On April 7 in Arlington Heights, IL, Michael Blumenthal and the PSC Group organized a day-long event, titled “Azure and the Modern Data Center”. The event featured a single track of speakers presenting on topics related to managing Azure from an IT Infrastructure perspective.

My colleague Brian Lewis delivered the keynote at this event and I gave a presentation on Virtualization Containers. Other topics included Compute & Storage Infrastructure, Networking Infrastructure, and Disaster Recovery.

The event was recorded and the videos are now available on Channel 9.

The complete agenda for the day is here:

Welcome Michael Blumenthal
Keynote: Why the Cloud will Change Your Life Brian Lewis
Azure Network Infrastructure Michael Blumenthal
Designing Azure Compute and Storage Infrastructure Bill Lee
Virtualization Containers David Giard
Device Showcase Scott Sheehy & Linda Baez
Deployment with ARM templates and GIT Geremy Reiner
Hybrid IT Management Rishi Bhatia
ASR recovery for protection and migration from on-premises Dan Rey
Designing Identity solutions with AAD Brice McDowell
Closing Remarks and Raffle Michael Blumenthal
