories interview: ADATA
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Olivier de Jong, Founder of Airwave
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Sally Buberman and Ignacio Lopez from Wormhole
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Victor Cintron, CEO of DimDrop
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Sean Goltz and Addison Cameron-Huff from Global-Regulation
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Oisin Kim, CEO of Webdoctor
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Jan Hase, CEO of Wunderflats
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Will Mallouk, CEO of Pixel Squad
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with Richard Conway from Elasta Games
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with John Brengman from Radication Games
DevRadio: Community Corner: An Interview with Andy Abott from BookedOut
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with Manohar Kamath, Founder of Pursuits
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: Sowing the seeds of technology with Len-Din
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 5) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Luan Cox, CEO of Crowdnetic
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 4) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Jennifer Whaley & Jeff Everett from Pose a Pet
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 3) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Diana Paredes, CEO of Suade
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 2) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Bernadine Brocker, CEO of Vastari
DevRadio: Track:JS interview

Diversity (4)

Michael Brown on Juneteenth Conference
Tim Banks on the Solace of You
Juneteenth Conference Comes to Chicago
Alexandria Storm on Natural Language Processing and Inclusion

Docker (4)

Rob Richardson on Containerization
GCast 129: Using the Microsoft Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code
GCast 128: Maintaining State with Docker Volumes
GCast 127: Building and Running a Docker Container

F# (5)

Adam Granicz on WebSharper
Rachel Reese on F# Agents
Ted Neward on The Advantages of F#
"Programming F#" by Chris Smith
Chris Marinos F# presentation at GANG

Family (5)

Giving Thanks
How I spent my summer vacation
Fathers Day
A painful loss
Welcome to Perfectville

Games (8)

Simeon Kakpovi and Greg Schloemer on a Cybersecurity game
Sarah Sexton on Using Technology to Stay Sane During Stressful Times
Liv Erickson on Virtual Reality
Sarah Sexton on Female Game Developers
Shahed Chowdhuri on Game Development
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Will Mallouk, CEO of Pixel Squad
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with Richard Conway from Elasta Games
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with John Brengman from Radication Games

GCast (208)

GCast 188: Creating a Copilot Agent with Copilot Studio
GCast 186: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft OneDrive
GCast 185: Using Copilot Pages
GCast 184: Using M365 Copilot with Excel
GCast 183: Using Copilot for M365 with Microsoft OneDrive
GCast 182: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio Custom Classification Model
GCast 181: Using the .NET SDK to Create and Manage .NET Projects
GCast 180: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Outlook EmailsEnter a post title
GCast 179: Using Copilot for M365 and MS Graph
GCast 178: Administrative Setup for Microsoft Dev Box
GCast 177: Getting Started with NET Aspire
GCast 176: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio
GCast 175: Getting Started with Azure OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Studio
GCast 174: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Teams
GCast 173: Creating an AI Solution with Copilot Studio
GCast 172: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
GCast 171: Making GitHub Copilot Use Your Coding Standards
GCast 170: Getting Started with GitHub Copilot
GCast 169: Indexers and Indexes in Azure AI Search
GCast 168: GitHub Action Triggers
GCast 167: GitHub Actions
GCast 166: GitHub Codespaces [GCast 166]
GCast 165: GitHub projects [GCast 165]
GCast 164: Using Git and GitHub Together
GCast 162: Managing Azure Subscriptions
GCast 161: Sorting a Microsoft Word Document by Headers
GCast 160: Azure Monitor Diagnostic Settings
GCast 159: Building and Editing an Azure Application Insights Dashboard
GCast 158: Azure Application Insights Alerts
GCast 157: Using the Application Insights .NET SDK
GCast 156: Configuring Azure Monitoring for App Services, Functions, and VMs
GCast 155: Overview of Azure Monitor and Application Insights
GCast 154: Creating an ASP.NET MVC Application from the Command Line
GCast 153: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 3: Publishing the Container Offer
GCast 152: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 2: Creating a CNAB Bundle
GCast 151: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 2: Deploying the Containers
GCast 150: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 1: Creating and running containers locally
GCast 149: Having Fun with ChatGPT
GCast 148: Working with ChatGPT
GCast 146: Granting YouTube Permissions to Other Users
GCast 145: Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
GCast 144: Managing Azure Active Directory Groups
GCast 143: Invite External Users to Azure Active Directory
GCast 142: Security Defaults in Azure Active Directory
GCast 141: Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
GCast 140: Using the Microsoft Graph API
GCast 139: Creating a JWT Bearer Token with Azure Active Directory
GCast 138: Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an Application Registration
GCast 137: Registering an Application with Azure Active Directory
GCast 136: Creating an Azure Active Directory User
GCast 135: Deploying a Web App to Azure from VS Code
GCast 134: Managing Microsoft Edge Profiles
GCast 133: Configuring an Azure App Service Identity Provider
GCast 132: Managing Azure Key Vault Secrets from a .NET App
GCast 131: Managing Secrets in an Azure Key Vault
GCast 130: Creating an Azure Key Vault
GCast 129: Using the Microsoft Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code
GCast 128: Maintaining State with Docker Volumes
GCast 127: Building and Running a Docker Container
GCast 126: Getting Started with Docker
GCast 125: Creating a Simple node.js Application
GCast 124: Customizing Spelling and Grammar Checks in Microsoft Word
GCast 123: Ingesting Into an ADX Table From an Azure Storage Blob
GCast 122: Azure Data Explorer Materialized Views
GCast 121: Analyzing Geographic Data with KQL
GCast 120: Analyzing Time Series Data with KQL
GCast 119: Kusto Query Language Basics
GCast 118: Managing Azure Data Explorer Tables with ADX Commands
GCast 117: Getting Started with Azure Data Explorer
GCast 116: Azure Active Directory B2C Token Generation With No User Interaction
GCast 115: Registering an Azure Account Subscription
GCast 114: Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
GCast 113: Passing parameters to xUnit.net tests with the ClassData attribute
GCast 112: Passing parameters to xUnit.net tests with the InlineData attribute
GCast 111: Writing unit tests with xUnit.net
GCast 110: Renaming Projects and Folders in a Visual Studio Solution
GCast 109: Using the Video Indexer AI Tool
GCast 108: Managing Deleted Facebook Posts
GCast 107: Live Streaming with Azure Media Services
GCast 106: Audio Transcription and Captioning with Azure Media Services
GCast 105: Analyzing a Video with Azure Media Services
GCast 104: Sharing a Video Online with Azure Media Services
GCast 103: Encode a Video with Azure Media Services
GCast 102: Video Files and Azure Media Services
GCast 101: Azure Resource Groups
GCast 100: Creating a Screencast
GCast 99: PowerPoint Animations
GCast 98: Using the Azure Storage Explorer
GCast 97: Accessing MinIO with the AWS S3 SDK
GCast 96: Using the MinIO Java Client SDK
GCast 95: Creating a MinIO Agent for Azure Blob Storage
GCast 94: Creating a MinIO Server
GCast 93: Handling Spring Boot Errors with ControllerAdvice
GCast 92: More Error Handling in a Spring Boot Application
GCast 91: Throwing and Catching Custom Exceptions in a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 90: Basic Error Handling in a Spring Boot Web Service
GCast 89: HTTP Request and Response Headers in a Spring Boot Application
GCast 87: Logging to Azure Application Insights from a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 86: Logging in a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 85: Dependency Injection in Java Spring Apps
GCast 84: Java Services
GCast 83: Supporting POST HTTP Requests with Spring Boot
GCast 82: Creating a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
GCast 81: Spring Boot Quick Start
GCast 80: Conditional Logic in Power Automate
GCast 79: Creating a Workflow from Scratch in Power Automate
GCast 78: Creating a Workflow from a Microsoft Power Automate Template
GCast 77: Connecting Azure Synapse to External Data
GCast 76: Creating an Azure Synapse database
GCast 75: Creating an Azure SQL Server Logical Server
GCast 74: Continuous Deployment with Azure DevOps
GCast 73: Build an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline
GCast 72: Creating an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
GCast 71: Integrating Visual Studio Solution with Azure DevOps Repo
GCast 70: Deleting an Azure DevOps Project
GCast 69: Azure DevOps Branch Policies
GCast 68: Azure DevOps Work Items
GCast 69: Azure DevOps Branch Policies
GCast 67: Azure Repos, Branches, and Pull Requests
GCast 66: Creating a Repo in Azure DevOps
GCast 65: AI, Whale Sharks, and WildBook
GCast 64: Noise Reduction with Audacity
GCast 63: Sentiment Analysis JavaScript Demo
GCast 62: Sentiment Analysis Cognitive Service
GCast 61: Text Recognition C# Demo
GCast 60: Text Recognition Cognitive Service with Binary Images
GCast 59: Cognitive Services Text Recognition service
GCast 58: Creating and Deploying Azure Resources with ARM Templates
GCast 57: Azure Data Factory GitHub Deployment
GCast 56: Azure Web App Deployment Slots
GCast 55: GitHub Deployment to an Azure Web App
GCast 54: Azure Storage Replication
GCast 53: Creating a Data Warehouse in Azure
GCast 52: Using hilite.me to Format Code as HTML
GCast 51: Creating an Azure Container Instance
GCast 50: Angular pt 9: Incremental Search
GCast 49: Angular pt 8: HTTP
GCast 48: Angular pt 7: Routing
GCast 47: Angular pt 6: Services
GCast 46: Angular pt 5: Master Detail Components
GCast 45: Angular pt 4: Displaying a List
GCast 44: Angular pt 3: The Hero Editor
GCast 43: Angular pt 2: The Application Shell
GCast 42: Angular pt 1: Getting Started
GCast 41: Using the PowerPoint Selection Pane
Azure Search REST API
GCast 38: Azure Search
GCast 37: Managing Blobs with the Azure Storage Explorer
GCast 36: Managing Tables with the Azure Storage Explorer
GCast 35: Customizing Microsoft Teams
GCast 34: Exposing Local Web Apps with ngrok
GCast 33: An Introduction to Power BI
GCast 32: Handwriting OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 31: OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 30: Creating Applications with the Analyze Image Cognitive Services API
Introducing Cognitive Services and Computer Vision
GCast 28: Natural Language Processing with LUIS
GCast 27: QnAMaker
GCast 26: Creating a Chatbot in the Azure Portal
GCast 24: Azure Function CosmosDB Binding
GCast 23: Azure Logic Apps
GCast 22: Creating an Azure Function Proxy
GCast 21: Azure Functions Continuous Deployment
GCast 20: Creating an Azure Function in Visual Studio
Creating an Azure Function in the Azure Portal
GCast 18: Azure Data Factory
GCast 17: Azure CosmosDB with Other APIs
GCast 16: Azure CosmosDB with SQL API
GCast 15: Creating an Azure Web App
Creating an Azure Storage Account
GCast 13: Azure Media Services - Closed Captioning
GCast 12: Azure Media Services: Live Streaming
GCast 11: Azure Media Services - Uploading, Encoding, and Sharing a Video
GCast 10: Using Chocolatey
GCast 9: Azure Linux Virtual Machines
GCast 8: Azure Virtual Machines
GCast 7: Azure MySQL Database
GCast 6: Azure SQL Database
GCast 5: Azure Databricks
GCast 4: Azure Notebooks
GCast 3: Creating and Deploying a Predictive Web Services with Azure ML Studio
GCast 2: Azure Machine Learning Studio
GCast 1: A Lap Around Cloud and Azure
Re-Booting the GCast screencast show
Cognitive Services - Speech to Text
15: Cognitive Services - Emotion API
14: Cognitive Services - Thumbnail Generation
GCast 13: Cognitive Services - Optical Character Recognition
GCast 11: Microsoft Cognitive Services Overview
GCast 10: Creating an Azure Web App
GCast 9: Creating an Azure Virtual Machine
G-Cast 8: Creating an Azure Storage Account
G-Cast 7: Azure Storage Replication
G-Cast 6: Deploying to an Azure Web App from a Local Git Repository
G-Cast 5: User Features of Microsoft Edge
G-Cast 4: Azure Mobile Services, Part 4 – Adding your own table to a service
G-Cast 3: Azure Mobile Services, Part 3 – Implementing Single Sign-On
G-Cast 1: Azure Mobile Services, Part 1 – Creating a Mobile Service
The return of G-Cast
Creating Windows Azure Web Sites
Visual Studio 2012 Coded UI Tests screencasts
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 3: Modifying Maps
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 2: Assertions
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 1: Fundamentals, Functional Tests, and Smoke Tests
Visual Studio 2010 Coded UI Tests screencasts
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 3: Modifying Maps
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 2: Assertions
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 1: Fundamentals, Functional Tests, and Smoke Tests

git (2)

GCast 164: Using Git and GitHub Together
Preserving Empty Folders in a git Repository

GitHub (15)

Esteban Garcia on Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot
GCast 168: GitHub Action Triggers
GCast 167: GitHub Actions
GCast 166: GitHub Codespaces [GCast 166]
GCast 165: GitHub projects [GCast 165]
GCast 164: Using Git and GitHub Together
GCast 163: Getting Started with GitHub
What are Code Reviews, Why Should We Spend Time on Them, and How Can We Improve Them?
Dave Rael on Git
Mike Benkovich on GitHub Actions and Visual Studio
Tibi Covaci on Creating a GitHub Action
Using git-posh to view Git Status
Edward Thomson on GitHub Actions
GCast 57: Azure Data Factory GitHub Deployment
Linking an Azure Data Factory to a GitHub Repository

Give Camp (7)

Stan Schultes on Bar Camps, Economic Summits, and SparkGrowth
Get off your butt and volunteer for a Give Camp! Now!!!
Ann Arbor Give Camp
Chris Woodruff on Grand Rapids Give Camp
Grand Rapids Give Camp exceeds expectations
Lansing Give Camp success
McWherters and Harrises on the Lansing Give Camp

Gratitudes (139)

November 2024 Gratitudes
October 2024 Gratitudes
September 2024 Gratitudes
August 2024 Gratitudes
July 2024 Gratitudes
June 2024 Gratitudes
May 2024 Gratitudes
April 2024 Gratitudes
March 2024 Gratitudes
February 2023 Gratitudes
January 2023 Gratitudes
December 2023 Gratitudes
November 2023 Gratitudes
October 2023 Gratitudes
September 2023 Gratitudes
August 2023 Gratitudes
July 2023 Gratitudes
June 2023 Gratitudes
May 2023 Gratitudes
Ten Years of Gratitude Out Loud
May 2023 Gratitudes
March 2023 Gratitudes
February 2023 Gratitudes
January 2023 Gratitudes
December 2022 Gratitudes
November 2022 Gratitudes
October 2022 Gratitudes
September 2022 Gratitudes
August 2022 Gratitudes
July 2022 Gratitudes
June 2022 Gratitudes
May 2022 Gratitudes
April 2022 Gratitudes
March 2022 Gratitudes
February 2022 Gratitudes
January 2022 Gratitudes
December 2021 Gratitudes
November 2021 Gratitudes
October 2021 Gratitudes
September 2021 Gratitudes
August 2021 Gratitudes
July 2021 Gratitudes
June 2021 Gratitudes
May 2021 Gratitudes
April 2021 Gratitudes
March 2021 Gratitudes
February 2021 Gratitudes
January 2021 Gratitudes
December 2020 Gratitudes
November 2020 Gratitudes
October 2020 Gratitudes
September 2020 Gratitudes
August 2020 Gratitudes
July 2020 Gratitudes
June 2020 Gratitudes
May 2020 Gratitudes
April 2020 Gratitudes
March 2020 Gratitudes
February 2020 Gratitudes
January 2020 Gratitudes
December 2019 Gratitudes
November 2019 Gratitudes
October 2019 Gratitudes
September 2019 Gratitudes
August 2019 Gratitudes
July 2019 Gratitudes
June 2019 Gratitudes
May 2019 Gratitudes
April 2019 Gratitudes
March 2019 Gratitudes
February 2019 Gratitudes
January 2019 Gratitudes
December 2018 Gratitudes
November 2018 Gratitudes
October 2018 Gratitudes
September 2018 Gratitudes
August 2018 Gratitudes
July 2018 Gratitudes
June 2018 Gratitudes
May 2018 Gratitudes
April 2018 Gratitudes
March 2018 Gratitudes
February 2018 Gratitudes
January 2018 Gratitudes
December 2017 Gratitudes
November 2017 Gratitudes
October 2017 Gratitudes
September 2017 Gratitudes
August 2017 Gratitudes
July 2017 Gratitudes
June 2017 Gratitudes
May 2017 Gratitudes
April 2017 Gratitudes
March 2017 Gratitudes
February 2017 Gratitudes
January 2017 Gratitudes
December 2016 Gratitudes
November 2016 Gratitudes
October 2016 Gratitudes
September 2016 Gratitudes
August 2016 Gratitudes
July 2016 Gratitudes
June 2016 Gratitudes
May 2016 Gratitudes
April 2016 Gratitudes
March 2016 Gratitudes
February 2016 Gratitudes
January 2016 Gratitudes
December 2015 Gratitudes
November 2015 Gratitudes
October 2015 Gratitudes
September 2015 Gratitudes
August 2015 Gratitudes
July 2015 Gratitudes
June 2015 Gratitudes
May 2015 Gratitudes
April 2015 Gratitudes
March 2015 Gratitudes
February 2015 Gratitudes
January 2015 Gratitudes
December 2014 Gratitudes
November 2014 Gratitudes
October 2014 Gratitudes
September 2014 Gratitudes
August 2014 Gratitudes
July 2014 Gratitudes
June 2014 Gratitudes
May 2014 Gratitudes
April 2014 Gratitudes
A Year of Gratitude Out Loud
March 2014 Gratitudes
February 2014 Gratitudes
January 2014 Gratitudes
December 2013 Gratitudes
November 2013 Gratitudes
October 2013 Gratitudes
September 2013 Gratitudes
August 2013 Gratitudes
Daily Gratitude and a New Attitude

Grok Talk (3)

Grok Talk: Building Your First ASP.Net MVC Application
Jesse Murray presents "The" SharePoint
Sogeti Grok Talk online: Debugging with WinDbg

Hackathons (10)

Jef King on The Missing Children Society of Canada
MadHacks Spring Fever 2016
SpartaHack 2016
Look at Me: I’m Learning Machine Learning!
Hacking and Tweeting and Watching TV
Red Lanterns on Kinect and Python
Hack The Anvil
HackIllinois 2015
The Flock team on Flock
TAMUHack User Stories

Hardware (3)

Jon Skeet on Programming an Electronic Drum Kit
Dan Rey on Microsoft Surface
Notes from Microsoft Windows 10 Devices event

HTML5 (14)

GCast 52: Using hilite.me to Format Code as HTML
Using HTML Agility Pack to Parse a Web Page
Using CSS to Alternate Table Row Background Colors
Mina Markham on SASS
HTML 5 Fundamentals
HTML5, Part 7 - HTML5 JavaScript APIs
HTML5, Part 6 - More CSS3
HTML5, Part 5 - CSS3
HTML5, Part 4 - New Input Types
HTML5, Part 3 - New Attributes
HTML5, Part 2 - New Tags
HTML5, Part 1: An Introduction to HTML5
Gil Fink on HTML5 JavaScript APIs
HTML5 Presentation video now online

Humor (4)

John Cleese is Not Yet Dead
Al Franken Polishes his Act in Chicago
Celebrating my NVP-ness

IAAS (6)

Mete Atamel on Serverless Containers
Elton Stoneman on Docker
GCast 51: Creating an Azure Container Instance
Adding a Disk to an Azure Virtual Machine
Creating an Azure Virtual Machine
GCast 9: Creating an Azure Virtual Machine

Infrastructure (6)

Azure and the Modern Data Center
Containers versus Virtual Machines
More Videos of Azure IAAS / PowerShell Labs
New Video Series: Hands-On Labs to Learn Azure IAAS Automation with Powershell
Kevin Griffin on Winsitter
Mark Minasi on Windows Server 8

Interviews (459)

Venkat Subramaniam on The Evolution of Java
Danny Kim on Cybersecurity in Industry and Education
Christina Aldan on Changing Careers
Joe Sharmer on Migration, Modernization and Entra
Jerry Nixon on Data API Builder
AL Rodriguez on Managed Identities
Barry Stahl on the Fediverse
Rhia Dixon on Code Reviews
Jennifer Marsman on Generative AI and the Office of the CTO
Alex Riviere on CSS Container Queries
Michelle Frost on Sociotechnical approaches to AI
Javier Salmeron on Bitnami and Tanzu Application Catalog
Jason Bock on C# Source Generators
Esteban Garcia on Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot
Dean Schuster on UX Design
Justine Cocchi on Building Applications using Azure Cosmos DB
Bill Sempf on Trends in Application Security
Prasanna Pendse on Getting AI into Production
Ben Kotvis on Modernizing Enterprise Applications
Greg Crist on Observability
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud for the Public Sector
Andrew Brust on the History of Big Data
Michelle Sandford on Responsible AI
Jeff Fritz on Deploying NET Aspire Applications
Scott Hunter on NET Aspire
Rocky Lhotka on Designing Distributed Systems
Valerie Gurka on Documentation in Software Engineering
Scott Hermes on Microsoft Fabric
Raj Krishnan on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
Technology and Friends, Episode 800: A Celebration of Friends!
Chris Nicholas on Enterprise Acceleration of AI
John Burns on Platform Engineering
Scott Kramer and Randy Dojutrek on The impact of AI on Tech Jobs
Hillel Wayne on TLA+
Paul Sheriff on Starting and Running a Successful Consulting Business
Gael Fraiteur on Metalama
Kashif Qureshi and Nick Simons on Fluid Framework
Jordan Thayer on the AI Landscape
Oren Eini on the Corax Search Engine Part 2
Oren Eini on the Corax Search Engine, Part 1
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
Jeremy Miller on The Case Against Clean Architecture
Alex Riviere on Fresh Hot CSS Features
Brian Gorman on a Microsoft Software Training Program for US Military Veterans
Jose And Laurel Mojica on Virtual Reality Storytelling
Brendan Burns on Creating Kubernetes
Kevin Gates on Photography
Steve Smith on Clean Architecture
Joël Hébert on API Security
Fernando da Silva on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Andy Randall on Linux and Azure
Nic Jackson on Hashicorp Vault
Ashton and Ryan Clark on TicketFalcon
Kristina Swanson on Microsoft Partner Programs
Steve Andrews on A Safe Work Environment
Cameron Turner on Predictive and Generative AI
Jon Skeet on Enhancing His Church's A/V System
D'Arcy Lussier on Microsoft's OpenAI Journey and Strategy
Nisaini Rexach on AI in Education
Eric Leonard on Kubernetes and Platform Engineering
Israel Ekpo on Vector Databases
Chris Woodruff on Career and Life Advice from an Old Guy in Tech
Mike Richter on Taking AI Apps to Production on Azure
Juan Llovet de Casso on Microsoft Fabric
J. Tower on Migrating Legacy ASP.NET Applications
Peter Laudati on What the Hack
Ashley Janelle on User Experience
Craig Shoemaker on Online Course Creation
Oren Eini on Building Projects that Endure
Michael Brown on Juneteenth Conference
Mike Amundsen on HyperCLI and HyperLANG
Dolly Desir on Application Monitoring
Tim Banks on the Solace of You
Andy Huang on Application Resiliency
Alex Mattoni on Cycle.io
Nikki Conley on Video Indexer
Pete Rodriguez on a Career in Technology
Mark Downie on DasBlog
Tommy Falgout on the Azure Marketplace and Transactable Containers
Keith Casey on ngrok and Webhooks
Chris Woodruff on HTTP
Eldert Grootenboer on Azure Service Bus
Ryan Booz on PostgreSQL
Haider Ghany on Azure Data Centers
Kevin Grossnicklaus on Low Code No Code Solutions
Guy Royse on Software Defined Radio
Matt Groves on Fluent Migrator
Scott Rutz on Dapr
Mike Shelton on Data Lakehouses
Jimmy Bogard on Vertical Slice Architecture and MediatR
Rob Richardson on Containerization
Kira Soderstrom on Power Platform
Brian Korzynski on Machine Learning Challenges for a C# Developer
Jeffrey Miller on Building a Second Brain
Peter Ritchie on Naming Things in Software Projects
Eric Lawrence on Web Browser Complexity
Beth Humphreys on Technical Leadership
Chander Dhall on AI in Azure, Google, and AWS
Buck Woody on Database Security
Stephen Rose on New Features in Microsoft Teams
Christina Aldan on Brain Performance and Memory
Dan Rey on Live Streaming
Caito Scherr on Apache Flink
Simeon Kakpovi and Greg Schloemer on a Cybersecurity game
Mike Benkovich on Infrastructure as Code
Brian Gorman on Messaging, Queueing, and Eventing in Azure
Joe Guadagno on Leadership
Don Miller on Headless Content Management Systems
Michael Richardson on Yarn Berry
Michael Scherotter on Galleryst
Darryl Hogan on Accelerating Technologies for Nonprofits
Jeff Fritz on .NET Conf
Michael Mishal on Reinforcement Learning
James McKee on Application Security vs Developer Security
Drew Brown on The New Technology Employment Contract
Shane Jones on Writing an App for the Vision Impaired
Adi Polak on LakeFS
Henning Rauch and Vincent Philippe Lauzon on Azure Data Explorer
Sarah Sexton on Using Technology to Stay Sane During Stressful Times
Beijie Zhang on Technical Interviews
Dasith Wijesiriwardena on OpenTelemetry
Douglas Starnes on Python and Azure
Shannon Kuehn on Workload Identity Federation
Mary Grygleski on Event Streaming and Processing with Apache Pulsar
Joe Kunk on Windows UI Testing
Mihai Tataran on the Microsoft Azure Well Architected Framework
A Celebration of Friends 700!
Jean Lange on the History of JavaScript
Godfrey Nolan on Drone SDKs
Matt Eland on How Humans Learn
Chris Judd on Technical Skills That Are Most In Demand
Brent Ozar on What Every Developer Needs to Know About Databases
Barry Stahl on Patterns for Reliable Systems
Jeff Blankenburg on AI Assistants in the Future
Arthur Doler on Giving and Receiving Feedback
Chris DeMars on Accessibility
Greg Huber on Maker Space
Tudor Damian on Pandemics and Security
Nick Kwiatkowski on Dialogflow CX
Allison Hartnett on Microsoft TEALS and Computer Science Education
Dave Rael on Git
Guy Royse on Probabilistic Data Structures
Richard Campbell on the Future of Space Travel
Sam Nasr on Cognitive Services
Tudor Damian on Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking
Eric Potter on Kusto Query Language
Cameron Presley on Mentoring
Matt Groves on Couchbase 7
Sam Basu on NET MAUI
Carl Franklin on Music and Programming
Joe Kunk on SQL+.NET
Shahed Chowdhuri on Azure Arc
Cassandra Faris on Open Source Software
Becky Gaudet on the Azure Commercial Marketplace
Martine Dowden on the D3
Sarah Withee on an Open Source Pancreas
Jason Bock on Mutation Testing
Michael Dowden on Firebase
Gavin Bauman on SonarQube
Hattan Shobokshi on Getting the Most Out of Bash Scripts
Michael Scherotter on Creativity and Technology
Sasha Rosenbaum on Growth Mindset
Jeff Wilcox on Open Source and Microsoft
Ovetta Sampson on Mindful and Ethical AI
Joel Cochran on Azure Synapse
Dani Diaz on IoT and Azure Percept
Danielle Walker on Technology Startups
Matt Adamczyk on Title Town Tech and Startups
Wolfgang Goerlich on Cyber Security Design Principles
Matthew Renze on the AI Developers Toolkit
Ted Neward on Technology Culture
Dave Hoerster on Azure Active Directory B2C
Jason Farrell on Kubernetes
Kevin Ashley on AI for Design Art and Games
Christos Matskas on Microsoft Identity Platform
Richard Taylor on the Microsoft Revenue Recognition System
Julie Lerman on Entity Framework Core 5
Kevin Pilch on gRPC
Dustin Campbell on Support for WinForms to the Visual Studio Designer
Kevin Griffin on SignalR Real World Projects
Mike Benkovich on GitHub Actions and Visual Studio
Javier Lozano on Virtual Conferences
Ed Charbeneau on Blazor Testing
David Neal on Hand Drawn Illustrations for Powerful Storytelling
Kyle Bunting and Joel Hulen on Data Engineering in Azure
Gaines Kergosien on ADHD
Rik Hepworth on Azure Governance
Scott Hanselman on Productivity
Glenn Block on Racial Justice
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud Adoption Framework
Gary Short on The Mathematics of COVID19 & the Hero You've Never Heard Of
Heather Downing on Developer Burnout
Wilfried Motchoffo on A Path to a Tech Career
Alexandria Storm on Natural Language Processing and Inclusion
Irma Mesa on Cafecito
Nayonna Purnell on Changing to a Career in IT
Peter de Tender on Azure Certification
Damian Brady on MLOps
Glenn Block on Astrophotography
Jon Skeet on Programming an Electronic Drum Kit
Donovan Brown on App Innovations
Tibi Covaci on Creating a GitHub Action
Mete Atamel on Serverless Containers
Dave Pine on NET 5 and the Docs team
Kayla Cinnamon on Windows Terminal
Yina Arenas on Microsoft Graph
Sven Aelterman on Data in Education
Jason Fox on Spatial Computing
Troy Hunt on The Role of Technology in Social Isolation
Nik Molnar on Visual Studio Codespaces
Christine Matheney on Teaching Computer Science to the Next Generation
Christina Aldan and Jeff Strauss on Dev Around the Sun
Chris Klug on Software Development Up-Front Planning
Layla Porter on Test Driven Development
Andrea Salterello on Accessibility
Sarah Lean on Adjusting to the Pandemic
Brent Stineman on Remote Recording
Jaidev Kunjur on Azure Integration Tools
Don Ward on Flutter
Episode 600:: A Celebration of Friends
Bryan Glenn on the Right Mindset for Success
Jean Lange on Building Skills with Improv games
Arthur Doler on Mental Health in the Workplace
Courtney Eaton and Gabrielle Sempf on KidzMash
Tibi Covaci on Migrating to the Cloud
Christian Geuer Pollmann on Erlang and Elixir
Martin Kearn on Document Recognition and Knowledge Extraction
J Tower on the .NET CLI
Tobiah Zarlez on Gender Identity
Walt Ritscher on Try .NET
Robert Green on Microsoft Graph
Jim Wooley on Entity Framework Performance
Angela Dugan on Team Dynamics
Phil Japikse on .NET Core Support Cycle
Edward Thomson on GitHub Actions
Jeremy Likness on Blazor
Laurent Bugnion on the Ignite Tour
Episode 580: Jason Bock on .NET Core 3
Laurent Ellerbach on Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
Raj Krishnan on Azure Data Explorer
Lorena Mesa on the Python Software Foundation
Dan Rey on Microsoft Surface
Kevin Gates on Cloud Architecture
Mercedes Bernard on Dev Together
Ruth Yakubu on Machine Learning tools in Azure
Whitney Griffith on Azure Blockchain as a Service
Jon Galloway on the .NET Foundation
Laurent Bugnion on Migrating Data to Azure
John Alexander on ML.NET
Heather Wilde on Anticipatory Design
Elton Stoneman on Docker
Hattan Shobokshi on TerraForm
Eric Boyd on Microservices
David Makogon on Streaming Data
J Tower on .NET Standard
Mike Benkovich on Visual Studio 2019
Adam Hecktman on Civic Tech
Frank Gill on Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
Lwin Maung on IoT Hardware Options
Melanie Adcock on TechMonthChicago
Brent Stineman on the Evolution of Serverless
Bret Stateham on IoT Edge
Kevin Griffin on Whats New in SignalR
Ondrej Balas on 2-Factor Authentication
Jennifer Marsman on AI for Earth
Jeremy Miller on Automated Testing in .NET Core
Cassandra Faris on Personal Branding
Jennifer Wadella on Gatsby
Jon Skeet on Versioning
Geisa Faustino on Teaching
Jackie Becker on Mixed Reality in the Real World
Isaac Bayoh on How Technology Impacts Developing Countries
Elizabeth Graham on Azure Logic Apps
Alex Mang on Azure Durable Functions
Jim Wooley on Static Analyzers and Roslyn
JD Marymee on Blockchain
Bill Wagner on Nullable Reference Types
Brady Gaster on Marketing Azure
Jeff Fritz on Live Streaming Coding
Robert Greene on DevOps
Hao Luo on Rust
Rajasa Savant on Serverless Azure
Raymond Comvalius on Transitioning to the Modern Workplace with Windows 10
Christos Matskas on Visual Studio for Mac
Walt Ritscher on LinkedIn Learning
Chris Woodruff on HTTP and REST
Dan Rey on What's New In Windows 10
Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan on SmartArm
Douglas Crockford on Clutter in Programming Languages
Heather Downing and Spencer Schneidenback on the HelloWorld Show
Jayson Street on Patching Humans
Jon Skeet on Making StackOverflow More Inclusive
Erwin Derksen on Office Click To Run
Silviu Niculita on Chatbots
Brandon Satrom on Ed Gets His Power Back
Venkat Subramaniam on JavaScript - the Cute Parts
John Azariah on Quantum Computing
Tobiasz Koprowski on Securing SQL Server
Tim Reilly on Blockchain
Angie Byron on Drupal
Zach Miller on Data Science Myths
Atley Hunter on UI Simplicity
Christine Matheney on Imagine Cup
Kevin Ashley on AI and basketball
Raffaele Rialdi on GDPR
Fabian Fernandez on .NETConf Global
Guillermo Bellman on Azure Service Fabric
Jim Christopher on Data Science
Carolina Banales on Woman Tech Entrepreneurs
Robert Martin on Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming
Michael and Alana Blumenthal on an IoT project
Episode 500: A Celebration of Friends
Keith Casey on The Tech Events Network
Cecil Phillip on Away From the Keyboard
Doris Chen on Performance Tuning
Oren Eini on RavenDB
Kevin Grossnicklaus on API Design
Richard Taylor on Web Development to Xamarin Development
Merwan Hade on Microsoft Flow
Pratap Ladhani on PowerApps
Jay Harris on Web Development Tools
Jeremy Clark on Social Developers
Scott Addie on Migrating to ASP.NET Core
Adam Freymiller on Interviewing for a Tech Job
Gael Fraiteur on PostSharp 5.0
Jimmy Bogard on AutoMapper
Riccardo Bennett-Lovsey on Digital Transformations
Kent Alstad on Leadership
Matthew Renze on Data Science
Jonathan Mills on Angular CLI
Nancy Gaines on Productivity
Peter Leeson on Quality
Florin Loghiade on Testing PowerShell with Pester
Boris Hristov on Technical Presentations
Radu Vunvulea on Surviving in the IoT World
Ben Armstrong on Containers and Virtualization
Bob Waltenspiel and Dave Phillips on IT In The D
DevRadio: Startup Stories: Fighting information overload with automated summarizations from Agolo
Jef King on The Missing Children Society of Canada
Chris Heilmann on Progressive Web Apps
J Tower on Communication Skills for Engineers
Anne Bougie on Azure Storage Options
David Washington on Home Automation
Matt Soucoup on What's New in Xamarin
Jaidev Kunjur on Enterprise Integration
Ed Charbeneau on Machine Learning and the Full Stack Developer
DevRadio:Microsoft Azure IP Advantage
Vibhu Bhutani on IoT Projects
Chris Woodruff on Electron
Talking about Cognitive Services on the Eat Sleep Code podcast
Bryan Soltis on Azure Search
Jeff Strauss on ECMAScript 6
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Victor Cintron, CEO of DimDrop
Interview with Jeff Fritz about ASP.NET 5
J Wynia on Spark View Engine
Nathan Blevins on Lego Mindstorm
Steve Andrews on GeekGive
Phil Japikse on Automated Testing
Brian Sherwin on Refactoring
Episode 100!!!
Joe Wirtley on E-Commerce Challenges
David Truxall on TFS
Drinking from the Fire Hose
Matt Van Horn on Expression Blend
John McClelland on BizSpark and WebSiteSpark
Dane Morgridge on The Entity Framework
Cameron Skinner on Visual Studio 2010 Architecture Tools
John Hopkins and Jason Follas on the Ann Arbor Day of .Net
David Hoerster on jQuery and WCF
David Isbitski and Matt Van Horn on Silverlight Behaviors
John Petersen on jQuery, JSON and Ajax
Eric Greene on CMS
Michael Eaton on Kalamazoo X
Jennifer Marsman on Windows 7 Development
Karl Swedberg on jQuery
Brian Genisio on Prism
Jim Holmes on Unit Testing
Producing an Online TV Show
Producing an online TV show, Part 5: Sharing with the world
Mike Amundsen on HTTP and REST
Gary Short on Technical Debt
Sam Corder on MongoDB
Debbie Must on Deployment
Corey Haines on Software Craftsmanship
Darrell Hawley on Django
Tim Wingfield on Kanban
Dave Bost on The Thirsty Developer
Jim Holmes on CodeMash 2010
Mike Wood and James Bender on NPlus1
Doc List on Open Spaces
Mary and Tom Poppendieck on Leadership
Jeff McWherter and Ben Hall on Testing
Bill Wagner on Dynamic Features of C# 4.0
Television Premiere of 'Technology and Friends'
Michael Eaton on Software Estimation
Jay Harris on Continuous Integration
Chris Woodruff on Grand Rapids Give Camp
Stephen Toub on Parallel Computing
Chris Woodruff on RIA Services
Sai Naik on the benefits of SharePoint
David Truxall on Debugging
Brian Prince on Windows 7 Under the Hood
Matt Hester on Windows Server 2008 R2
Kirstin Juhl on Lean Manufacturing vs Lean Software Development
Joe Kunk on DevExpress XTraReports
Jeremiah Peschka on Troubleshooting SQL Performance
Chris Hay on US and UK developer communities
Nathan Blevins on Microsoft Robotics Studio
James Bender on REST services
Phil Japikse on HopeMongers.org
Leon Gersing on Ruby
Craig Berntson on Continuous Integration
Jessica Moss on SSIS
Chris Smith on F#
Kathleen Dollard on MEF
Dennis Burton on Lansing Day of .Net
Sara Ford on CodePlex
John Kellar on DevLink 2009
Jamie Wright on Getting Real with Consulting
Betsy Weber on TechSmith products
Martin Shoemaker on UML
Jesse Murray on SharePoint Best Practices
Michael Eaton on the Ann Arbor Give Camp
Brian Genisio on the MVVM pattern
Corey Schuman on Silverlight
Josef Finsel on Azure Table Storage
Jim Wooley on Stored Procedures and Data Access
Mike Neel on CodeStock 2009
Ziad Hakim on iPhone Development
Aydin Akcasu on programming the Wii controller
Jennifer Marsman on Windows Azure
Chris Woodruff on Deep Fried Bytes
Mike Hacker on Single Sign-On
Mike Wood on Parallel LINQ
Michael Letterle on Preemptive Solutions
Jamie Wright on CSLA
Jeff Blankenburg on Stir Trek
David Edson on Data Visualization with Microsoft Visio
McWherters and Harrises on the Lansing Give Camp
Chris Woodruff and Bill Miller on the West Michigan .Net University
Randy Pagels on Visual Studio Team System 2010
Randy Pagels on Visual Studio Team System
Michael Eaton on Michigan Give Camps
Jim Holmes on CodeMash
Matt Pizzimenti on a2geeks.org
Mark Hindsbo on Microsoft and the Developer Community
Phil Japikse on Application Deployment
Tim Adams interviewing me interviewing him
Mike Wood talks about building community
Brian Prince on Working For Microsoft
Darryl Hogan on Architect Evangelism
Joe Fiorini on meetinbetween.us
Monish Nagisetty explains BizTalk Server
Alan Stevens discusses open spaces technology
Jason Follas explains SQL Server Spatial Data Types
Steve Smith discusses performance and scalability
John Kellar discusses interviewing and DevLink
New Feature: Tech Interviews

IoT (23)

Greg Huber on Maker Space
Dani Diaz on IoT and Azure Percept
Automatic Routing in Microsoft Azure IoT Hubs
Lwin Maung on IoT Hardware Options
Bret Stateham on IoT Edge
Adding Devices to an Azure IoT Hub
Creating an Azure IoT Hub
The Power of The Internet of Things
Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan on SmartArm
Michael and Alana Blumenthal on an IoT project
Radu Vunvulea on Surviving in the IoT World
David Washington on Home Automation
Vibhu Bhutani on IoT Projects
Rachel Weil on Connected NES
Iris Classon on Microsoft Band Development
Lwin and Min Maung on Microcontrollers
Laurent Ellerbach on an IoT Garden
JD Marymee on IoT, Students, and the International Space Station
Paul DeCarlo and Jeremy Foster on IoT Labs
Andrew Duthie on Sensors and IoT
Jason Young on IoT, Microsoft Band, and PowerPoint
Students Show Off Amazing Ideas at Purdue’s Spark Challenge
Josh Holmes on Nitrogen

Java (36)

Venkat Subramaniam on The Evolution of Java
Javier Salmeron on Bitnami and Tanzu Application Catalog
GCast 147: Creating and Deploying an Azure Spring App
Deploying a Spring Application to Azure Spring Apps
Adding an Azure Spring App to an Azure Spring App Service
Creating an Azure Spring Apps Service
Java and Spring Boot Articles and Videos
Handling Spring Boot Errors with ControllerAdvice
More Error Handling in a Spring Boot Application
Throwing and Catching Custom Exceptions in a Java Spring Boot Application
Basic Error Handling in a Spring Boot Web Service
Logging in a Java Spring Boot Application
Java Services and Interfaces in a Spring Boot Application
Supporting POST methods and Models in a Spring Boot Application
Creating a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
Creating a Java Spring Application
Installing Java on Windows
MinIO articles and videos
Using the MinIO Java SDK
GCast 97: Accessing MinIO with the AWS S3 SDK
GCast 96: Using the MinIO Java Client SDK
GCast 95: Creating a MinIO Agent for Azure Blob Storage
GCast 94: Creating a MinIO Server
Videos: Getting Started with Java and Spring
GCast 93: Handling Spring Boot Errors with ControllerAdvice
GCast 92: More Error Handling in a Spring Boot Application
GCast 91: Throwing and Catching Custom Exceptions in a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 90: Basic Error Handling in a Spring Boot Web Service
GCast 89: HTTP Request and Response Headers in a Spring Boot Application
GCast 87: Logging to Azure Application Insights from a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 86: Logging in a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 85: Dependency Injection in Java Spring Apps
GCast 84: Java Services
GCast 83: Supporting POST HTTP Requests with Spring Boot
GCast 82: Creating a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
GCast 81: Spring Boot Quick Start

JavaScript (69)

Jean Lange on the History of JavaScript
Martine Dowden on the D3
GCast 63: Sentiment Analysis JavaScript Demo
A Sample JavaScript App Using the Bing Spell Check API
Calling Cognitive Service OCR service from JavaScript
GCast 50: Angular pt 9: Incremental Search
GCast 49: Angular pt 8: HTTP
GCast 48: Angular pt 7: Routing
GCast 47: Angular pt 6: Services
GCast 46: Angular pt 5: Master Detail Components
GCast 45: Angular pt 4: Displaying a List
GCast 44: Angular pt 3: The Hero Editor
GCast 43: Angular pt 2: The Application Shell
GCast 42: Angular pt 1: Getting Started
Jennifer Wadella on Gatsby
GCast 32: Handwriting OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 31: OCR with Cognitive Services
Hao Luo on Rust
Douglas Crockford on Clutter in Programming Languages
Hiding a secret key in public JavaScript source code
Venkat Subramaniam on JavaScript - the Cute Parts
Jay Harris on Web Development Tools
Miguel Castro on Building AngularJS Component-Based Applications
Jonathan Mills on Angular CLI
Chris Woodruff on Electron
Maggie Pint on JS Foundation
Video: AngularJ presentation at Northwest Chicago JavaScript meetup
Ashley Grant on Aurelia
Jon DeJong on JavaScript Observables
Douglas Crockford on the Seif Project
Maggie Pint on Date and Time and momentjs
Steve Sanderson on JavaScript Services
Detecting Sentiment with Microsoft Cognitive Services
AngularJS and TypeScript presentation at GeekFest
Jakub Jedryszek on the Azure Portal
George Saadeh on Angular 2
Using the Newtonsoft library to change variable names of serialized objects
Securing a Subscription Key when calling a Web Service from Client-Side JavaScript
AngularJS 1.x, Part 4: The ng-repeat directive
AngularJS 1.x, Part 3: 2-Way Data Binding
AngularJS 1.x, Part 2: Controllers
AngularJS 1.x, Part 1: Introducing Angular
Why JavaScript Frameworks?
Southeast Michigan JavaScript meetup is now on Channel 9
The Agony and Ecstasy of my Return to Web Development
Sam Basu on NativeScript
James Bender on Angular
Joe Eames on JavaScript Frameworks
Max Lynch on Ionic
Interacting with JavaScript developers at Midwest JS
Cory House on React
Josh Carroll on Preparing for Angular 2
Josh Holmes on Nitrogen
Scott Allen on Managing Large AngularJS Projects
DevRadio: Track:JS interview
Rachel Appel on The Challenges of JavaScript
Brian Sullivan on Durandal
Ward Bell on Breeze
Gil Fink on HTML5 JavaScript APIs
Using the Google Directions API
Shane Boyer on TypeScript
John Papa on Single Page Applications
Chris Powers on Code Reuse
JavaScript: The Good Parts
Joel Cochran on KnockoutJS
Elijah Manor on AmplifyJS
FizzBuzz Kata
Stephen Walther on the Ajax toolkit
Mike Amundsen on node.js

jQuery (12)

Introduction to jQuery
Introduction to jQuery, Part 5 - Ajax
Introduction to jQuery, Part 4 - Working with Selections
Introduction to jQuery, Part 3 - Selecting Objects
Introduction to jQuery, Part 2 - Using jQuery
Introduction To jQuery, Part 1 - Why jQuery?
Slides and Demos from CodeMash jQuery presentation
Kevin Griffin on jQuery Mobile
Michael Kimsal on JavaScript
'Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery' by Richard York
David Hoerster on jQuery and WCF
John Petersen on jQuery, JSON and Ajax

Key Vault (5)

GCast 131: Managing Secrets in an Azure Key Vault
GCast 130: Creating an Azure Key Vault
Managing Key Vault Secrets from a .NET Console App
Creating an Azure Key Vault Secret in the Portal
Creating an Azure Key Vault

LINQ (2)

Justin Etheridge on LINQ
LINQ Unleashed for C# by Paul Kimmel

Live Mesh (1)

Synchronizing folders with Live Mesh

Live Services (1)

Use Microsoft SkyDrive to share files

Logic Apps (3)

Azure Integration Accounts and Logic Apps
Creating an Azure Logic App
Comparing Azure Logic Apps with Microsoft Power Automate

Machine Learning (1)

Creating an Azure Machine Learning Workspace

MEF (15)

Jeremy Likness on MEF
Slides and demos from MEF presentation
MEF in the Buckeye state
January Speaking Schedule
Matching multiple Exports to a single Import in MEF
Kathleen Dollard on MEF
CodesStock 2009 recap
Metadata in MEF
Interface Contracts in MEF
Simple Contracts in the Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework
Why MEF?
Upcoming speaking and listening schedule
MEF Presentation slides and demos
MEF slides
Day of .Net recap

Metro (1)

Jennifer Marsman on the Windows 8 App Store

Microsoft (47)

Ignite 2024: A Chance to Connect
Microsoft Ignite 2024 Day 1 Keynote
Microsoft Build 2024 Announcements
Andy Randall on Linux and Azure
Kristina Swanson on Microsoft Partner Programs
Preparing for the Microsoft AI-102 Exam
Reflections on 10 Years at Microsoft
Renewing Microsoft Certification Exams
Microsoft Build 2023 Keynote, Day 2
Microsoft Build 2023 Keynote, Day 1
Creating an Azure Subscription
Becoming a Microsoft Partner
Notes from the 2022 Ignite Keynote
Allison Hartnett on Microsoft TEALS and Computer Science Education
Quick Thoughts from the 2021 Microsoft Ignite Keynote
Jeff Wilcox on Open Source and Microsoft
Richard Taylor on the Microsoft Revenue Recognition System
Dave Pine on NET 5 and the Docs team
Yina Arenas on Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Build 2020 Keynote 4
Microsoft Build 2020 Keynote #3
Microsoft Build 2020 Keynote #2
Microsoft Build 2020 Keynote, Day 1
Robert Green on Microsoft Graph
Notes from 2019 Microsoft Ignite Keynote
Laurent Bugnion on the Ignite Tour
Adam Hecktman on Civic Tech
Geisa Faustino on Teaching
Microsoft Build 2018 Day 2 Keynote notes
Microsoft Build 2018 Day 1 Keynote notes
Merwan Hade on Microsoft Flow
Pratap Ladhani on PowerApps
A Microsoft practice in a non-Microsoft company
Notes from Connect 2016 Keynote
Notes from Build 2016 Keynote, Day 1
Notes from Microsoft Windows 10 Devices event
Look at Me: I’m Learning Machine Learning!
My TV show is moving to Channel 9
Build 2015 Day 1 Keynote
A Free Web Camp is coming to a city near you
My First 365 Days at Microsoft
Signing up for BizSpark
Microsoft’s BizSpark program offers free software and Azure hours to startups
Refactor Your Dev Skills at Dev Days 2014
Upcoming First-Party Events - April 2014 and Beyond
Build 2014 - Day 2 Keynote
Build 2014 - Day 1 Keynote

Microsoft Bot Framework (10)

Microsoft Bot Framework Articles, Videos, and Sample Code
GCast 26: Creating a Chatbot in the Azure Portal
Creating a Chatbot in the Azure Portal
Calling a Microsoft Chatbot from a web page
Saving Microsoft Bot State to Azure Storage
Saving State Data with the Microsoft Bot Framework
Microsoft Bot Framework: Adding A New Dialog
Microsoft Bot Framework Template Explained
Creating and Testing a Bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework
When and Why Chatbots?

Microsoft Office (20)

GCast 184: Using M365 Copilot with Excel
GCast 180: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Outlook EmailsEnter a post title
GCast 179: Using Copilot for M365 and MS Graph
GCast 172: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
GCast 161: Sorting a Microsoft Word Document by Headers
Managing Junk Mail Settings in Microsoft Outlook
Addressing Data Loss Protection Error for Non-Sensitive Documents
Selectively Suppressing the Spellchecker in Microsoft Word
GCast 124: Customizing Spelling and Grammar Checks in Microsoft Word
GCast 99: PowerPoint Animations
Yina Arenas on Microsoft Graph
Double Quotes in Excel CONCAT function
GCast 41: Using the PowerPoint Selection Pane
Using the PowerPoint Selection Pane
Erwin Derksen on Office Click To Run
Creating an automatic timer bar in a PowerPoint slide
Generating sample text in a Word document
Automatically adding Lorem Ipsum text to a Word document
Error: An Outlook Address Book entry cannot be used as an e-mail address in a contact
David Edson on Data Visualization with Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Partners (5)

Transactable Containers Videos
GCast 153: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 3: Publishing the Container Offer
GCast 152: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 2: Creating a CNAB Bundle
GCast 151: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 2: Deploying the Containers
GCast 150: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 1: Creating and running containers locally

MinIO (9)

MinIO articles and videos
Managing MinIO with the Amazon S3 SDK
Using the MinIO Java SDK
Creating and using a MinIO Gateway for Azure
Getting Started with MinIO Server
GCast 97: Accessing MinIO with the AWS S3 SDK
GCast 96: Using the MinIO Java Client SDK
GCast 95: Creating a MinIO Agent for Azure Blob Storage
GCast 94: Creating a MinIO Server

Mixed Reality (2)

Jason Fox on Spatial Computing
Jackie Becker on Mixed Reality in the Real World

Mobility (34)

Godfrey Nolan on Drone SDKs
Don Ward on Flutter
Zach Miller on Data Science Myths
Atley Hunter on UI Simplicity
Richard Taylor on Web Development to Xamarin Development
Chris Heilmann on Progressive Web Apps
Matt Soucoup on What's New in Xamarin
Iris Classon on Microsoft Band Development
DevRadio Startup Stories: Interview with Lab4U
James Montemagno on Xamarin Plug-Ins
Carl Schweitzer on the Universal App Platform
G-Cast 4: Azure Mobile Services, Part 4 – Adding your own table to a service
Mobile Development Panel Discussion
G-Cast 2: Azure Mobile Services, Part 2 – Creating the Sample Table and Client
G-Cast 1: Azure Mobile Services, Part 1 – Creating a Mobile Service
Xamarin Kicks off Dev Days Tour in Chicago
Nick Landry on Universal Apps
The Flock team on Flock
Azure Mobile Services Articles and Videos
Charlie Chapman and Azhar Salahuddin on Azure Notification Hubs
Azure Mobile Service, Part 9: Exploring a .NET Mobile Service
Azure Mobile Service, Part 8: Creating and Publishing a .NET Mobile Service
Azure Mobile Service, Part 7: Push Notifications
Azure Mobile Service, Part 6: Single-Sign-On
Azure Mobile Service, Part 4: Exploring the Sample Client Universal App
Azure Mobile Service, Part 3: “Create an App” wizard
Azure Mobile Services, Part 1: Overview
Sam Basu and Michael Crump on New Features of App Builder
Rob Gibbens on Xamarin 3.0
Windows Mobile Developer Stories
Hoelting, Boyd, and Japikse on Building Hybrid Apps with Cordova
Lino Tadros on Cross-Platform Mobile Development
Chris Love on Touch Interfaces for Mobile Web Applications
Ben Von Handorf on Android Development

Monitoring (21)

Greg Crist on Observability
GCast 160: Azure Monitor Diagnostic Settings
GCast 159: Building and Editing an Azure Application Insights Dashboard
GCast 158: Azure Application Insights Alerts
GCast 157: Using the Application Insights .NET SDK
GCast 156: Configuring Azure Monitoring for App Services, Functions, and VMs
GCast 155: Overview of Azure Monitor and Application Insights
Azure Monitoring Articles
Azure Application Insights Log Archiving and Retention
Building an Application Insights Dashboard
Creating an Azure Monitor Alert Action Group
Creating an Azure Monitor Alert Rule
Azure Monitor Alerts Overview
Enabling Diagnostic on an Azure SQL Managed Instance
Adding Application Insights Logging to an ASP.NET app using the .NET SDK
Creating an Azure Application Insights Service in the Azure Portal
Enabling Azure Application Insights on an Azure Virtual Machine
Enabling Azure Application Insights for an App Service
Dolly Desir on Application Monitoring
Metrics, Logs, Traces, and Spans in Application Monitoring
The Importance of Application Monitoring

Movies (1)

Teenage Ghost Punk

Music (142)

Leon Bridges Brings His Texas Soul to Chicago
Producer T Bone Burnett Shines in a Rare Live Performance
Spyro Gyra Brings 50 Years of Funky Jazz to Chicago
John Gorka's Voice Never Ages
The Boxmasters Bring Billy Bob Thornton's Garage Band Sound to the City Winery
"Ain't Too Proud" Brings the Temptations to Life
Outlaw Music Festival Showcases Legends Nelson, Dylan, and Mellencamp
Terrance Simien and the Joy of Zydeco
Bush Headlines an Evening of Grunge
Guster's Ryan Miller Tells Skokie Crowd This is a Homecoming
Courtney Barnett and Bob Mould Bring Stripped-Down Rock & Roll to Skokie
Misbehavin' to the Music of Fats Waller
A Collision and The Wallflowers
Rain Storm Does Not Dampen Third Eye Blind
Joe Jackson Reinvents Himself Once More
Sarah McLachlan Continues Fumbling Toward Ecstasy
Taylor Swift Captures the Heart of Stockholm
Rickie Lee Jones Still Loves to Perform
Rosanne Cash and John Leventhal Express Their Love With Sad Songs
Buddy Guy Carries the Blues Torch for One Final Tour
Marquis Hill Returns Home
Ana Gasteyer Comes Home for the Holidays
LP Lets Their Music Do the Talking
Steve Hackett Revives a 50-Year-Old Classic
Steve Hackett Keeps Progressive Rock Alive
Queen Electrifies the United Center
Justin Hayward–Tuesday Afternoon on a Monday Evening
Steep Canyon Rangers Lift Me Up
Mary Chapin Carpenter and Shawn Colvin Harmonize in Evanston
Peter Gabriel is Back with New Music
Don McLean Serves Up American Pie to St. Charles
Up Late with the Goo Goo Dolls and O.A.R.
White, Chestnut, and Williams Form a Legendary Trio
Iris Dement Remains Pure Country
Puddles Brings His Entertaining Pity Party to Chicago
A Small Crowd Hears a Great Set From Nik West
Noel Gallagher and Garbage Help Us Forget Chicago's Air Quality Problems
Cracker is Still in My Blood
James McMurtry Tell Stories Stories Through His Music
The Cowboy Junkies Makes Chicago Happy With Their Sad Songs
Wayne Newton and Tony Orlando Share a Common Bond
Graham Nash Understands What We Want to Hear
Emmaline Takes Her Own Path to Success
The Verve Pipe Emerges From East Lansing
Scythian Mixes the Music of Many Cultures
Elle King Provides Rough and Rowdy Music
Dave Mason Has Chicago Feelin' Alright
Denny Laine Captures Chicago with Music and Stories
The Tannahill Weavers Keep Alive Traditional Celtic Music
Mavis Staples Remains an Icon
Spafford Fans Flock to Park West
Something Special About Patty Griffin
John Ondrasik is Still Fighting
Skunk Baxter's Music Makes Us Happy
Los Lobos Finishes Strong
Todd Rundgren, Adrian Belew, and Others Pay Tribute to David Bowie
The Who Hit Back in Chicago
Matt Maeson: The Best Musician I Never Heard Of
Sergio Mendes Speaks the Universal Language of Music
Michelle Branch Delivers a Great Performance at Park West
Four Decades Later, Roxy Music Returns to Chicago
Nothing Prepared Me for Al Dimeola
The Fabulous Thunderbirds are Tuff Enuff for Chicago
I Have Never Seen Anything Like a Howie Day Concert
The Psychedelic Furs and X Remain Consistently Great
David Gray Climbs the White Ladder Two Decades Later
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Excels at the City Winery
The Indigo Girls Bring Music and a Message to Evanston
How The SteelDrivers Turned Me Into a Steelhead
Tom Harrell Plays on Through It All
Daryl Hall and Todd Rundgren Work and Play Well Together
Concert Review: Joseph 2022
John Paul White’s Sadness Makes Us Happy
Enter the Haggis Brings Celtic Enthusiasm to City Winery
A Full SPACE Shows Up for Billy Branch
Waukegan is Bullish on America
40 Years, 10,000 Maniacs, and 1 Entertaining Show
Elton John is Not Going Gently Into Retirement
Guess Who Coming to Waukegan
Béla Fleck Brings Bluegrass and Musicianship to LA
Shakespeare and the Beatles Join Forces in "As You Like It"
It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than Nick Lowe and the Straitjackets
Richard Thompson is Best Live
The Lemonheads Still Sound Good
Melody, Emotion,and Technical Proficiency Make Pat Metheny a Joy to Hear
Melissa Etheridge Speaks to Us All
Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real Rock The Vic
Ravi Coltrane continues his father’s legacy
All of us enjoyed “One of Us” and Joan Osborne
50 years later, Ray Benson Keeps the Fun in Asleep at the Wheel
Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder Spread Joy in Lincoln Square
Alanis Morissette shows off the evolution of her vocal style in Tinley Park
NRBQ Continues their Rocking Tradition After 50+ Years
Carl Franklin on Music and Programming
Emmylou Harris and Los Lobos Under the Stars in Evanston
The Smithereens Join Forces with Marshall Crenshaw for a Great Show
Raul Malo Brings his Amazing Voice to Chicago
Gordon Lightfoot’s Aging Audience Loves the Aging Star
Patterson Hood Returns to the Road as Soon as He Can
Kurt Elling Delights, Despite Small Crowd
Jon Skeet on Programming an Electronic Drum Kit
They Might be Giants and they Definitely are Fun
Wilco Ends 2019 at Home
John Hiatt loves to sing and we love to listen to him
Incognito Brings International Flavour to Park West
Madonna brings her message and music to Chicago
Kansas in Illinois transcends time and space
Old School Rock with Willie Nile
Cobham and Brecker inspire a small crowd at City Winery
Squeeze is Still Cool to us Cats
Max Weinberg's Jukebox Lets the Audience in on the Fun
Santana and the Doobie Brothers Continue to Excel After All These Years
Frampton Remains Alive
It’s Only Rock and Roll, but It’s the Rolling Stones!
George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic Tear the Roof Off the Aragon
Reverend Al Green Charms Chicago
Chicago Rocks, thanks to Mott the Hoople
"Hamilton" in Chicago combines History and Hip Hop
Joey DeFrancesco Delights Small Crowd at Jazz Showcase
Altan Delivers a Delightful Performance at Irish American Heritage Center
Stereophonics Invade Chicago
Jeff Lynne’s ELO brings Electricity to Detroit
Freddy Cole delights Jazz Showcase Crowd in a Return to his Home Town
Average White Band Gets Hyde Park Audience Dancing
CJ Chenier Brings His Zydeco Funk to Fitzgerald’s
Steve Earle shares his stories at the City Winery
JD Souther plays the songs he wrote for my youth
Legendary Roy Ayers Funks Up Hyde Park
Friday Night with The Church at Park West
Stories and Melodies highlight Benny Golson show at Jazz Showcase
Youssou N’Dour brings Afro-Pop from Senegal to Chicago
Jean Luc Ponty turns back the clock Monday evening in Chicago
It’s the Year of the Cat again, thanks to Al Stewart
Kris Kristofferson brings his stories to Chicago
Delbert McClinton brings his Texas Roadhouse energy to Evanston
Marcia Ball rocks the City Winery
After all these years, Booker T can still play
Ladysmith Black Mambazo harmonies delight audience
Webb Wilder rocks Fitzgerald’s
Stanley Clarke delights audience in Evanston
Achievement Unlocked: Steely Dan in concert
Gary Numan brings surprising energy to Metro concert

MVC (18)

Jeff Fritz on MVC vs Web Forms
Mark Dunn on ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Views
Jay Harris on MVC View Engines
Malcolm Sheridan on MVC Lessons Learnt from Getting Burnt
Paul Litwin on ASP.NET MVC Scaffolding
K Scott Allen on MVC3
K Scott Allen on ASP.NET MVC 3 at GANG
Grok Talk: Building Your First ASP.Net MVC Application
John Petersen on jQuery, JSON and Ajax
Professional ASP.Net MVC 1.0 by Conery, Hanselman, Haack and Guthrie
Controllers in ASP.NET MVC
Views in ASP.NET MVC
Routing URLs in ASP.NET MVC
MVC Tutorial 3: Using an ID to specify an individual model object
MVC Tutorial 2: Adding custom models, views and controllers
MVC Tutorial 1: The ASP.Net MVC Sample app demystified
Overview of Microsoft ASP.Net MVC

Networks (1)

How To Remove a Saved Wi-Fi Network from Windows

node (5)

Michael Richardson on Yarn Berry
GCast 125: Creating a Simple node.js Application
Installing Node Packages for Azure Functions
Using node and http-server for a simple lightweight web server
The Simplest node Web Server

OOP (8)

OOP Interview questions
Steve Bohlen on Refactoring to a SOLID Foundation at GANG
Final presentation of 2009 (probably)
Speaking in Findlay August 25
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Intro to OOP, Part 3: OOP Concepts
Intro To OOP, Part 2: Understanding Objects
Intro To OOP, Part 1: What is OOP?

OSS (13)

Brendan Burns on Creating Kubernetes
Cassandra Faris on Open Source Software
Sarah Withee on an Open Source Pancreas
Jeff Wilcox on Open Source and Microsoft
Dave Pine on NET 5 and the Docs team
Jeremy Miller on Automated Testing in .NET Core
Jimmy Bogard on AutoMapper
Safia Abdalla on nteract
Rocky Lhotka and Jason Bock on Open Source
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Victor Cintron, CEO of DimDrop
Chris Risner on ASPNET on Linux and Mac
Channel 9 interview with Seth Juarez
Carson, Babker, and Hurley on Joomla

Personal (220)

November 2024 Gratitudes
October 2024 Gratitudes
September 2024 Gratitudes
August 2024 Gratitudes
July 2024 Gratitudes
June 2024 Gratitudes
May 2024 Gratitudes
April 2024 Gratitudes
March 2024 Gratitudes
February 2023 Gratitudes
January 2023 Gratitudes
December 2023 Gratitudes
2023 in Review
California Dreaming, 2023, part 2
November 2023 Gratitudes
October 2023 Gratitudes
Reflections on 10 Years at Microsoft
September 2023 Gratitudes
August 2023 Gratitudes
California Dreaming 2023
June 2023 Gratitudes
May 2023 Gratitudes
Ten Years of Gratitude Out Loud
May 2023 Gratitudes
March 2023 Gratitudes
February 2023 Gratitudes
January 2023 Gratitudes
2022 in Review
December 2022 Gratitudes
November 2022 Gratitudes
New England Rhapsody
Portuguese Rhapsody
October 2022 Gratitudes
September 2022 Gratitudes
Rocky Mountain Rhapsody
August 2022 Gratitudes
July 2022 Gratitudes
June 2022 Gratitudes
May 2022 Gratitudes
April 2022 Gratitudes
I Will Remember Bogu
March 2022 Gratitudes
February 2022 Gratitudes
Reflections on My Introduction to .NET on Its 20th Anniversary
January 2022 Gratitudes
2021 in Review
December 2021 Gratitudes
California Dreaming on a Winter’s Week
November 2021 Gratitudes
October 2021 Gratitudes
Croatian Vacation 2021
September 2021 Gratitudes
August 2021 Gratitudes
July 2021 Gratitudes
June 2021 Gratitudes
May 2021 Gratitudes
April 2021 Gratitudes
March 2021 Gratitudes
February 2021 Gratitudes
January 2021 Gratitudes
2020 in Review
December 2020 Gratitudes
November 2020 Gratitudes
Tennessee Rhapsody
October 2020 Gratitudes
Northern Michigan Rhapsody
September 2020 Gratitudes
August 2020 Gratitudes
July 2020 Gratitudes
June 2020 Gratitudes
May 2020 Gratitudes
April 2020 Gratitudes
March 2020 Gratitudes
February 2020 Gratitudes
January 2020 Gratitudes
December 2019 Gratitudes
2019 in Review
Short Days and Good Friends in Scandinavia
November 2019 Gratitudes
Tokyo Drifting
October 2019 Gratitudes
September 2019 Gratitudes
July 2019 Gratitudes
June 2019 Gratitudes
I Amsterdam (and so are you)
May 2019 Gratitudes
April 2019 Gratitudes
March 2019 Gratitudes
"Hamilton" in Chicago combines History and Hip Hop
February 2019 Gratitudes
January 2019 Gratitudes
December 2018 Gratitudes
2018 in Review
For Sharon
Searching for my Past in Quebec
November 2018 Gratitudes
A Soggy Day in London Town
October 2018 Gratitudes
September 2018 Gratitudes
What and Why I Blog
August 2018 Gratitudes
July 2018 Gratitudes
June 2018 Gratitudes
Norwegian Good 2018
May 2018 Gratitudes
March 2018 Gratitudes
February 2018 Gratitudes
January 2018 Gratitudes
December 2017 Gratitudes
2017 in Review
Legendary Roy Ayers Funks Up Hyde Park
November 2017 Gratitudes
For Callie
October 2017 Gratitudes
My South American Expedition 2017
September 2017 Gratitudes
August 2017 Gratitudes
July 2017 Gratitudes
For my mother
June 2017 Gratitudes
Jean Luc Ponty turns back the clock Monday evening in Chicago
May 2017 Gratitudes
April 2017 Gratitudes
March 2017 Gratitudes
It’s the Year of the Cat again, thanks to Al Stewart
Kris Kristofferson brings his stories to Chicago
Delbert McClinton brings his Texas Roadhouse energy to Evanston
After all these years, Booker T can still play
February 2017 Gratitudes
Ladysmith Black Mambazo harmonies delight audience
January 2017 Gratitudes
The Helplessness of Tragedy
2016 in Review
December 2016 Gratitudes
Stanley Clarke delights audience in Evanston
November 2016 Gratitudes
Exploring Chicago Neighborhoods one sausage at a time
October 2016 Gratitudes
September 2016 Gratitudes
August 2016 Gratitudes
July 2016 Gratitudes
June 2016 Gratitudes
May 2016 Gratitudes
Romanian Rhapsody 2016, part 2
Romanian Rhapsody 2016, part 1
April 2016 Gratitudes
March 2016 Gratitudes
Why I was Excited to Work with the MSP at Indiana University
February 2016 Gratitudes
January 2016 Gratitudes
Exploring Chicago neighborhoods one latte at a time
2015 in Review
December 2015 Gratitudes
Remembering Bill Fink
November 2015 Gratitudes
October 2015 Gratitudes
September 2015 Gratitudes
August 2015 Gratitudes
July 2015 Gratitudes
June 2015 Gratitudes
May 2015 Gratitudes
April 2015 Gratitudes
March 2015 Gratitudes
My 3-Week Uber Experience and What I Learned From It
For Zech, who died too young
February 2015 Gratitudes
January 2015 Gratitudes
December 2014 Gratitudes
2014 in Review
November 2014 Gratitudes
Teenage Ghost Punk
October 2014 Gratitudes
My First 365 Days at Microsoft
September 2014 Gratitudes
August 2014 Gratitudes
July 2014 Gratitudes
June 2014 Gratitudes
Romanian Rhapsody 2014
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 4: Final Thoughts
Hungarian Rhapsody - Part 3 of Romanian Rhapsody
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 2: IT Camp
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 1: Arrival and Sibiu
May 2014 Gratitudes
April 2014 Gratitudes
A Card for Dave Bost's family
A Year of Gratitude Out Loud
Remembering Dave Bost
March 2014 Gratitudes
February 2014 Gratitudes
For Jim Weirich, 1956-2014
January 2014 Gratitudes
2013 in Review
December 2013 Gratitudes
November 2013 Gratitudes
Flying Solo
October 2013 Gratitudes
A New Era Begins
September 2013 Gratitudes
August 2013 Gratitudes
Daily Gratitude and a New Attitude
My Father, the Survivor
2012-13 Pioneer High School Varsity Basketball Highlights
2012 In Review
Thankful on Thanksgiving
A Random Act of Kindness and Honesty
2011 In Review
2010 in review
My Favorite blog posts of 2010
Top 10 Technology and Friends episodes of 2010
A dream comes true
After 30 years, it's still fun
Reflections on 2009
Giving Thanks
HopeMongers helps people help the needy of the world
8th Grade Basketball Highlight Video
Funeral and Vistation for my sister Denise
Dear Mr. Fidrych
The first day of the rest of my life
Remembering September 11

Phone (16)

App of the Week - Roots of Life
Windows Mobile Developer Stories
Lance McCarthy on App Studio
Windows Phone Screen Capture
App of the Week - Apps from a Southfield Hackathon
Write an app: Win $2500
Windows Phone Dev Center promotion
My First Windows Phone 8 app
Atley Hunter on Windows Phone 8
DotNETRocks Coming to Michigan Oct 9!
Russ Fustino on Making Money on Mobile Apps
Dani Diaz on Microsoft Mobile
Wally McClure on Mobile Development
Jason Farrell on Android Development
Darcy Lussier on WP7 Offline Storage
Matt Groves on Monodroid

Photos (6)

Michael Scherotter on Galleryst
Glenn Block on Astrophotography
Converting a PDF to a PNG
Easier and cheaper Windows and Windows Phone app registration
After 30 years, it's still fun
Codestock slideshow

Podcasts (9)

Heather Downing and Spencer Schneidenback on the HelloWorld Show
I was interviewed for the “Developer on Fire” podcast
Bob Waltenspiel and Dave Phillips on IT In The D
Talking about Cognitive Services on the Eat Sleep Code podcast
Shawn Wildermuth on the "Hello World" Road Trip
Talking about Cognitive Services on the Cross Cutting Concerns Podcasts
MS Dev Show
Mobile Development Panel Discussion
Featured Guest on Azure Podcast

Power Automate (6)

GCast 80: Conditional Logic in Power Automate
Migrating a Power Automate Flow to an Azure Logic App
Comparing Azure Logic Apps with Microsoft Power Automate
Testing a Power Automate flow
Creating a flow from a Template in Microsoft Power Automate
Microsoft Power Automate Empowers Citizen Developers to Build Powerful Workflows

Power Platform (2)

Kevin Grossnicklaus on Low Code No Code Solutions
Kira Soderstrom on Power Platform

PowerShell (8)

Kayla Cinnamon on Windows Terminal
Using git-posh to view Git Status
The Azure Cloud Shell Empowers You to run Scripts in Your Browser
Rob Reynolds on Chocolatey
Florin Loghiade on Testing PowerShell with Pester
Robert Cain on PowerShell for Developers
More Videos of Azure IAAS / PowerShell Labs
New Video Series: Hands-On Labs to Learn Azure IAAS Automation with Powershell

ProjectOxford (21)

Cognitive Services Hands-On Lab
Talking about Cognitive Services on the Eat Sleep Code podcast
Amanda Lange on the Microsoft Bot Framework and LUIS
Detecting Sentiment with Microsoft Cognitive Services
MS Dev Show: Cognitive Services interview
Talking about Cognitive Services on the Cross Cutting Concerns Podcasts
Securing a Subscription Key when calling a Web Service from Client-Side JavaScript
Using the Cognitive Services Face API
Cognitive Services - Speech to Text
15: Cognitive Services - Emotion API
14: Cognitive Services - Thumbnail Generation
GCast 13: Cognitive Services - Optical Character Recognition
GCast 12: Cognitive Services - Face API
GCast 11: Microsoft Cognitive Services Overview
Why I was Excited to Work with the MSP at Indiana University
Optical Character Recognition with Project Oxford
Converting Speech to Text with Project Oxford
Using the Project Oxford Emotions .NET Library
Using the Project Oxford Emotions REST API
Creating a Thumbnail Image with the Project Oxford API
Project Oxford Lets You Analyze Pictures and Voice

Public Speaking (114)

Beer City Code Offers a Chance to Connect and Learn
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - April 2024 and Beyond
Upcoming Speaking Schedule, February 2023 and Beyond
Javier Lozano on Virtual Conferences
David Neal on Hand Drawn Illustrations for Powerful Storytelling
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - May 2019 and Beyond
Geisa Faustino on Teaching
GANGConf Keeps it going in Detroit
"Building and Training your own Custom Image Recognition AI" presentation at NDC-Oslo
"How Cloud Computing Empowers a Data Scientist" at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
"Own Your Own Career" presentation at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
Cloud Computing and Data Science at Chicago AI & Data Science Conference
Norwegian Good 2018
Romanian Rhapsody 2018
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - September 2017 and Beyond
Boris Hristov on Technical Presentations
A Return to Stockholm and DevSum 2017
Returning to Romania for IT Camp
Achievement Unlocked: My Iowa User Group Tour
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - April 2017 and Beyond
A Pinned List of Tech Events
Central Region Community events
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - February 2017 and Beyond
Want to speak at a conference? Submit to these!
The Inaugural TechBash brings developers to another Kalahari
AngularJS and TypeScript presentation at GeekFest
My Upcoming Presentations - August 2026 and Beyond
2016 Global Azure Boot Camp – Chicago Edition
My Upcoming Events - April 2016 and Beyond
Basia Fusinska on Conference Speakers and Presentations
GR DevNight organizers transform a user group
Detroit Dev Day 2015
DevSpace 2015
2015 That Conference recap
Interacting with JavaScript developers at Midwest JS
Swedish Rhapsody 2015
Xamarin Kicks off Dev Days Tour in Chicago
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - February 2015 and Beyond
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 2: IT Camp
Refactor Your Dev Skills at Dev Days 2014
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - April 2014 and Beyond
Upcoming First-Party Events - April 2014 and Beyond
Slides and Demos from this week
Javier Lozano on GeekShare
Flying Solo
2013 Southwest Fox Recap
DevConnections 2013 Recap
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - August 2013 and Beyond
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - August 2013 and More
Tech Ed 2013 Recap
Slides and Demos from CodeMash jQuery presentation
Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell on The .NET Rocks Road Trip
Please give your feedback on this proposed conference
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - October 2012 and Beyond
Tampa Code Camp retrospective: Picking up the Thrown Gauntlet
Speaker Horror Stories, Giard edition
Data Visualization slides
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - September 2012 and Beyond
Azure Storage video now online
HTML5 Presentation video now online
I won!
Anticipating my first Tech Ed
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - June 2012 and Beyond
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - March 2012 and Beyond
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - October 2011 and Beyond
Richard Campbell Heartland Tour
Upcoming speaking schedule - August 2011 and Beyond
I was Deep-Fried
Kalamazoo X 2011
'Going Independent' panel discussion
Slides from Data Visualization presentation
Demo Code in a console app
Telerik Insiders program
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - April 2011 and Beyond
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - February 2011 and Beyond
October Speaking Schedule
Community Megaphone podcast
Lexington is Da Bomb!
August Speaking Schedule
Cloud Camp Detroit
Upcoming speaking schedule - April 2010 and Beyond
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - March 2010 and Beyond
Ohio user group tour
January Speaking Schedule
Final presentation of 2009 (probably)
October speaking schedule
Speaking in Findlay August 25
"Beyond Bullet Points" by Cliff Atkinson
NPlus1 Architecture Summit is coming
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - July 2009 and Beyond
CodesStock 2009 recap
Look for me at CodeStock
Upcoming speaking and listening schedule
MEF Presentation slides and demos
Kalamazoo X recap
Chris Woodruff and Bill Miller on the West Michigan .Net University
Central Ohio Day of .Net recap
Learn Soft Skills at the Kalamazoo X Conference
Speaking at Central Ohio Day of .Net
West Michigan .Net University recap
Mesh and Live Services slides and demos
Upcoming speaking schedule - March 2009 and Beyond
West Michigan .Net University is coming
'SQL 101' at West Michigan .Net University
Speaking at ArcReady November 25
MEF slides
Day of .Net recap
Speaking at Day of .Net Oct 18
MEF and Velocity slides
Upcoming Speaking Schedule - September 2008 and Beyond
Speaking in Toledo next week
Security Presentation Encore
Friday's DevCares event
Speaking at DevCares tomorrow

Python (1)

Douglas Starnes on Python and Azure

robotics (4)

Terri Willingham on First Robotics
Brian and Stephen Sherwin on Controlling your Robot Army with C#, NetDuino and Kinect
Sharon Cichelli on Arduino
Sharon Cichelli on Arduino

Ruby (2)

Leon Gersing on Ruby
Confessions of a Ruby virgin

Screencast (183)

GCast 188: Creating a Copilot Agent with Copilot Studio
GCast 183: Using Copilot for M365 with Microsoft OneDrive
GCast 182: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio Custom Classification Model
GCast 181: Using the .NET SDK to Create and Manage .NET Projects
GCast 180: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Outlook EmailsEnter a post title
GCast 179: Using Copilot for M365 and MS Graph
GCast 178: Administrative Setup for Microsoft Dev Box
GCast 177: Getting Started with NET Aspire
GCast 176: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio
GCast 175: Getting Started with Azure OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Studio
GCast 174: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Teams
GCast 173: Creating an AI Solution with Copilot Studio
GCast 172: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
GCast 171: Making GitHub Copilot Use Your Coding Standards
GCast 170: Getting Started with GitHub Copilot
GCast 169: Indexers and Indexes in Azure AI Search
GCast 168: GitHub Action Triggers
GCast 167: GitHub Actions
GCast 166: GitHub Codespaces [GCast 166]
GCast 165: GitHub projects [GCast 165]
GCast 164: Using Git and GitHub Together
GCast 163: Getting Started with GitHub
Travis Shepherd on Flying an Airplane
GCast 162: Managing Azure Subscriptions
GCast 161: Sorting a Microsoft Word Document by Headers
GCast 160: Azure Monitor Diagnostic Settings
GCast 159: Building and Editing an Azure Application Insights Dashboard
GCast 158: Azure Application Insights Alerts
GCast 157: Using the Application Insights .NET SDK
GCast 156: Configuring Azure Monitoring for App Services, Functions, and VMs
GCast 155: Overview of Azure Monitor and Application Insights
GCast 154: Creating an ASP.NET MVC Application from the Command Line
GCast 153: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 3: Publishing the Container Offer
GCast 152: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 2: Creating a CNAB Bundle
GCast 151: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 2: Deploying the Containers
GCast 150: Transactable Containers Labs, Lab 1, part 1: Creating and running containers locally
GCast 149: Having Fun with ChatGPT
GCast 148: Working with ChatGPT
GCast 146: Granting YouTube Permissions to Other Users
GCast 145: Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
GCast 144: Managing Azure Active Directory Groups
GCast 143: Invite External Users to Azure Active Directory
GCast 142: Security Defaults in Azure Active Directory
GCast 141: Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
GCast 140: Using the Microsoft Graph API
GCast 139: Creating a JWT Bearer Token with Azure Active Directory
GCast 138: Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an Application Registration
GCast 137: Registering an Application with Azure Active Directory
GCast 136: Creating an Azure Active Directory User
GCast 135: Deploying a Web App to Azure from VS Code
GCast 134: Managing Microsoft Edge Profiles
GCast 133: Configuring an Azure App Service Identity Provider
GCast 132: Managing Azure Key Vault Secrets from a .NET App
GCast 131: Managing Secrets in an Azure Key Vault
GCast 130: Creating an Azure Key Vault
GCast 129: Using the Microsoft Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code
GCast 128: Maintaining State with Docker Volumes
GCast 127: Building and Running a Docker Container
GCast 126: Getting Started with Docker
GCast 125: Creating a Simple node.js Application
GCast 124: Customizing Spelling and Grammar Checks in Microsoft Word
GCast 123: Ingesting Into an ADX Table From an Azure Storage Blob
GCast 122: Azure Data Explorer Materialized Views
GCast 121: Analyzing Geographic Data with KQL
GCast 120: Analyzing Time Series Data with KQL
GCast 119: Kusto Query Language Basics
GCast 118: Managing Azure Data Explorer Tables with ADX Commands
GCast 117: Getting Started with Azure Data Explorer
GCast 116: Azure Active Directory B2C Token Generation With No User Interaction
GCast 115: Registering an Azure Account Subscription
GCast 114: Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
GCast 113: Passing parameters to xUnit.net tests with the ClassData attribute
GCast 112: Passing parameters to xUnit.net tests with the InlineData attribute
GCast 111: Writing unit tests with xUnit.net
GCast 110: Renaming Projects and Folders in a Visual Studio Solution
GCast 108: Managing Deleted Facebook Posts
GCast 107: Live Streaming with Azure Media Services
GCast 106: Audio Transcription and Captioning with Azure Media Services
GCast 105: Analyzing a Video with Azure Media Services
GCast 104: Sharing a Video Online with Azure Media Services
GCast 103: Encode a Video with Azure Media Services
GCast 102: Video Files and Azure Media Services
GCast 101: Azure Resource Groups
GCast 100: Creating a Screencast
GCast 99: PowerPoint Animations
GCast 98: Using the Azure Storage Explorer
GCast 97: Accessing MinIO with the AWS S3 SDK
GCast 96: Using the MinIO Java Client SDK
GCast 95: Creating a MinIO Agent for Azure Blob Storage
GCast 94: Creating a MinIO Server
GCast 93: Handling Spring Boot Errors with ControllerAdvice
GCast 92: More Error Handling in a Spring Boot Application
GCast 91: Throwing and Catching Custom Exceptions in a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 90: Basic Error Handling in a Spring Boot Web Service
GCast 89: HTTP Request and Response Headers in a Spring Boot Application
GCast 87: Logging to Azure Application Insights from a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 86: Logging in a Java Spring Boot Application
GCast 84: Java Services
GCast 83: Supporting POST HTTP Requests with Spring Boot
GCast 82: Creating a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
GCast 81: Spring Boot Quick Start
GCast 80: Conditional Logic in Power Automate
GCast 79: Creating a Workflow from Scratch in Power Automate
GCast 78: Creating a Workflow from a Microsoft Power Automate Template
GCast 77: Connecting Azure Synapse to External Data
GCast 75: Creating an Azure SQL Server Logical Server
GCast 74: Continuous Deployment with Azure DevOps
GCast 73: Build an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline
GCast 72: Creating an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
GCast 71: Integrating Visual Studio Solution with Azure DevOps Repo
GCast 70: Deleting an Azure DevOps Project
GCast 69: Azure DevOps Branch Policies
GCast 68: Azure DevOps Work Items
GCast 69: Azure DevOps Branch Policies
GCast 67: Azure Repos, Branches, and Pull Requests
GCast 66: Creating a Repo in Azure DevOps
GCast 65: AI, Whale Sharks, and WildBook
GCast 64: Noise Reduction with Audacity
GCast 63: Sentiment Analysis JavaScript Demo
GCast 62: Sentiment Analysis Cognitive Service
GCast 61: Text Recognition C# Demo
GCast 60: Text Recognition Cognitive Service with Binary Images
GCast 59: Cognitive Services Text Recognition service
GCast 58: Creating and Deploying Azure Resources with ARM Templates
GCast 57: Azure Data Factory GitHub Deployment
GCast 56: Azure Web App Deployment Slots
GCast 55: GitHub Deployment to an Azure Web App
GCast 54: Azure Storage Replication
GCast 53: Creating a Data Warehouse in Azure
GCast 52: Using hilite.me to Format Code as HTML
GCast 51: Creating an Azure Container Instance
GCast 50: Angular pt 9: Incremental Search
GCast 49: Angular pt 8: HTTP
GCast 48: Angular pt 7: Routing
GCast 47: Angular pt 6: Services
GCast 46: Angular pt 5: Master Detail Components
GCast 45: Angular pt 4: Displaying a List
GCast 44: Angular pt 3: The Hero Editor
GCast 43: Angular pt 2: The Application Shell
GCast 42: Angular pt 1: Getting Started
GCast 41: Using the PowerPoint Selection Pane
Azure Search REST API
GCast 38: Azure Search
GCast 37: Managing Blobs with the Azure Storage Explorer
GCast 36: Managing Tables with the Azure Storage Explorer
GCast 35: Customizing Microsoft Teams
GCast 34: Exposing Local Web Apps with ngrok
GCast 33: An Introduction to Power BI
GCast 32: Handwriting OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 31: OCR with Cognitive Services
GCast 30: Creating Applications with the Analyze Image Cognitive Services API
Introducing Cognitive Services and Computer Vision
GCast 28: Natural Language Processing with LUIS
GCast 27: QnAMaker
GCast 26: Creating a Chatbot in the Azure Portal
GCast 24: Azure Function CosmosDB Binding
GCast 23: Azure Logic Apps
GCast 22: Creating an Azure Function Proxy
GCast 21: Azure Functions Continuous Deployment
GCast 20: Creating an Azure Function in Visual Studio
Creating an Azure Function in the Azure Portal
GCast 18: Azure Data Factory
GCast 17: Azure CosmosDB with Other APIs
GCast 16: Azure CosmosDB with SQL API
GCast 15: Creating an Azure Web App
Creating an Azure Storage Account
GCast 13: Azure Media Services - Closed Captioning
GCast 12: Azure Media Services: Live Streaming
GCast 11: Azure Media Services - Uploading, Encoding, and Sharing a Video
Using Azure Media Services to Live Stream Video
GCast 9: Azure Linux Virtual Machines
GCast 8: Azure Virtual Machines
GCast 6: Azure SQL Database
GCast 5: Azure Databricks
14: Cognitive Services - Thumbnail Generation
Visual Studio 2012 Coded UI Tests screencasts
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 3: Modifying Maps
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 2: Assertions
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 1: Fundamentals, Functional Tests, and Smoke Tests
Visual Studio 2010 Coded UI Tests screencasts
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 3: Modifying Maps
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 2: Assertions
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 1: Fundamentals, Functional Tests, and Smoke Tests

Security (77)

Danny Kim on Cybersecurity in Industry and Education
Joe Sharmer on Migration, Modernization and Entra
AL Rodriguez on Managed Identities
Bill Sempf on Trends in Application Security
Secure Future Initiative Aims to Increase Security
Joël Hébert on API Security
Fernando da Silva on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Nic Jackson on Hashicorp Vault
Addressing Data Loss Protection Error for Non-Sensitive Documents
GCast 146: Granting YouTube Permissions to Other Users
GCast 145: Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
GCast 144: Managing Azure Active Directory Groups
GCast 143: Invite External Users to Azure Active Directory
GCast 142: Security Defaults in Azure Active Directory
GCast 141: Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
Adding Users to an Azure Active Directory Group
GCast 140: Using the Microsoft Graph API
Creating an Azure Active Directory Group
Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
Invite External Azure Active Directory User
GCast 139: Creating a JWT Bearer Token with Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory Security Defaults
Implementing Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
Himanshu Rao on Reliability, Performance, and Scalability in the Cloud
GCast 138: Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an Application Registration
GCast 137: Registering an Application with Azure Active Directory
GCast 136: Creating an Azure Active Directory User
Azure Identity Management with Microsoft Graph
Buck Woody on Database Security
Registering an Azure Account Subscription
Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
Using the MS Graph API
Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an App Registration
Creating a JWT Bearer Token
Generating a Client Secret for an Azure Application
Creating a new Active Directory User
Simeon Kakpovi and Greg Schloemer on a Cybersecurity game
GCast 133: Configuring an Azure App Service Identity Provider
GCast 132: Managing Azure Key Vault Secrets from a .NET App
GCast 131: Managing Secrets in an Azure Key Vault
Configuring an Identity Provider in an Azure App Service
James McKee on Application Security vs Developer Security
Registering an Application in Azure AD
Shannon Kuehn on Workload Identity Federation
Tudor Damian on Pandemics and Security
GCast 116: Azure Active Directory B2C Token Generation With No User Interaction
GCast 115: Registering an Azure Account Subscription
Tudor Damian on Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking
GCast 114: Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
Wolfgang Goerlich on Cyber Security Design Principles
Dave Hoerster on Azure Active Directory B2C
Christos Matskas on Microsoft Identity Platform
Kevin Pilch on gRPC
Enabling Downloads in Internet Explorer 11
Ondrej Balas on 2-Factor Authentication
Jayson Street on Patching Humans
Tobiasz Koprowski on Securing SQL Server
Raffaele Rialdi on GDPR
Aaron Lerch on Hacking for Good
Douglas Crockford on the Seif Project
Bridget Kromhout on CloudFoundry
Kevin Remde on Security and Windows 10
Kassandra Perch on Auth0
Jayson Street on Security Threats
Brian Lewis on Security Threats
“Stuck in Traffic” videos provide brief riffs on IT Security
Paula Januszkiewicz on The Human Side of Security
Michael Perry on Cryptography Ghost Stories
Rob Gillen on Security for Developers
Wolfgang Goerlich on Security Development Lifecycle
Tudor Damian on Application Security Threats
Joe Kuemerle on Reverse Engineering Applications
Josh Harrison on Azure Access Control service
A Parable About Claims
Vittorio Bertocci on WIF
Troy Hunt on ASP.NET Security
Bill Sempf on Security

SharePoint (5)

Creating a SharePoint Full Trust Proxy
My Saturday with the SharePoint guys
Jesse Murray presents "The" SharePoint
Sai Naik on the benefits of SharePoint
Jesse Murray on SharePoint Best Practices

Silverlight (6)

Michael Crump on Silverlight 5
Matt Van Horn on Expression Blend
David Isbitski and Matt Van Horn on Silverlight Behaviors
Chris Woodruff on RIA Services
Brian Genisio on the MVVM pattern
Corey Schuman on Silverlight

Soft skills (98)

Christina Aldan on Changing Careers
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
Steve Andrews on A Safe Work Environment
Chris Woodruff on Career and Life Advice from an Old Guy in Tech
Increasing Developer Velocity
Dealing with Layoffs - A Guide for the Unemployed and the Survivors
Pete Rodriguez on a Career in Technology
How and Why to Write a Status Report
Beth Humphreys on Technical Leadership
Joe Guadagno on Leadership
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
Beijie Zhang on Technical Interviews
Matt Eland on How Humans Learn
Chris Judd on Technical Skills That Are Most In Demand
Arthur Doler on Giving and Receiving Feedback
Cameron Presley on Mentoring
Michael Scherotter on Creativity and Technology
Sasha Rosenbaum on Growth Mindset
Ted Neward on Technology Culture
Scott Hanselman on Productivity
"Getting Things Done" by David Allen
Heather Downing on Developer Burnout
Wilfried Motchoffo on A Path to a Tech Career
Nayonna Purnell on Changing to a Career in IT
Bryan Glenn on the Right Mindset for Success
Jean Lange on Building Skills with Improv games
Arthur Doler on Mental Health in the Workplace
Angela Dugan on Team Dynamics
Cassandra Faris on Personal Branding
Cecil Phillip on Away From the Keyboard
Jeremy Clark on Social Developers
"The Leadership Journey" by Jim Holmes
Christina Aldan on Emotional Intelligence
Adam Freymiller on Interviewing for a Tech Job
Kent Alstad on Leadership
Nancy Gaines on Productivity
J Tower on Communication Skills for Engineers
DevRadio:Microsoft Azure IP Advantage
Hadi Hariri on Software Churn
“Apprenticeship Patterns” by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye
J Tower on Extreme Remote Working
Jeff McWherter on Transitioning from a Programmer to a Manager
Bomb Jokes, Free Speech, and Consequences of Posting without Thinking
Episode 385: Katarina Eames on An Early Start to a Software Career
Don’t Accept that Appointment If You Are Tentative
My 3-Week Uber Experience and What I Learned From It
Robert C. Martin on Software Professionalism
Brian Sherwin on Finding Your Dream Job
It’s OK to Re-package Content
My First 365 Days at Microsoft
Gaines Kergosien on Self-Marketing for Developers
Kevin Griffin on MasterMind sessions
Peter Leeson on Organizational Change
How to be a Better Consultant
How to be a Better Consultant
Manage Your Career
Managing Your Own Annual Review
Performing a Successful Annual Review
Performing a Successful Annual Review
Sometimes "Yes, but..." is better than "No"
Ted Neward on PMs and Developers
Speaker Horror Stories, Giard edition
Alan Stevens on REAL Development
Brent Stineman on Learning
State Your Case for the Training You Want
Rich Dudley on the Job Interview Process
Am I a Technologist?
Jon Galloway and Jesse Liberty on Remote Pairing
'Going Independent' panel discussion
Slides from Data Visualization presentation
Are certifications worthwhile?
Michael Eaton on Kalamazoo X
Kalamazoo X 2010 recap
Social media and how it works for me
It's not easy, so don't pretend it is
Producing an Online TV Show
Producing an online TV show, Part 5: Sharing with the world
Producing an online TV Show, Part 3: Equipment
Producing an online TV Show, Part 2: The Interview
Producing an online TV Show, Part 1: Preparation
Gary Short on Technical Debt
Corey Haines on Software Craftsmanship
Mary and Tom Poppendieck on Leadership
Reflections on 2009
Michael Eaton on Software Estimation
How I got started in programming
Many right ways
"Eats, Shoots & Leaves" by Lynne Truss
Jamie Wright on Getting Real with Consulting
Contribupendence Day, Part Deux
Avoid inappropriate conversations in the workplace
Effective Communication with your customer or manager
Kalamazoo X recap
Learn Soft Skills at the Kalamazoo X Conference
John Kellar discusses interviewing and DevLink
Speaking at ArcReady November 25
A survival guide to a consultant's first meeting with a new customer
Coming to terms with my ignorance

Sogeti (3)

Sogeti and Meatballs with a Side of Technology
Sogeti Grok Talk online: Debugging with WinDbg
Sogeti wins Microsoft Central Region Partner of the Year Award

Sports (3)

Kevin Ashley on AI and basketball
8th Grade Basketball Highlight Video
Motown Trifecta

SQL Server (48)

Jerry Nixon on Data API Builder
Ryan Booz on PostgreSQL
Eric Potter on Kusto Query Language
Joe Kunk on SQL+.NET
GCast 75: Creating an Azure SQL Server Logical Server
Creating an Azure SQL Data Warehouse
GCast 53: Creating a Data Warehouse in Azure
Frank Gill on Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
GCast 16: Azure CosmosDB with SQL API
GCast 6: Azure SQL Database
Tobiasz Koprowski on Securing SQL Server
Jes Borland on SQL Server 2016
Andrew Brust on Excel BI Tools
David Makogon on Polyglot Persistence
Jordan Martz on Microsoft Big Data Strategies
SQL Server Spatial Data Types
Chris Woodruff on Data Experience
Calling an External Assembly from SSRS
Embedded Code in an SSRS Report
Day of Azure video: Jason Follas on Geospatial Data With Azure
Reading a Connection String from a CONFIG file
Tracking Thread History in SQL Server 2010
Passing Parameters to SQL Server
SQL Server Data Tier Applications
Dane Morgridge on The Entity Framework
Sam Corder on MongoDB
TimeOuts in ADO.Net
Joe Kunk on DevExpress XTraReports
Jeremiah Peschka on Troubleshooting SQL Performance
SQL 101
Jessica Moss on SSIS
Josef Finsel on Azure Table Storage
Jim Wooley on Stored Procedures and Data Access
SQL 101 - Part 6: Inserts, Updates and Deletes
SQL 101 - Part 5: Joins
SQL 101 - Part 4: Aggregating data
'SQL 101' at West Michigan .Net University
SQL 101 - Part 3: Selecting data from a table
SQL 101 - Part 2: Relationships
SQL 101 - Part 1: What is a Database?
Jason Follas explains SQL Server Spatial Data Types
Dave's Data Dude series
Data Dude tutorial 5 - Using the Data Compare tool
Data Dude tutorial 4 - Writing Database Unit Tests
Data Dude tutorial 3 - Using Schema Compare tool to deploy database changes
Data Dude tutorial 2 - Using Schema Compare tool to update a database project
Data Dude tutorial 1 - Creating a database project
The Goodness of Data Dude

SSRS (2)

Calling an External Assembly from SSRS
Embedded Code in an SSRS Report

Startups (26)

Danielle Walker on Technology Startups
Matt Adamczyk on Title Town Tech and Startups
Students Display Innovation at Imagine Cup World Finals
Carolina Banales on Woman Tech Entrepreneurs
DevRadio: Startup Stories: Fighting information overload with automated summarizations from Agolo
DevRadio Startup Stories: Interview with Lab4U
DevRadio Startup Stories interview: ADATA
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Olivier de Jong, Founder of Airwave
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Sally Buberman and Ignacio Lopez from Wormhole
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Victor Cintron, CEO of DimDrop
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Sean Goltz and Addison Cameron-Huff from Global-Regulation
Startup CTOs on Azure
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Oisin Kim, CEO of Webdoctor
Lessons for Pitching Startup Ideas to Investors
DevRadio: Startup Stories: An Interview with Jan Hase, CEO of Wunderflats
DevRadio: Community Corner: An Interview with Andy Abott from BookedOut
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: An Interview with Manohar Kamath, Founder of Pursuits
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: Sowing the seeds of technology with Len-Din
Kristin Barrett on the Chicago Innovation Exchange
Mike Pintar on NETEnergy
Celebrating International Woman’s Day by interviewing Female Tech Entrepreneurs
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 5) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Luan Cox, CEO of Crowdnetic
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 4) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Jennifer Whaley & Jeff Everett from Pose a Pet
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 3) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Diana Paredes, CEO of Suade
Microsoft for Startups: (Part 2) Women Building the Future - An Interview with Bernadine Brocker, CEO of Vastari
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: (Part 1) Women Building the Future

Students (23)

STEAM Event Teaches Students About Robotics and Copilot
STEAM Hack-to-Learn Teaches Students About a Career in IT
Students Show Creativity in ISTC STEM Challenge
Allison Hartnett on Microsoft TEALS and Computer Science Education
Illinois STEM Challenges completes the year virtually
Sven Aelterman on Data in Education
Christine Matheney on Teaching Computer Science to the Next Generation
Students Display Innovation at Imagine Cup World Finals
Imagine Cup Travels North to Vancouver
Christine Matheney on Imagine Cup
Opportunities from Microsoft for University Students
Imagine Cup US Finals Brings Impressive Student Projects to California
University of Toronto Students Analyze Data for Fun and Prizes
JD Marymee on IoT, Students, and the International Space Station
MadHacks Spring Fever 2016
Why I was Excited to Work with the MSP at Indiana University
SpartaHack 2016
Katie Anderson on the Microsoft Student Partner program
DevRadio: Microsoft for Startups: Sowing the seeds of technology with Len-Din
Students Show Off Amazing Ideas at Purdue’s Spark Challenge
Swift and Shy on Major League Hacking
Hack The Anvil
HackIllinois 2015

Teams (8)

Stephen Rose on New Features in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams Articles and Videos
GCast 35: Customizing Microsoft Teams
Adding a Website Tab to a Microsoft Teams Channel
Adding a File Tab to a Microsoft Teams Channel
Adding a File to a Microsoft Teams Channel
Adding a New Channel in Microsoft Teams
Create a New Team in Microsoft Teams

Tech (34)

Jose And Laurel Mojica on Virtual Reality Storytelling
Kevin Gates on Photography
Travis Shepherd on Flying an Airplane
Jon Skeet on Enhancing His Church's A/V System
Downloading Facebook Data
Having Fun with ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT to Make Your Work Easier
What is ChatGPT and How Can it Help Me?
Russ Fustino on Blockchain
Chris Judd on Technical Skills That Are Most In Demand
Reflections on My Introduction to .NET on Its 20th Anniversary
Richard Campbell on the Future of Space Travel
Studying for the Azure Fundamentals exam (AZ-900)
Accessing your old Facebook posts
Isaac Bayoh on How Technology Impacts Developing Countries
Converting a PDF to a PNG
Tim Reilly on Blockchain
Microsoft Build 2018 Day 2 Keynote notes
Microsoft Build 2018 Day 1 Keynote notes
How To Remove a Saved Wi-Fi Network from Windows
Hacking and Tweeting and Watching TV
Microsoft Virtual Academy Offers Free Training for Software Professionals
Pipe Dreams and Hack10
Kevin Hazzard on Technology in Schools
Jose Mojica on Podcasting
Kristin Cederquist on Nanoparticles
Am I a Technologist?
Drinking from the Fire Hose
Are certifications worthwhile?
On human and computer languages
Brian Genisio on Prism
Migrating to a new Source Control System
How I got started in programming
Excel links to Word bookmarks

Technology and Friends (814)

Venkat Subramaniam on The Evolution of Java
Danny Kim on Cybersecurity in Industry and Education
Christina Aldan on Changing Careers
Joe Sharmer on Migration, Modernization and Entra
Jerry Nixon on Data API Builder
AL Rodriguez on Managed Identities
GCast 187: Creating Azure AI Services
Barry Stahl on the Fediverse
Rhia Dixon on Code Reviews
Jennifer Marsman on Generative AI and the Office of the CTO
Alex Riviere on CSS Container Queries
Michelle Frost on Sociotechnical approaches to AI
Javier Salmeron on Bitnami and Tanzu Application Catalog
Jason Bock on C# Source Generators
Esteban Garcia on Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot
Dean Schuster on UX Design
Justine Cocchi on Building Applications using Azure Cosmos DB
Bill Sempf on Trends in Application Security
Prasanna Pendse on Getting AI into Production
Ben Kotvis on Modernizing Enterprise Applications
Kevin Griffin on the Multithreaded Income Podcast
Rob Bogue on Getting the Most Out of RAG with Copilot for M365
Greg Crist on Observability
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud for the Public Sector
Andrew Brust on the History of Big Data
Michelle Sandford on Responsible AI
Jeff Fritz on Deploying NET Aspire Applications
Scott Hunter on NET Aspire
Rocky Lhotka on Designing Distributed Systems
Valerie Gurka on Documentation in Software Engineering
Scott Hermes on Microsoft Fabric
Raj Krishnan on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
Technology and Friends, Episode 800: A Celebration of Friends!
Chris Nicholas on Enterprise Acceleration of AI
John Burns on Platform Engineering
Scott Kramer and Randy Dojutrek on The impact of AI on Tech Jobs
John Petersen on How Scrum was Stolen
Hillel Wayne on TLA+
Paul Sheriff on Starting and Running a Successful Consulting Business
Gael Fraiteur on Metalama
Kashif Qureshi and Nick Simons on Fluid Framework
Jordan Thayer on the AI Landscape
Oren Eini on the Corax Search Engine Part 2
Oren Eini on the Corax Search Engine, Part 1
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
Jeremy Miller on The Case Against Clean Architecture
Alex Riviere on Fresh Hot CSS Features
Brian Gorman on a Microsoft Software Training Program for US Military Veterans
Jose And Laurel Mojica on Virtual Reality Storytelling
Brendan Burns on Creating Kubernetes
Kevin Gates on Photography
Steve Smith on Clean Architecture
Joël Hébert on API Security
Fernando da Silva on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Andy Randall on Linux and Azure
Nic Jackson on Hashicorp Vault
Ashton and Ryan Clark on TicketFalcon
Travis Shepherd on Flying an Airplane
Kristina Swanson on Microsoft Partner Programs
Steve Andrews on A Safe Work Environment
Cameron Turner on Predictive and Generative AI
Jon Skeet on Enhancing His Church's A/V System
D'Arcy Lussier on Microsoft's OpenAI Journey and Strategy
Nisaini Rexach on AI in Education
Eric Leonard on Kubernetes and Platform Engineering
Israel Ekpo on Vector Databases
Chris Woodruff on Career and Life Advice from an Old Guy in Tech
Mike Richter on Taking AI Apps to Production on Azure
Juan Llovet de Casso on Microsoft Fabric
J. Tower on Migrating Legacy ASP.NET Applications
Peter Laudati on What the Hack
Ashley Janelle on User Experience
Craig Shoemaker on Online Course Creation
Oren Eini on Building Projects that Endure
Michael Brown on Juneteenth Conference
Mike Amundsen on HyperCLI and HyperLANG
Dolly Desir on Application Monitoring
Tim Banks on the Solace of You
Andy Huang on Application Resiliency
Alex Mattoni on Cycle.io
Nikki Conley on Video Indexer
Pete Rodriguez on a Career in Technology
Mark Downie on DasBlog
Tommy Falgout on the Azure Marketplace and Transactable Containers
Keith Casey on ngrok and Webhooks
Chris Woodruff on HTTP
Eldert Grootenboer on Azure Service Bus
Ryan Booz on PostgreSQL
Haider Ghany on Azure Data Centers
Kevin Grossnicklaus on Low Code No Code Solutions
Guy Royse on Software Defined Radio
Matt Groves on Fluent Migrator
Scott Rutz on Dapr
Mike Shelton on Data Lakehouses
Jimmy Bogard on Vertical Slice Architecture and MediatR
Rob Richardson on Containerization
Kira Soderstrom on Power Platform
Jeffrey Miller on Building a Second Brain
Peter Ritchie on Naming Things in Software Projects
Eric Lawrence on Web Browser Complexity
Himanshu Rao on Reliability, Performance, and Scalability in the Cloud
Beth Humphreys on Technical Leadership
Sara Benhamron on Sustainability in Azure
Chander Dhall on AI in Azure, Google, and AWS
Buck Woody on Database Security
Stephen Rose on New Features in Microsoft Teams
Dan Rey on Live Streaming
Simeon Kakpovi and Greg Schloemer on a Cybersecurity game
Mike Benkovich on Infrastructure as Code
Brian Gorman on Messaging, Queueing, and Eventing in Azure
Joe Guadagno on Leadership
Don Miller on Headless Content Management Systems
Michael Richardson on Yarn Berry
Michael Scherotter on Galleryst
Darryl Hogan on Accelerating Technologies for Nonprofits
Jeff Fritz on .NET Conf
Michael Mishal on Reinforcement Learning
James McKee on Application Security vs Developer Security
Drew Brown on The New Technology Employment Contract
Shane Jones on Writing an App for the Vision Impaired
Adi Polak on LakeFS
Henning Rauch and Vincent Philippe Lauzon on Azure Data Explorer
Sarah Sexton on Using Technology to Stay Sane During Stressful Times
Beijie Zhang on Technical Interviews
Dasith Wijesiriwardena on OpenTelemetry
Douglas Starnes on Python and Azure
Shannon Kuehn on Workload Identity Federation
Mary Grygleski on Event Streaming and Processing with Apache Pulsar
Joe Kunk on Windows UI Testing
Mihai Tataran on the Microsoft Azure Well Architected Framework
A Celebration of Friends 700!
Jean Lange on the History of JavaScript
Godfrey Nolan on Drone SDKs
Russ Fustino on Blockchain
Matt Eland on How Humans Learn
Chris Judd on Technical Skills That Are Most In Demand
Brent Ozar on What Every Developer Needs to Know About Databases
Barry Stahl on Patterns for Reliable Systems
Jeff Blankenburg on AI Assistants in the Future
Arthur Doler on Giving and Receiving Feedback
Chris DeMars on Accessibility
Greg Huber on Maker Space
Tudor Damian on Pandemics and Security
Nick Kwiatkowski on Dialogflow CX
Allison Hartnett on Microsoft TEALS and Computer Science Education
Dave Rael on Git
Guy Royse on Probabilistic Data Structures
Richard Campbell on the Future of Space Travel
Sam Nasr on Cognitive Services
Tudor Damian on Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking
Eric Potter on Kusto Query Language
Cameron Presley on Mentoring
Matt Groves on Couchbase 7
Sam Basu on NET MAUI
Carl Franklin on Music and Programming
Joe Kunk on SQL+.NET
Shahed Chowdhuri on Azure Arc
Cassandra Faris on Open Source Software
Becky Gaudet on the Azure Commercial Marketplace
Martine Dowden on the D3
Sarah Withee on an Open Source Pancreas
Jason Bock on Mutation Testing
Michael Dowden on Firebase
Gavin Bauman on SonarQube
Hattan Shobokshi on Getting the Most Out of Bash Scripts
Michael Scherotter on Creativity and Technology
Sasha Rosenbaum on Growth Mindset
Jeff Wilcox on Open Source and Microsoft
Ovetta Sampson on Mindful and Ethical AI
Joel Cochran on Azure Synapse
Dani Diaz on IoT and Azure Percept
Danielle Walker on Technology Startups
Matt Adamczyk on Title Town Tech and Startups
Wolfgang Goerlich on Cyber Security Design Principles
Matthew Renze on the AI Developers Toolkit
Ted Neward on Technology Culture
Dave Hoerster on Azure Active Directory B2C
Jason Farrell on Kubernetes
Kevin Ashley on AI for Design Art and Games
Christos Matskas on Microsoft Identity Platform
Richard Taylor on the Microsoft Revenue Recognition System
Julie Lerman on Entity Framework Core 5
Kevin Pilch on gRPC
Dustin Campbell on Support for WinForms to the Visual Studio Designer
Kevin Griffin on SignalR Real World Projects
Mike Benkovich on GitHub Actions and Visual Studio
Javier Lozano on Virtual Conferences
Ed Charbeneau on Blazor Testing
David Neal on Hand Drawn Illustrations for Powerful Storytelling
Kyle Bunting and Joel Hulen on Data Engineering in Azure
Emily Cooper on the ISTI STEM Challenge
Gaines Kergosien on ADHD
Omkar Naik on Microsoft Cloud for Health Care
Rik Hepworth on Azure Governance
Scott Hanselman on Productivity
Glenn Block on Racial Justice
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud Adoption Framework
Gary Short on The Mathematics of COVID19 & the Hero You've Never Heard Of
Heather Downing on Developer Burnout
Wilfried Motchoffo on A Path to a Tech Career
Alexandria Storm on Natural Language Processing and Inclusion
Irma Mesa on Cafecito
Nayonna Purnell on Changing to a Career in IT
Peter de Tender on Azure Certification
Damian Brady on MLOps
Glenn Block on Astrophotography
Jon Skeet on Programming an Electronic Drum Kit
Donovan Brown on App Innovations
Tibi Covaci on Creating a GitHub Action
Mete Atamel on Serverless Containers
Dave Pine on NET 5 and the Docs team
Kayla Cinnamon on Windows Terminal
Yina Arenas on Microsoft Graph
Sven Aelterman on Data in Education
Jeff Fritz on Migrating from Web Forms to Blazor
Jason Fox on Spatial Computing
Troy Hunt on The Role of Technology in Social Isolation
Nik Molnar on Visual Studio Codespaces
Christine Matheney on Teaching Computer Science to the Next Generation
Christina Aldan and Jeff Strauss on Dev Around the Sun
Chris Klug on Software Development Up-Front Planning
Layla Porter on Test Driven Development
Andrea Salterello on Accessibility
Sarah Lean on Adjusting to the Pandemic
Brent Stineman on Remote Recording
Jaidev Kunjur on Azure Integration Tools
Don Ward on Flutter
Episode 600:: A Celebration of Friends
Bryan Glenn on the Right Mindset for Success
Jean Lange on Building Skills with Improv games
Arthur Doler on Mental Health in the Workplace
Courtney Eaton and Gabrielle Sempf on KidzMash
Tibi Covaci on Migrating to the Cloud
Christian Geuer Pollmann on Erlang and Elixir
Annie Bougie on Autonomous Driving
Jes Schultz on Data Engineering
Martin Kearn on Document Recognition and Knowledge Extraction
J Tower on the .NET CLI
Tobiah Zarlez on Gender Identity
Walt Ritscher on Try .NET
Robert Green on Microsoft Graph
Jim Wooley on Entity Framework Performance
Angela Dugan on Team Dynamics
Phil Japikse on .NET Core Support Cycle
Edward Thomson on GitHub Actions
Jeremy Likness on Blazor
Laurent Bugnion on the Ignite Tour
Episode 580: Jason Bock on .NET Core 3
Laurent Ellerbach on Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
Raj Krishnan on Azure Data Explorer
Lorena Mesa on the Python Software Foundation
Dan Rey on Microsoft Surface
Kevin Gates on Cloud Architecture
Mercedes Bernard on Dev Together
Ruth Yakubu on Machine Learning tools in Azure
Whitney Griffith on Azure Blockchain as a Service
Jon Galloway on the .NET Foundation
Laurent Bugnion on Migrating Data to Azure
John Alexander on ML.NET
Heather Wilde on Anticipatory Design
Elton Stoneman on Docker
Hattan Shobokshi on TerraForm
Eric Boyd on Microservices
David Makogon on Streaming Data
J Tower on .NET Standard
Mike Benkovich on Visual Studio 2019
Adam Hecktman on Civic Tech
Frank Gill on Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
Lwin Maung on IoT Hardware Options
Melanie Adcock on TechMonthChicago
Brent Stineman on the Evolution of Serverless
Bret Stateham on IoT Edge
Kevin Griffin on Whats New in SignalR
Ondrej Balas on 2-Factor Authentication
Jennifer Marsman on AI for Earth
Jeremy Miller on Automated Testing in .NET Core
Cassandra Faris on Personal Branding
Jennifer Wadella on Gatsby
Jon Skeet on Versioning
Geisa Faustino on Teaching
Jackie Becker on Mixed Reality in the Real World
Isaac Bayoh on How Technology Impacts Developing Countries
Elizabeth Graham on Azure Logic Apps
Alex Mang on Azure Durable Functions
Jim Wooley on Static Analyzers and Roslyn
JD Marymee on Blockchain
Bill Wagner on Nullable Reference Types
Brady Gaster on Marketing Azure
Jeff Fritz on Live Streaming Coding
Robert Greene on DevOps
Hao Luo on Rust
Rajasa Savant on Serverless Azure
Raymond Comvalius on Transitioning to the Modern Workplace with Windows 10
Christos Matskas on Visual Studio for Mac
Walt Ritscher on LinkedIn Learning
Chris Woodruff on HTTP and REST
Dan Rey on What's New In Windows 10
Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan on SmartArm
Douglas Crockford on Clutter in Programming Languages
Heather Downing and Spencer Schneidenback on the HelloWorld Show
Jayson Street on Patching Humans
Jon Skeet on Making StackOverflow More Inclusive
Erwin Derksen on Office Click To Run
Silviu Niculita on Chatbots
Brandon Satrom on Ed Gets His Power Back
Venkat Subramaniam on JavaScript - the Cute Parts
John Azariah on Quantum Computing
Tobiasz Koprowski on Securing SQL Server
Tim Reilly on Blockchain
Angie Byron on Drupal
Zach Miller on Data Science Myths
Atley Hunter on UI Simplicity
Christine Matheney on Imagine Cup
Kevin Ashley on AI and basketball
Raffaele Rialdi on GDPR
Nicolas Bello on Progressive Web Apps
Fabian Fernandez on .NETConf Global
Guillermo Bellman on Azure Service Fabric
Kevin Leung on Building Bots
Jim Christopher on Data Science
Carolina Banales on Woman Tech Entrepreneurs
Robert Martin on Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming
Michael and Alana Blumenthal on an IoT project
Rob Reynolds on Chocolatey
Episode 500: A Celebration of Friends
Keith Casey on The Tech Events Network
Cecil Phillip on Away From the Keyboard
Doris Chen on Performance Tuning
Oren Eini on RavenDB
Kevin Grossnicklaus on API Design
Richard Taylor on Web Development to Xamarin Development
Merwan Hade on Microsoft Flow
Pratap Ladhani on PowerApps
Jay Harris on Web Development Tools
Jeremy Clark on Social Developers
Scott Addie on Migrating to ASP.NET Core
Christina Aldan on Emotional Intelligence
Adam Freymiller on Interviewing for a Tech Job
Gael Fraiteur on PostSharp 5.0
Miguel Castro on Building AngularJS Component-Based Applications
Jimmy Bogard on AutoMapper
Riccardo Bennett-Lovsey on Digital Transformations
Kent Alstad on Leadership
Matthew Renze on Data Science
Jonathan Mills on Angular CLI
Nancy Gaines on Productivity
Peter Leeson on Quality
Florin Loghiade on Testing PowerShell with Pester
Boris Hristov on Technical Presentations
Radu Vunvulea on Surviving in the IoT World
Ben Armstrong on Containers and Virtualization
Bob Waltenspiel and Dave Phillips on IT In The D
Jef King on The Missing Children Society of Canada
Chris Heilmann on Progressive Web Apps
J Tower on Communication Skills for Engineers
Anne Bougie on Azure Storage Options
David Washington on Home Automation
Matt Soucoup on What's New in Xamarin
Heather Downing on Alexa, Web API, and Azure
Jaidev Kunjur on Enterprise Integration
Ed Charbeneau on Machine Learning and the Full Stack Developer
Vibhu Bhutani on IoT Projects
Aaron Lerch on Hacking for Good
Chris Woodruff on Electron
Gary Short on A Chicken Counting Algorithm
Maggie Pint on JS Foundation
Bryan Soltis on Azure Search
Jeff Strauss on ECMAScript 6
Rachel Weil on Connected NES
Abi Iyer and Jen Anderson on Azure support for Red Hat Linux
Jeff Fritz on the Current State of Web Forms
Glenn Block on Serverless Computing
Amanda Lange on the Microsoft Bot Framework and LUIS
Ashley Grant on Aurelia
Iris Classon on Microsoft Band Development
Matt Groves on Couchbase
Safia Abdalla on nteract
Jon DeJong on JavaScript Observables
Douglas Crockford on the Seif Project
Maggie Pint on Date and Time and momentjs
Hadi Hariri on Software Churn
Kasia Mrowca on Feature Gluttony
Steve Sanderson on JavaScript Services
Bridget Kromhout on CloudFoundry
Adam Granicz on WebSharper
Angela Dugan on Project Retrospectives
Shawn Wildermuth on the "Hello World" Road Trip
Kevin Remde on Security and Windows 10
Kassandra Perch on Auth0
Jakub Jedryszek on the Azure Portal
Mike Benkovich on Visual Studio Team Services
Rocky Lhotka and Jason Bock on Open Source
Jason Farrell on Xamarin Test Cloud
Lwin and Min Maung on Microcontrollers
Jayson Street on Security Threats
Laurent Ellerbach on an IoT Garden
Raffaele Rialdi on Security in ASP.NET Core
J Tower on Extreme Remote Working
Lance Larsen on Microsoft Hololens
JD Marymee on IoT, Students, and the International Space Station
Daniel Rings and Michael Donner on Hacking with Alexa and Oxford
Paul Cutsinger on Alexa and Echo
Nick Landry on .NET Framework and .NET Core
Shahed Chowdhuri on ASP.NET Core
Brian Lewis on Security Threats
Raj Krishnan on the Azure Billing API
Startup CTOs on Azure
Jeff Wilcox on What's New In Azure
GCast 12: Cognitive Services - Face API
Liv Erickson on Virtual Reality
Donovan Brown on DevOps
Michael Lanzetta on Deep Learning Toolkit
Seth Juarez on Channel 9
Paul DeCarlo and Jeremy Foster on IoT Labs
Kevin Griffin on Improving ASP.NET Performance
James Montemagno on Xamarin Plug-Ins
Josh Varty and Amadeusz Wieczorek on Alive Visual Studio Plug-Inivis
Mark Miller on The Science of Great Design
Doc Norton on Software Project Metrics
Katie Anderson on the Microsoft Student Partner program
Technology and Friends, Episode 400!
Matt Winkler on Azure Data Lake
Robert Cain on PowerShell for Developers
Douglas Starnes on Python
Shahed Chowdhuri on Game Development
Jerry Nixon on Windows 10 Development
Jeff McWherter on Transitioning from a Programmer to a Manager
Sam Basu on NativeScript
Andrew Duthie on Sensors and IoT
Keith Elder on Erlang
Keith Casey on BDD
James Bender on Angular
Chris Risner on ASPNET on Linux and Mac
Michael Blumenthal on Tools to Teach Kids to Code
Episode 385: Katarina Eames on An Early Start to a Software Career
Joe Eames on JavaScript Frameworks
Carl Schweitzer on the Universal App Platform
Jason Young on IoT, Microsoft Band, and PowerPoint
Danny Warren on Cortana
Max Lynch on Ionic
Cory House on React
Josh Carroll on Preparing for Angular 2
Ed Charbeneau on Expressions in .NET
My TV show is moving to Channel 9
Ondrej Balas on OWIN
Jennifer Marsman on Mind Reading and Machine Learning
Jerry Nixon on Windows 10 Performance
Mark Rendle on C# 6
Alex Mang on Application Insights
Andy Cross on Big Data in Azure
Paula Januszkiewicz on The Human Side of Security
Kris Wagner on Hot Parties in Azure
Mads Kristensen on Web Essentials
Steve Woodward on SkySync
Kristin Barrett on the Chicago Innovation Exchange
Dave Voyles on Azure Media Services
Nick Landry on Universal Apps
Matt Stratton on Chef
Dave Voyles on WebGL
Esther Lee and Fernanda Saraiva on MVP Virtual Conference
Mike Pintar on NETEnergy
Red Lanterns on Kinect and Python
Swift and Shy on Major League Hacking
Bill Fink on Kinect Photo Booth
The Flock team on Flock
Robert C. Martin on Software Professionalism
6 Years of Technology and Friends
Brian Sherwin on Finding Your Dream Job
Josh Holmes on Nitrogen
Jeff Fritz on ASP.NET 5
Chris Risner on Azure Mobile Services Offline Data
Jared Faris on Browser F12 Tools
Tim Benroeck on Advanced Azure Web Sites
TAMUHack User Stories
Scott Allen on Managing Large AngularJS Projects
Rob Fletcher on Team Building and Charity
MHacks User Stories
Sam Basu and Michael Crump on the Telerik Platform
Sam Basu and Michael Crump on New Features of App Builder
Mina Markham on SASS
Michael Perry on Cryptography Ghost Stories
Robert Jacobi on Joomla on Azure
Carson, Babker, and Hurley on Joomla
Adam Grocholski on Azure Command-Line Tools
Rachel Appel on The Challenges of JavaScript
Rob Gillen on Security for Developers
Gaines Kergosien on Self-Marketing for Developers
Eric Potter on ScriptCS and Arduino
Sam McClanahan on MakerSpaces and HackerSpaces
Kevin Griffin on MasterMind sessions
Kevin Hazzard on Technology in Schools
Rob Gibbens on Xamarin 3.0
Laura Eagin and LeeAnn Drees on Girl Develop It
Wolfgang Goerlich on Security Development Lifecycle
Bill Wagner and Tony Surma on Humanitarian Toolbox
Tudor Damian on Application Security Threats
Peter Leeson on Organizational Change
Windows Mobile Developer Stories
Andrew Brust on Excel BI Tools
Marcel de Vries on Code UI Tests
Rockford Developers on Building a Tech Community
Michael Collier on How to Think About Azure
Lance McCarthy on App Studio
Adam Jones on Data in Azure
Miguel Castro on MVC and Web API
Brent Schooley on Windows 8 Design
Nik Molnar on Glimpse
Tim Huckaby on Natural User Interfaces
Nick Landry on Windows Speech SDK
David Chappell on Barriers to the Public Cloud
Rich Dudley on Cleaning Data
Eric Lawrence on Fiddler
Jon Skeet on Building an API
Gary Short on Data Science
Technology and Friends Passes 5 Years and 300 Episodes
Magnus Martensson on Global Windows Azure Boot Camp
Technology and Friends, Episode 300! Celebrating with Friends!
Francis Cheung on Prism
Francis Cheung on Prism
Brian Sullivan on Durandal
Javier Lozano on GeekShare
Ward Bell on Breeze
Alex Madjar on Education
Dave Bernard on Outsourcing
Dino Esposito on Do's and Don't's of Software Projects
Ido Flatow on Fiddler
Gil Fink on HTML5 JavaScript APIs
Dino Esposito on When Not to Use Responsive Web Design
Esteban Garcia on TFS 2013
Terri Willingham on First Robotics
Terrence Dorsey on Writing About Code
Kendall Miller on Creating Commercial Software
Chris Love on Modern Web in the Enterprise
Drew Miller on Testing for Developers
Rachel Reese on F# Agents
Jose Mojica on Podcasting
David Makogon on Polyglot Persistence
Jordan Martz on Microsoft Big Data Strategies
Gene Powell, Jamie Wright, and Don Miller on Seed CoWorking
Tiberiu Covaci on Debugging ASP.NET Applications
Chris Gardner on Migrating from XNA to Windows 8 Game Development
Alex Turner on .NET Async
Todd Kaufman on Limitations of Agile
Holly Bertoncini on Telerik Influencer Programs
Jesse Liberty on Windows 8 Dev and Pluralsight
Shane Boyer on TypeScript
Lino Tadros on Cross-Platform Mobile Development
John Papa on Single Page Applications
Eric Boyd on Scaling Windows Azure
Jeff Fritz on MVC vs Web Forms
Chris Love on Touch Interfaces for Mobile Web Applications
Hoop Somuah on Azure Services for Halo
Shawn Weisfeld on UserGroup.tv
Scott Koon on the Problem with Software Development
Atley Hunter on Windows Phone 8
Brady Gaster on Azure Web Sites
Rachel Appel on Azure Mobile Services
Kristin Cederquist on Nanoparticles
Stan Schultes on Bar Camps, Economic Summits, and SparkGrowth
Mark Dunn on ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Views
James Bender on BDD
Brian and Stephen Sherwin on Controlling your Robot Army with C#, NetDuino and Kinect
Kevin Griffin on Winsitter
Chris Woodruff on Data Experience
Ben Von Handorf on Android Development
Peter Ritchie on Distributed Computing
Sharon Cichelli on Arduino
Sharon Cichelli on Arduino
Dennis Burton and Brian Genisio on Choose Your Own Application
Kent Fehribach and Matt Ruma on Growing a User Group
Patrick Delancy on .NET Memory Management
Joe Kuemerle on Reverse Engineering Applications
Josh Harrison on Azure Access Control service
Mark Bostleman on an Azure Proof of Concept
Ted Neward on The Advantages of F#
Kevin Wolf on his Quad Copter
Jimmy Bogard on Composite UIs
Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell on The .NET Rocks Road Trip
Mark Nichols on Clark's Garage (part 2)
Clark Sell on Clark's Garage
Samidip Basu on Moving between devices
Ian Felton on Marching Mountains
Ted Neward on PMs and Developers
Jay Harris on MVC View Engines
Keith Casey on Twilio
Chris Powers on Code Reuse
Alan Stevens on REAL Development
Samidip Basu on Windows 8
Jeff Nuckolls on Infrastructure as a Service
Michael Collier on New Azure Features
Pete Brown on .NET Gadgeteer
Joel Cochran on KnockoutJS
Gael Fraiteur on Aspect-Oriented Programming
Jeff Fritz on QUnit-Metro
Mark Defalco on Project Detroit
Vittorio Bertocci on WIF
Billy Hollis on Navigation Patterns
Bill Steele on 3D Printers
Kathleen Dollard on Underused Features of Visual Studio
Craig Berntson on Software Gardening
Elijah Manor on AmplifyJS
Max Trinidad on PowerShell
Sarah Dutkiewicz on Powershell
Jennifer Marsman on the Windows 8 App Store
Brent Stineman on Azure as a Financial Institution
Kevin Griffin on SignalR
Joe Guadagno on INETA
Troy Hunt on ASP.NET Security
Dustin Campbell on Roslyn
Clemens Vasters on Azure Service Bus
Mads Torgersen on CSharp 5
Malcolm Sheridan on MVC Lessons Learnt from Getting Burnt
Michael Crump on 11 Things Every Developer Should Do in 2012
Michael Crump on Silverlight 5
A Celebration of Friends
Mike and Toni Feltman on FoxPro
Bill Sempf on Security
Rob Reynolds on NuGet and Chocolatey
Mark Rendle on Simple.Data
Rich Dudley on Event Sponsorship
Suzanna Moran on Women In Technology
Russ Fustino on Making Money on Mobile Apps
Stephen Walther on the Ajax toolkit
Technology and Friends: Best of 2011
Seth Juarez on Kinect Development
Glenn Block on node.js
Paul Litwin and Suzanna Moran on Geeks Giving Back
Paul Litwin on ASP.NET MVC Scaffolding
Charles Stacy Harris III on the Microsoft Technology Center (part 2 of 2)
Charles Stacy Harris III and David Sawyer on the Microsoft Technology Center (part 1 of 2)
Scott Hunter on ASP.NET 4.5
Joe Kunk on Memory-Mapped Files
Mark Minasi on Windows Server 8
Joe Kunk on Windows 8
Brian Korzynski on Codeslingers
Bryan Hunter on Erlang
Rich Dudley on the Job Interview Process
Jeremy Likness on Sterling database
Kevin Griffin on jQuery Mobile
Richard Campbell on Windows 8 and Build
K Scott Allen on MVC3
Steve Bohlen on Agile Methods
Dani Diaz on Microsoft Mobile
Phil Japikse on Agile
Todd Anglin on HTML5
Steve Bodnar on Conference Setup
Jessica Moss on Performance Point
Wally McClure on Mobile Development
Kevin Hazzard on Teaching Programming to Children
Matt Wilburn on Robotics Competition
Mark Stanislav on Development Operations
Jason Farrell on Android Development
Mike Amundsen on node.js
Seth Juarez on Machine Learning
Charles Petzold on History and Science
Chander Dhall on the SOLID principles
Dixit, Martin and Hoover on Apprenticeships
Charles Stacy Harris III on the Micro Framework
Jon Galloway and Jesse Liberty on Remote Pairing
Jennifer Marsman on Pinned Sites in IE9
'Going Independent' panel discussion
Randy Pagels on Lab Management
Randy Pagels on Visual Studio Test Professional
Justin Etheridge on LINQ
Darcy Lussier on WP7 Offline Storage
Pickering, Marinos, and Minerich on F#
G Andrew Duthie on Community Megaphone
Brent Stineman on Azure Design Patterns
Heather Kostes and Nicolle Moser on the MVP Program
Scott Hanselman on Blogging
Matt Groves on Monodroid
Tiberiu Covaci on Parallel Computing
Matt Casto on Offline Applications
Alexei Govorine On VS DB Tools
Hadi Hariri on CouchDB
Lee Brandt on NHibernate
Chris Eargle on Fluent Interfaces
Carl Franklin on Interviewing
Carl Franklin on Audio Recording and Production
Shaun Walker and Joe Brinkman on DNN and Razor
Richard Campbell on Developers in Developing Nations
Josh Holmes on WebMatrix
Top 10 Technology and Friends episodes of 2010
Ann Arbor Give Camp
Martin Schray on Technical Evangelism
John Miller on PowerPivot
Job Search Panel Discussion
Joe Ross on Ford Sync
Mike and Cicelie Neel on Geek Relationships
John Petersen on Software and the Law
Alan Stevens on Vision
Episode 115
Keith Elder on WCF 4.0
Sarah Dutkiewicz on Social Media
Phil Winstanley on Exception Driven Development
Mike Wood on Moving to the Cloud
Jeremy Likness on MEF
Layla Driscoll on Being a PM
Mike Neel and Dylan Wolf on GameMarx
Michael Kimsal on JavaScript
J Wynia on Spark View Engine
Nathan Blevins on Lego Mindstorm
Putting on a Great Conference
Steve Andrews on GeekGive
Phil Japikse on Automated Testing
Brian Sherwin on Refactoring
Episode 100!!!
Paul Kimmel on Visual Studio 2010
Brian Jackett on Powershell
Chet Kloss on CRM
Jay Wren on Mono
Joe Wirtley on E-Commerce Challenges
David Truxall on TFS
Drinking from the Fire Hose
Matt Van Horn on Expression Blend
John McClelland on BizSpark and WebSiteSpark
Dane Morgridge on The Entity Framework
Cameron Skinner on Visual Studio 2010 Architecture Tools
John Hopkins and Jason Follas on the Ann Arbor Day of .Net
David Hoerster on jQuery and WCF
David Isbitski and Matt Van Horn on Silverlight Behaviors
John Petersen on jQuery, JSON and Ajax
Eric Greene on CMS
Michael Eaton on Kalamazoo X
Jennifer Marsman on Windows 7 Development
Karl Swedberg on jQuery
Brian Genisio on Prism
Jim Holmes on Unit Testing
Producing an Online TV Show
Producing an online TV show, Part 5: Sharing with the world
Producing an online TV Show, Part 4: Post-Production
Mike Amundsen on HTTP and REST
Producing an online TV Show, Part 3: Equipment
Producing an online TV Show, Part 2: The Interview
Producing an online TV Show, Part 1: Preparation
Gary Short on Technical Debt
Sam Corder on MongoDB
Debbie Must on Deployment
Corey Haines on Software Craftsmanship
Darrell Hawley on Django
Tim Wingfield on Kanban
Dave Bost on The Thirsty Developer
Jim Holmes on CodeMash 2010
Mike Wood and James Bender on NPlus1
Doc List on Open Spaces
Mary and Tom Poppendieck on Leadership
Jeff McWherter and Ben Hall on Testing
Bill Wagner on Dynamic Features of C# 4.0
Television Premiere of 'Technology and Friends'
Michael Eaton on Software Estimation
Jay Harris on Continuous Integration
Chris Woodruff on Grand Rapids Give Camp
Stephen Toub on Parallel Computing
Chris Woodruff on RIA Services
Sai Naik on the benefits of SharePoint
David Truxall on Debugging
Brian Prince on Windows 7 Under the Hood
Matt Hester on Windows Server 2008 R2
Kirstin Juhl on Lean Manufacturing vs Lean Software Development
Joe Kunk on DevExpress XTraReports
Jeremiah Peschka on Troubleshooting SQL Performance
Chris Hay on US and UK developer communities
Nathan Blevins on Microsoft Robotics Studio
James Bender on REST services
Phil Japikse on HopeMongers.org
Leon Gersing on Ruby
Craig Berntson on Continuous Integration
Jessica Moss on SSIS
Chris Smith on F#
Kathleen Dollard on MEF
Dennis Burton on Lansing Day of .Net
Sara Ford on CodePlex
John Kellar on DevLink 2009
Jamie Wright on Getting Real with Consulting
Betsy Weber on TechSmith products
Martin Shoemaker on UML
Jesse Murray on SharePoint Best Practices
Michael Eaton on the Ann Arbor Give Camp
Brian Genisio on the MVVM pattern
Corey Schuman on Silverlight
Josef Finsel on Azure Table Storage
Jim Wooley on Stored Procedures and Data Access
Mike Neel on CodeStock 2009
Ziad Hakim on iPhone Development
Aydin Akcasu on programming the Wii controller
Jennifer Marsman on Windows Azure
Chris Woodruff on Deep Fried Bytes
Mike Hacker on Single Sign-On
Mike Wood on Parallel LINQ
Michael Letterle on Preemptive Solutions
Jamie Wright on CSLA
Jeff Blankenburg on Stir Trek
David Edson on Data Visualization with Microsoft Visio
McWherters and Harrises on the Lansing Give Camp
Chris Woodruff and Bill Miller on the West Michigan .Net University
Randy Pagels on Visual Studio Team System 2010
Randy Pagels on Visual Studio Team System
Michael Eaton on Michigan Give Camps
Jim Holmes on CodeMash
Matt Pizzimenti on a2geeks.org
Mark Hindsbo on Microsoft and the Developer Community
Phil Japikse on Application Deployment
Tim Adams interviewing me interviewing him
Mike Wood talks about building community
Brian Prince on Working For Microsoft
Darryl Hogan on Architect Evangelism
Joe Fiorini on meetinbetween.us
Monish Nagisetty explains BizTalk Server
Alan Stevens discusses open spaces technology
Jason Follas explains SQL Server Spatial Data Types
Steve Smith discusses performance and scalability
John Kellar discusses interviewing and DevLink
New Feature: Tech Interviews

Testing (32)

Hillel Wayne on TLA+
Joe Kunk on Windows UI Testing
Jason Bock on Mutation Testing
GCast 113: Passing parameters to xUnit.net tests with the ClassData attribute
GCast 112: Passing parameters to xUnit.net tests with the InlineData attribute
GCast 111: Writing unit tests with xUnit.net
Ed Charbeneau on Blazor Testing
GCast 85: Dependency Injection in Java Spring Apps
Layla Porter on Test Driven Development
Jeremy Miller on Automated Testing in .NET Core
Jennifer Wadella on Gatsby
Florin Loghiade on Testing PowerShell with Pester
Eric Potter on Canopy
Marcel de Vries on Code UI Tests
Drew Miller on Testing for Developers
James Bender on BDD
Visual Studio 2012 Coded UI Tests screencasts
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 3: Modifying Maps
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 2: Assertions
Coded UI 2012 screencast, Part 1: Fundamentals, Functional Tests, and Smoke Tests
Visual Studio 2010 Coded UI Tests screencasts
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 3: Modifying Maps
Coded UI 2010 screencast, Part 2: Assertions
Getting Started With Coded UI Tests
.NET Performance Testing and Optimization
Phil Japikse at GANG: Testing Code From The Pit of Despair
Randy Pagels on Lab Management
Randy Pagels on Visual Studio Test Professional
Jim Holmes's Unit Testing Presentation at GANG
Phil Japikse on Automated Testing
Jim Holmes on Unit Testing
Unit Testing Private Methods

TFS (3)

Esteban Garcia on TFS 2013
Introducing Team Foundation Service - a hosted ALM solution
David Truxall on TFS

Theatre (52)

Romeo+Juliet Closes Its DC Run Successfully
Manual Cinema's Frankenstein is a Creative Multimedia Mashup
The Goodman's "Inherit the Wind" Tells a Story of Fear and Prejudice
Cinderella in Arlington Revives Childhood Memories
"Ain't Too Proud" Brings the Temptations to Life
“The House of Ideas” is an Excellent Finale to Pracht’s Four-Color Trilogy
Back To the Future: The Musical is a Fun Trip Back in Time
Misbehavin' to the Music of Fats Waller
John Cleese is Not Yet Dead
"Six: The Musical" is a Delightful Hybrid Concert and Play
"Death Becomes Her" is a Dark, Fun Faustian Tale
"On Your Feet" Brings the Inspiration of Gloria Estafan’s Life
My Fair Lady Takes a Charming Trip Back in Time
"Mrs. Doubtfire" Revived with Fun and Music
"Message in a Bottle" Tells Refugees’ Exodus Through Dance and the Music of Sting
The Wizarding World Returns in "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child"
"When You Awake, You Will Rember Everything" Delivers Campy Fun
Highway Patrol Tells a True Story of a Dark Side of Social Media
Hamilton Was At Least As Good The Second Time
New Life for the Familiar Grinch Story
"Boop! The Musical" is a Fun-Filled Fantasy
Chris Kattan Casually Entertains
"The Innocence of Seduction" Tackles Comic Book Censorship
Tommy Sees, Hears, and Touches Chicago
"Personality" Highlights Lloyd Price's Life and Music
"London Road" is a Different Kind of Musical
"Into the Woods" Examines What Happens After 'Happily Ever After'
"Last Night and the Night Before" - a Mystery with Multiple Layers
"Jagged Little Pill" is Thoughtful, Emotional, and Entertaining
"A Soldier's Play" - a story of Segregation and Duty
"Big Fish: The Musical" is a Delightful Fantasy in Lincolnshire
CST Director Director Barbara Gaines Finishes Strong with "The Comedy of Errors"
A New Era for "1776"
"Drunk Shakespeare" is Laugh-Out-Loud Funny
Wuthering Heights as a Musical? Yes, Please!
Chicago in Chicago
"The Ripple, The Wave that Carried Me Home" Reminds us of a Dark Past
"Dear Evan Hansen" is a Sad Musical Tale of Well-Intentioned Lying
"The Island' Explores Friendship in a South African Prison
The Mark of Kane Explores the Origins of a Comic Book Icon
Overacting and Rudeness Are the Strengths of "Hay Fever"
The 90s Return with "Cruel Intentions" at the Chopin Theatre
Teatro ZinZanni is a Different Kind of Variety Show
Lucky to see "The Luckiest"
"Spring Awakening" Takes Chances and Succeeds
"King James"–a Fun Bromantic Comedy!
"Good Night, Oscar" Displays the Highs and Lows of Oscar Lavant
Shakespeare and the Beatles Join Forces in "As You Like It"
25 Years Later, RENT Still Inspires
Matilda The Musical is a delight for all ages
"Miss Saigon" brings beautiful music and tragedy to Wharton Center
"Hamilton" in Chicago combines History and Hip Hop

Tools (4)

Increasing Developer Velocity
Matthew Renze on the AI Developers Toolkit
Nik Molnar on Visual Studio Codespaces
Gael Fraiteur on PostSharp 5.0

Travel (33)

East Coast Rhapsody
Nordic Rhapsody 2024
California Dreaming, 2023, part 2
California Dreaming 2023
Texas Rhapsody 2023
Things To Do in Chicago
New England Rhapsody
Portuguese Rhapsody
Rocky Mountain Rhapsody
California Dreaming on a Winter’s Week
Croatian Vacation 2021
Tennessee Rhapsody
Northern Michigan Rhapsody
Short Days and Good Friends in Scandinavia
Tokyo Drifting
I Amsterdam (and so are you)
London Calling Me Back
Searching for my Past in Quebec
A Soggy Day in London Town
Norwegian Good 2018
Romanian Rhapsody 2018
My South American Expedition 2017
A Return to Stockholm and DevSum 2017
Exploring Chicago Neighborhoods one sausage at a time
Romanian Rhapsody 2016, part 2
Romanian Rhapsody 2016, part 1
Swedish Rhapsody 2015
Transylvanian Rhapsody 2015
Romanian Rhapsody 2014
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 4: Final Thoughts
Hungarian Rhapsody - Part 3 of Romanian Rhapsody
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 2: IT Camp
Romanian Rhapsody - Part 1: Arrival and Sibiu

User Stories (1)

MHacks User Stories

Velocity (5)

Jeffrey Miller on Building a Second Brain
January Speaking Schedule
Central Ohio Day of .Net recap
Speaking at Central Ohio Day of .Net
The Basics of Caching and Microsoft Velocity

Video (977)

Venkat Subramaniam on The Evolution of Java
Danny Kim on Cybersecurity in Industry and Education
Christina Aldan on Changing Careers
Joe Sharmer on Migration, Modernization and Entra
GCast 188: Creating a Copilot Agent with Copilot Studio
Jerry Nixon on Data API Builder
AL Rodriguez on Managed Identities
GCast 187: Creating Azure AI Services
Barry Stahl on the Fediverse
Rhia Dixon on Code Reviews
Jennifer Marsman on Generative AI and the Office of the CTO
Alex Riviere on CSS Container Queries
Michelle Frost on Sociotechnical approaches to AI
Javier Salmeron on Bitnami and Tanzu Application Catalog
Jason Bock on C# Source Generators
Esteban Garcia on Prompt Engineering with GitHub Copilot
GCast 183: Using Copilot for M365 with Microsoft OneDrive
Dean Schuster on UX Design
Justine Cocchi on Building Applications using Azure Cosmos DB
GCast 182: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio Custom Classification Model
Bill Sempf on Trends in Application Security
Prasanna Pendse on Getting AI into Production
GCast 181: Using the .NET SDK to Create and Manage .NET Projects
Ben Kotvis on Modernizing Enterprise Applications
Kevin Griffin on the Multithreaded Income Podcast
Rob Bogue on Getting the Most Out of RAG with Copilot for M365
Greg Crist on Observability
GCast 180: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Outlook EmailsEnter a post title
Magnus Martensson on the Cloud for the Public Sector
Andrew Brust on the History of Big Data
Michelle Sandford on Responsible AI
Jeff Fritz on Deploying NET Aspire Applications
GCast 178: Administrative Setup for Microsoft Dev Box
Scott Hunter on NET Aspire
Rocky Lhotka on Designing Distributed Systems
GCast 177: Getting Started with NET Aspire
Valerie Gurka on Documentation in Software Engineering
Scott Hermes on Microsoft Fabric
GCast 176: Using Azure AI Document Intelligence Studio
Raj Krishnan on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
GCast 175: Getting Started with Azure OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Studio
Technology and Friends, Episode 800: A Celebration of Friends!
Chris Nicholas on Enterprise Acceleration of AI
GCast 174: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Teams
John Burns on Platform Engineering
Scott Kramer and Randy Dojutrek on The impact of AI on Tech Jobs
GCast 173: Creating an AI Solution with Copilot Studio
John Petersen on How Scrum was Stolen
Hillel Wayne on TLA+
GCast 172: Using M365 Copilot with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
Paul Sheriff on Starting and Running a Successful Consulting Business
Gael Fraiteur on Metalama
GCast 171: Making GitHub Copilot Use Your Coding Standards
Kashif Qureshi and Nick Simons on Fluid Framework
Jordan Thayer on the AI Landscape
GCast 170: Getting Started with GitHub Copilot
Oren Eini on the Corax Search Engine Part 2
Oren Eini on the Corax Search Engine, Part 1
GCast 169: Indexers and Indexes in Azure AI Search
Michael Eaton on Sharing Knowledge
Jeremy Miller on The Case Against Clean Architecture
GCast 168: GitHub Action Triggers
Alex Riviere on Fresh Hot CSS Features
Brian Gorman on a Microsoft Software Training Program for US Military Veterans
GCast 167: GitHub Actions
Jose And Laurel Mojica on Virtual Reality Storytelling
Brendan Burns on Creating Kubernetes
GCast 166: GitHub Codespaces [GCast 166]
Kevin Gates on Photography
Steve Smith on Clean Architecture
GCast 165: GitHub projects [GCast 165]
Joël Hébert on API Security