Logging is an important part of an application - particularly when trying to troubleshoot problems that occurred in the past.
In this article, we will discuss adding logging to a Spring Boot Java application. Spring contains the Logback logging framework, which we will use in our examples.
In previous articles, I showed how to create a Java Spring Boot application. We will continue working on that application in this article.
NOTE: The code for the previous article can be found here. If you did not work through the samples in that article, you can use this code as a starting point for this article.
Logging Levels
Logging supports five levels of logging. In order, they are:
When you configure logging, you can specify a level of logging and your application will log only messages at that specified level and above. So, if you configure logging at the TRACE level, all five levels are logged; but, if you configure logging at the INFO level, only INFO, WARN, and ERROR messages are logged.
Logging Configuration
Add the file "logback-spring.xml" to any folder in your application path. I like to add it into the "resources" folder.
The following XML configures your application to implement a Console logger and tells Java how to format text in the console. Paste it into the logback-spring.xml file.
%black(%d{ISO8601}) %highlight(%-5level) %cyan(%logger{36}) - %msg%n
Within the
Now that we have configured our application for logging, we can add some logging code.
In one of the controllers (I chose _GreetingController), create a logger object as a private variable, as shown below:
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MathController.class);
NOTE: Validate that the Logger and the LoggerFactory classes are in the import org.slf4j libraries
The Logger class contains five methods that write to a log - each at a different level (trace, debug, info, warn, and error).
Add some logging statements to your code. These statements will work in the greetPerson method:
logger.trace("Hello" + personName);
logger.debug(personName +" is Tracy's mom!");
logger.info("Information, please, " + personName);
logger.warn("Warning! Warning! Warning! Dr, Smith, call " + personName);
logger.error(personName + " is exceptional!");
Running the Code
We can run this code locally and call the greetPerson method with the URL: http://localhost:8080/greetings/greet/David
After running, we should see log statements in the console, as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
Note that we have five log statements, but only output three of them. This is because we configured the application to only log level INFO and above.
In this article, I showed you how to implement logging in an Azure Spring Boot application. You can find the sample code here.