Creating an Azure Logic App

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With a Logic App, you can create and run scalable workflows that are hosted in the Azure cloud. A graphical designer and connectors to hundreds of databases, APIs, and external applications and services make it possible to quickly create a workflow using Logic Apps.

To create a new Logic App, navigate to the Azure Portal, sign in and click the [Create a resource] button (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

Select Integration | Logic App, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

The "Create Logic App" blade with the "Basics" tab selected, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

At the "Resource group" field, select or create a resource group in which to store this Logic App.

At the "Logic App name" field, enter a unique name for this Logic App.

At the "Location" dropdown, select the region in which to store this Logic App.

Click the [Review + create] button when you have completed this tab. The "Review + create" tab displays, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Review your choices. Switch back to the "Basics" tab if you need to make any corrections. Click the [Create] button to create the Integration Account.

After Azure creates the Logic App, the "Your deployment is complete" message displays, as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Click the [Go to resource] button to open the Start Page of your Logic App, as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

On the start page, a video is available if you want a brief introduction to Logic Apps.

Below the video is a set of buttons that allow you to create a new workflow with a common trigger. A trigger is an action that starts a Logic App workflow.

The next section lists buttons for templates to perform some common tasks. Each template contains a trigger and one or more actions.

These buttons help to accelerate your development by providing some of the activities in a workflow and allowing you to fill in the specific properties.

Fig. 7 shows the Logic App designer after you select the HTTP Request-Response template.

Fig. 7

In this article, you learned how to create a new Logic App.