The cast of Lucy and Charlie's Honeymoon break into song"Lucy and Charlie's Honeymoon" is the brainchild of actor/writer/musician Matthew Yee. Yee wrote the script and stars as the title character Charlie.

The story chronicles a few days in the life of Lucy and Charlie, self-described "First Generation Asian American Renegades," who married two weeks after they met. Charlie fell in love with Lucy when she punched a bride during a bachelorette party. The day after the wedding, the couple decide to rob a gas station. The first problem occurs because they are terrible bank robbers (Charlie gets brain freeze from drinking a Slurpee too fast, and the surveillance video goes viral on Tik Tok. The second problem happens when they try to rescue Bao - an illegal immigrant forced into indenture by a heartless mobster.

The actors break out their instruments every few minutes and burst into song to advance the plot or show their emotion. The music is primarily country and western, with some folk, rock, and rockabilly thrown in for good measure.

This play is mostly a farcical comedy but also contains tragic and poignant moments. It forced us to think about illegal immigration, the role of police, human trafficking, and the family unit.

"Lucy and Charlie's Honeymoon" is a fun, wild ride with excitement, humor, and great music.