Microsoft recently released the ASP.Net Model View Controller framework (ASP.Net MVC).  It is currently available as Community Technology Preview 3 and can be downloaded at

This article describes how to create an ASP.Net MVC application and the code that is auto-generated for you.

Creating a new ASP.Net MVC project

1.       Open Visual Studio 2008.  Create a new project: Select File | New Project.  The New Project dialog displays.

    Figure 1

a.       Under Project Type, select Visual Basic\Web or Visual C#\Web, depending on your language preference.

b.      Under Templates, select ASP.Net MVC Web Application.  This application was added when you installed the ASP.Net MVC preview.

c.       Provide an appropriate location and name for the project and solution.

d.      Click the OK button to create the project.

2.       One of the advantages of an ASP.Net MVC project is that the separation of most of the code from the user interface makes it easier to write unit tests.  Visual Studio encourages you to create unit tests for your new project by prompting you with the Create Unit Test Project dialog every time you create an MVC project.

    Figure 2

a.       If you wish, you can decline to create a Unit Test project or you can change the default project name.  Typically I do not change any defaults on this dialog.

b.      Click the OK button to create the Unit Test project.

The Folder structure of an MVC project

When you create a new MVC project, Visual Studio, generates a couple views and controllers.  If you understand how these work, you can use them to guide how you will create more views and controllers.

The solution contains two projects: an MVC project and a unit test project.

View the projects in Solution Explorer.  Select View | Solution Explorer.  The MVC project contains several folders.

    Figure 3

1.       The Content folder contains a stylesheet Site.css for this site.

2.       The Controllers folder is where you will store all your controller classes.  By default, this folder contains a single controller class - HomeController.cs.

3.       The Models folder is where you will store any model classes for your application.

4.       The Views folder contains a subfolder for each view in your application.  By default, there are two subfolders: Home and Shared. 

a.       The Shared subfolder contains a master page for the site because it is shared by multiple web pages.  Any other UI elements shared by the site belong in this folder.

b.      The Home folder contains two pages: About.aspx and Index.aspx. 

5.       As with most web applications, the root folder of this project contains a Global.asax file and a Web.Config file, which contain setup and configuration information for the application as a whole.

The Files and Folders of an MVC project

Open Global.asax and view the code.  Notice that the Application_Start method (which fires once, at the startup of the web application) contains a call to the RegisterRoutes method. The RegisterRoutes method tells the MVC framework how to interpret a URL. 

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)





        "Default",                                              // Route name

        "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters

        new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults




The routes.MapRoute method accomplishes this.  In this case, a “Default” route collection is created that interprets a URL with syntax like “{controller}/{action}/{id}”. 

·         The first part of the URL specifies the controller to use.  MVC looks in the Controllers folder for a class that inherits from System.Web.Mvc.Controller with a name that matches the controller specified in the URL.

·         The second part of the URL specifies the action to take.  The action is the public method within this controller that will be called. 

·         The third part of the URL specifies an id to pass to the action method.  This can be used to further customize the action.  For example, we could use the id as a filter to dynamically look up a single row in a database.

The routes.MapRoute method also allows us to specify defaults if no controller or action or id is specified in the URL.  If any of these are omitted from the URL, MVC will use the defaults specified in the third parameter of routes.Maproute.  In this case the object new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } tells MVC the following:

·         If no Controller is specified in the URL, assume the Home controller (i.e., look for a class named “Home.cs” in the Controllers folder).

·         If no Action is specified in the URL, assume the Index action (i.e., look for a public method “Index” in the Home.cs class).

·         If no ID is specified in the URL, assume a blank ID (i.e., any code looking for an ID will retrieve an empty string).

Open the view files: Home.aspx and About.aspx and notice that there is no code behind in either.  This is because ASP.Net MVC applications do not execute the page life cycle.  All the code for this application is in the controllers.  These view pages contain only visual elements.

Open the controller class: Homecontroller.cs.  As we mentioned before, this class derives from the System.Web.Mvc.Controller class and it contains two methods: Index and About.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Mvc;


namespace TestMVC.Controllers


    public class HomeController : Controller


        public ActionResult Index()


            ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";

            ViewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";


            return View();



        public ActionResult About()


            ViewData["Title"] = "About Page";


            return View();




“HomeController” is the name of the class to implement the Home controller.  This is typical of how MVC works – developers follow naming conventions in order tell the framework where to find the code to run.  In the case of controllers, we implement a controller by sub-classing the System.Web.Mvc.Controller class, naming this subclass “xxxController” (where xxx is the Controller name) and placing that subclass in the Controllers folder of our MVC project.  If we wanted to call a controller named “David”, we would create a System.Web.Mvc.Controller class named “DavidController” into the Controllers folder.  This process is known as “convention over configuration”, meaning that the framework knows where to find code based on the names we use.

Let’s look closely at the Index method.  Recall that the method in the controller is the Action that is specified in the URL.  So the Index method will be called if the Index action is specified.

ViewData is a dictionary collection that is a property of every Controller object.  We can add or update items in this collection by syntax such as
ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";

By placing items in this collection, we make them available to the view when it is called.

The view (remember this is the UI that the user will see) is returned from this method.  The following line returns the default view.
return View();

We know it is the default view because the statement did not specify the name of the view.  The default view has the same name as the Action called.  In this case, we are returning the Index view.  Once again, MVC uses conventions to determine where to find the view.  All views associated with a given controller are stored in a subfolder named for that controller beneath the Views folder.  In this case, we are using the Home controller, so we look for views in the Views\Home folder of the project.  The view itself is a file with the same name as the view and with an extension of “.aspx” or “.ascx”.  In this case, we are looking for the default view (Index) of the Home controller.  MVC renders the page Views\Home\Index.aspx for this view.  Again, the developer uses naming conventions to tell the framework where to find items.

Open Index.aspx.  Notice it displays the message stored in the ViewData dictionary by the controller.
= Html.Encode(ViewData["Message"]) %>

However, it contains no other code, because all logic is handled by the controller.


Creating a new ASP.Net MVC project is as easy as creating any other Visual Studio project.  Learning the paradigm that the MVC framework uses can be a challenge; but the samples created automatically with a new project can ease that learning curve.

In the next article, we will add a new controller and view to a project.