For the third consecutive year, I will be attending CodeMash. This annual event will next be held at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, OH January 13-15.
I really like the CodeMash conference. Here's why
1. It has a regional feel.
There are a lot of bright, passionate developers in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee. You will see a good number of them at CodeMash, as presenters and as attendees.
2. The content and speakers are excellent.
I've heard many of these speakers before and it's an impressive list. In addition to thought leaders from the Heartland, CodeMash attracts internationally known authors and speakers, such as Mary Poppendieck, Chris Smith, Andy Hunt, Jim Wooley and Gary Short.
3. It's cross-platform.
As a .Net developer, it's easy for me to get tunnel vision regarding how I do software design and development. Learning from Ruby, Java and Python developers gives me a different perspective.
4. The sessions aren't the only place to learn.
There are so many smart people at these conferences that I learn as much outside the sessions as I do in them. I can talk to an expert in the hallway and ask specific questions about my project; or I can attend an open space and discuss a topic of interest with other smart people.
5. It is affordable.
It's tough to find a better deal than this. The cost for the 2-day conference is currently $220 (It would have been only $175 if you had registered last week. Sorry.) An optional "precompiler" day will set you back another $75. Compare that with a national conference like PDC, which costs thousands of dollars.
6. It's fun.
What can I say? I thrive on interacting with these folks. They are passionate about many of the same things I am. Plus there are activities at night, such as parties and poker tournaments. There is even an indoor water park at the resort. Many attendees bring their families with them to enjoy the slides while they are at the conference.
Interested yet? Is so, you can get more information at But hurry. I rushed to write this because I just saw a tweet announcing that only about 30 tickets remain.