Data Science (31)

Israel Ekpo on Vector Databases
Brian Korzynski on Machine Learning Challenges for a C# Developer
Adi Polak on LakeFS
GCast 117: Getting Started with Azure Data Explorer
Dani Diaz on IoT and Azure Percept
Kyle Bunting and Joel Hulen on Data Engineering in Azure
Gary Short on The Mathematics of COVID19 & the Hero You've Never Heard Of
Sven Aelterman on Data in Education
GCast 77: Connecting Azure Synapse to External Data
Jes Schultz on Data Engineering
Ruth Yakubu on Machine Learning tools in Azure
Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan on SmartArm
"Building and Training your own Custom Image Recognition AI" presentation at NDC-Oslo
"How Cloud Computing Empowers a Data Scientist" at 2018 IT Camp in Romania
GCast 5: Azure Databricks
GCast 4: Azure Notebooks
Cloud Computing and Data Science at Chicago AI & Data Science Conference
GCast 3: Creating and Deploying a Predictive Web Services with Azure ML Studio
GCast 2: Azure Machine Learning Studio
Handling Missing Data in a Pandas DataFrame
Replacing Values in Azure ML Studio Data
Azure ML Studio Can Accelerate Building Machine Learning Solutions
Kevin Ashley on AI and basketball
University of Toronto Students Analyze Data for Fun and Prizes
Kevin Leung on Building Bots
Jim Christopher on Data Science
Generating a Cognitive Services API Key
Cognitive Services Make It Easy to Use Machine Learning in Your Application
Matthew Renze on Data Science
Ed Charbeneau on Machine Learning and the Full Stack Developer
Gary Short on A Chicken Counting Algorithm