SQL Server (47)

Ryan Booz on PostgreSQL
Eric Potter on Kusto Query Language
Joe Kunk on SQL+.NET
GCast 75: Creating an Azure SQL Server Logical Server
Creating an Azure SQL Data Warehouse
GCast 53: Creating a Data Warehouse in Azure
Frank Gill on Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
GCast 16: Azure CosmosDB with SQL API
GCast 6: Azure SQL Database
Tobiasz Koprowski on Securing SQL Server
Jes Borland on SQL Server 2016
Andrew Brust on Excel BI Tools
David Makogon on Polyglot Persistence
Jordan Martz on Microsoft Big Data Strategies
SQL Server Spatial Data Types
Chris Woodruff on Data Experience
Calling an External Assembly from SSRS
Embedded Code in an SSRS Report
Day of Azure video: Jason Follas on Geospatial Data With Azure
Reading a Connection String from a CONFIG file
Tracking Thread History in SQL Server 2010
Passing Parameters to SQL Server
SQL Server Data Tier Applications
Dane Morgridge on The Entity Framework
Sam Corder on MongoDB
TimeOuts in ADO.Net
Joe Kunk on DevExpress XTraReports
Jeremiah Peschka on Troubleshooting SQL Performance
SQL 101
Jessica Moss on SSIS
Josef Finsel on Azure Table Storage
Jim Wooley on Stored Procedures and Data Access
SQL 101 - Part 6: Inserts, Updates and Deletes
SQL 101 - Part 5: Joins
SQL 101 - Part 4: Aggregating data
'SQL 101' at West Michigan .Net University
SQL 101 - Part 3: Selecting data from a table
SQL 101 - Part 2: Relationships
SQL 101 - Part 1: What is a Database?
Jason Follas explains SQL Server Spatial Data Types
Dave's Data Dude series
Data Dude tutorial 5 - Using the Data Compare tool
Data Dude tutorial 4 - Writing Database Unit Tests
Data Dude tutorial 3 - Using Schema Compare tool to deploy database changes
Data Dude tutorial 2 - Using Schema Compare tool to update a database project
Data Dude tutorial 1 - Creating a database project
The Goodness of Data Dude