CodeMash 2016

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For me, CodeMash is like a family reunion.

CodeMash2016-46 Even though the event has grown to 2500 attendees, I still look forward to seeing people that I've got to know at previous CodeMashes - many of them have been coming every year.

CodeMash2016-83Sure, there are over 200 great sessions and I was proud to be asked to deliver one of them ("A Hitchhiker's Guide to Azure Mobile Apps"); and there are plenty of great workshops and I was pleased to help out at a couple of those presented by my colleagues; and there were sponsors (including Microsoft) happy to share information about their company and talk with potential customers or recruits or just about anyone; and there were numerous activities organized by volunteers, sponsors, and others, including cocktail parties, charity events, a record-breaking Pong game (the Guinness Book folks were there to confirm this), and a game room, and a jam session, and... well, you get the picture.

CodeMash2016-52 But, for me, the conversations with speakers and attendees are what make an event special. And CodeMash is even more special to me because I was attending for the 9th consecutive year. I still kick myself for declining an invitation to the first CodeMash. I learn so much from these conversations and there are so many experts to learn from at this event. I worked as a sponsor at the Microsoft booth for most of the event, so people were coming to me to talk. CodeMash2016-22 Highlights of the week included:

  • A charity event organized by Microsoft in which attendees adapted toys so they could be used by special needs children. Over 100 participants adapted dozens of toys.
  • A conversation with Mark Miller about UX design principles
  • My own session, for which I received some positive feedback.
  • The CodeMash Factory, where numerous people came to learn about and hack on IoT and other topics and build some amazing projects.

CodeMash2016-01 This was the 10th anniversary of CodeMash and it shows no signs of slowing down. It was an excellent way to kick off 2016.


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