If you find that you are often querying the same aggregation query of ADX data, it may be useful to create a Materialized View. A Materialized view performs the aggregation in advance as data is added to the table. We can then query the Materialized View, rather than the table, eliminating the need for our query to perform aggregation.


For the examples in this article, we will use a table created with the following ADX commands:

.drop table customers

.create table customers

.ingest inline into table customers <| 
'Bill Gates', datetime(2022-01-10 11:00:00), 1000000, 'Redmond', '98052'
'Steve Ballmer', datetime(2022-01-06 10:30:00), 150000, 'Los Angeles', '90305'
'Satya Nadella', datetime(2022-01-09 17:25:00), 100000, 'Redmond', '98052'
'Steve Jobs', datetime(2022-01-04 13:00:00), 100000, 'Cupertino', '95014'
'Larry Ellison', datetime(2022-01-04 13:00:00), 90000, 'Redwood Shores', '94065'
'Jeff Bezos', datetime(2022-01-05 08:00:00), 750000, 'Seattle', '98109'
'David Giard', datetime(2022-01-02 09:01:00), 1.50, 'Chicago', '60605'
See this article for information on managing tables with ADX commands.

You can run the examples in this article in either the ADX Data Explorer web page or in Kusto.Explorer - a rich client Windows application that you can download for free from here.

Creating a Materialized View

Here is some of the syntax for creating a Materialized View, using the features that we found most useful:

.create async materialized-view
with (backfill=backfill_status, docString='description' )
on table source {


  • backfill_status is true, if you want to calculate the aggregation for all existing rows in the table. For large tables, this can take a long time. Set this to false if you only want to aggregate data inserted after the view is created.
  • description is a brief description of the view, making it easier for others to identify its purpose.
  • materialized_view_name is the name of the view to create
    source is the name of the source table (or another Materialized View)
  • aggregation_query is a KQL query and/or set of commands that returns a dataset. This query must include aggregated data, such as avg, min, or max.

You must add the async keyword if you set backfill=true.

You can find the full syntax here.

Here is an example:

.create async materialized-view 
with (backfill=true, docString='Summary customer sales' ) 
on table customers { 
| summarize numCustomers=count(), minSales=min(YtdSales), maxSales=max(YtdSales), avgSales=avg(YtdSales) by PostalCode
Once we have this materialized view, we can query it as we would query a table, as in the following example:
| where avgSales > 100000
The results of this query are shown in Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Altering a Materialized View

Use the .alter materialized-view to modify an existing View. The syntax is nearly identical to the .create materialized-view command.

For example, the following command will remove the minSales aggregated column in the view I created above.

.alter materialized-view
on table customers { 
| summarize numCustomers=count(), maxSales=max(YtdSales), avgSales=avg(YtdSales) by PostalCode

Removing a Materialized View

You can remove a materialized view with the .drop materialized-view command, as in the following example:

drop materialized-view myMaterializedView


Although there is an initial performance hit when rows are inserted, using a Materialized View can speed up your queries considerably.