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Security (77)
Security (77)
Danny Kim on Cybersecurity in Industry and Education
Joe Sharmer on Migration, Modernization and Entra
AL Rodriguez on Managed Identities
Bill Sempf on Trends in Application Security
Secure Future Initiative Aims to Increase Security
Joël Hébert on API Security
Fernando da Silva on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Nic Jackson on Hashicorp Vault
Addressing Data Loss Protection Error for Non-Sensitive Documents
GCast 146: Granting YouTube Permissions to Other Users
GCast 145: Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
GCast 144: Managing Azure Active Directory Groups
GCast 143: Invite External Users to Azure Active Directory
GCast 142: Security Defaults in Azure Active Directory
GCast 141: Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
Adding Users to an Azure Active Directory Group
GCast 140: Using the Microsoft Graph API
Creating an Azure Active Directory Group
Azure Active Directory Bulk User Operations
Invite External Azure Active Directory User
GCast 139: Creating a JWT Bearer Token with Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory Security Defaults
Implementing Conditional Access Policies in Azure Active Directory
Himanshu Rao on Reliability, Performance, and Scalability in the Cloud
GCast 138: Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an Application Registration
GCast 137: Registering an Application with Azure Active Directory
GCast 136: Creating an Azure Active Directory User
Azure Identity Management with Microsoft Graph
Buck Woody on Database Security
Registering an Azure Account Subscription
Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
Using the MS Graph API
Granting Azure Active Directory Permissions to an App Registration
Creating a JWT Bearer Token
Generating a Client Secret for an Azure Application
Creating a new Active Directory User
Simeon Kakpovi and Greg Schloemer on a Cybersecurity game
GCast 133: Configuring an Azure App Service Identity Provider
GCast 132: Managing Azure Key Vault Secrets from a .NET App
GCast 131: Managing Secrets in an Azure Key Vault
Configuring an Identity Provider in an Azure App Service
James McKee on Application Security vs Developer Security
Registering an Application in Azure AD
Shannon Kuehn on Workload Identity Federation
Tudor Damian on Pandemics and Security
GCast 116: Azure Active Directory B2C Token Generation With No User Interaction
GCast 115: Registering an Azure Account Subscription
Tudor Damian on Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking
GCast 114: Creating an Azure Active Directory B2C Tenant
Wolfgang Goerlich on Cyber Security Design Principles
Dave Hoerster on Azure Active Directory B2C
Christos Matskas on Microsoft Identity Platform
Kevin Pilch on gRPC
Enabling Downloads in Internet Explorer 11
Ondrej Balas on 2-Factor Authentication
Jayson Street on Patching Humans
Tobiasz Koprowski on Securing SQL Server
Raffaele Rialdi on GDPR
Aaron Lerch on Hacking for Good
Douglas Crockford on the Seif Project
Bridget Kromhout on CloudFoundry
Kevin Remde on Security and Windows 10
Kassandra Perch on Auth0
Jayson Street on Security Threats
Brian Lewis on Security Threats
“Stuck in Traffic” videos provide brief riffs on IT Security
Paula Januszkiewicz on The Human Side of Security
Michael Perry on Cryptography Ghost Stories
Rob Gillen on Security for Developers
Wolfgang Goerlich on Security Development Lifecycle
Tudor Damian on Application Security Threats
Joe Kuemerle on Reverse Engineering Applications
Josh Harrison on Azure Access Control service
A Parable About Claims
Vittorio Bertocci on WIF
Troy Hunt on ASP.NET Security
Bill Sempf on Security